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Portuguese Culture during the Discoveries

Code: EPL005     Acronym: CPEDES

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Cultural Studies

Instance: 2023/2024 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
EP 2 EP - Study Plan 2 - 6 41 162
LLC 34 Study plan 1 - 6 41 162
Study plan 2 - 6 41 162

Teaching language



1. Access and understand key data of historical, cultural and social nature that has helped shape the typical way of “being Portuguese” and its relation with the Iberian, European and universal contexts.
2. Critically reflect on the testimonies of voyages of discovery and discuss the vision of the Other evident in these texts.
3. Situate the participation of 16th century Portugal in the process of opening of Europe - and specially the Iberian Peninsula - to other civilisations, and determine how it influenced the specificity of Portuguese culture.

Learning outcomes and competences

1. Access key data of historical, cultural and social nature that has helped shape the typical way of "being Portuguese" and its relation with the Iberian, European and universal contexts.
2. Critically reflect on the testimonies of voyages of discovery and discuss the vision of the Other evident in these texts.
3. Situate the participation of 16th century Portugal in the process of opening the West to other civilizations and determine how it influenced the specificity of Portuguese culture.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)



1. Travel literature as a cultural phenomenon.
1.1. Travels and travellers: types, motivations, constraints;
1.2. Travel as an escape.

2. From a vision of the world to the knowledge of new realities.
2.1. A guideline for the literature of discoveries: the itinerary of the first voyage of Vasco da Gama to India;
2.2. The discovery and revelation of a new world: the Letter of Pêro Vaz de Caminha;
2.3. The East and the West in dialogue: the Verdadeira Informação das Terras do Preste João, by Pe. Francisco Álvares, and the Itinerário da Índia a Portugal por Terra, by António Tenreiro.

3. The Portuguese and the seas: disasters and successes.
3.1. História trágico-marítima: narratives of utility and example.

Mandatory literature

POLO, Marco; O Milhão, Editora Educação Nacional, 1944
Luís de Sá Fardilha; Roteiro da primeira viagem de Vasco da Gama Índia, 1497-199. ISBN: 978-989-746-096-8
CAMINHA, Pêro Vaz de; Carta a D. Manuel I, Livros de Portugal, 1943
TENREIRO, António; Itinerário: em que se contém como da Índia veio por terra a estes reinos de Portugal, Estampa, 1980
BRITO, Bernardo Gomes de (comp.); História Trágico-marítima, Editorial Sul, 1955-56
PINTO, Fernão Mendes; Peregrinação, Lello & Irmão, 1984
ÁLVARES, Francisco; Verdadeira informação das terras do Preste João das Índias, Europa-América, 1989
AA. VV.; Viagens dos Descobrimentos, Editorial Presença, 1983

Complementary Bibliography

MEJÍA RUIZ, Carmen; NAVAS SÁNCHEZ-ÉLEZ; El oriente maravilloso y exótico. Dos relatos de viaje, Cartea Universitara, 2007. ISBN: 978-973-731-474-I
POPEANGA, Eugenia; Viajeros medievales y sus relatos, Cartea Universitara, 2005. ISBN: 973-731-204-X
CASTRO, Aníbal Pinto de; «Introdução» a «Peregrinação», de Fernão Mendes PINTO, Lello & Irmão, 1984
BROC, Numa; La géographie de la Renaissance (1420-1620), Les Éditions du C.T.H.S., 1986
CRISTÓVÃO, Fernando; Condicionantes culturais da literatura de viagens: estudos e bibliografias, Cosmos, 1999
MARGARIDO, Alfredo; «Os relatos de naufrágios na Peregrinação de Fernão Mendes Pinto», Difel, 1991
AA.VV.; Invitación al viaje, Junta de Extremadura, 2006
GRAÇA, Luís; A visão do Oriente na literatura portuguesa de viagens: os viajantes portugueses e os itinerários terrestres (1560-1670) , Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1983
AA. VV.; Voyager à la Renaissance. Colloque de Tours, 1983, Editions Maisonneuve et Larose, 1987
PINTO, João Rocha; A viagem, memória e espaço: a literatura portuguesa de viagens. Os primeirosrelatos de viagem ao Índico (1497-1560), Livraria Sá da Costa, 1989
MARNOTO, Rita; Il "Marco Paulo" di Valentim Fernandes nella catena traslativa del "Milione", Leo S. Olschki, 2008. ISBN: 9788822257055
ANDRADE, António Alberto Banha de; Mundos novos ao mundo. Panorama da difusão pela Europa de notícias dos Descobrimentos portugueses, Junta de Investigação do Ultramar, 1972
DIAS, J. S. da Silva; Os Descobrimentos e a problemática cultural do século XVI, Universidade de Coimbra, 1973

Teaching methods and learning activities

The classes will be simultaneously theoretical and practical, integrating expository and inductive methods focused on the student’s effort, initiative and critical participation. There will be a special emphasise on the critical review of texts (literary and non-literary) and other “period documents”. Use of audio-visual equipment.


Humanities > History
Social sciences > Cultural studies > Renaissance studies

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Teste 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 108,00
Frequência das aulas 54,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams


Calculation formula of final grade

Tree written tests, each one in the end of the item of the syllabus.

Examinations or Special Assignments


Internship work/project


Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable

Classification improvement

Since this is a distributed assessment without a final exam, the improvement in grade can only occur by repeating the three written tests.

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