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Spanish C1.1

Code: MTSL006     Acronym: EC1.1

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Foreign Languages

Instance: 2022/2023 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
E-learning page: https://moodle.up.pt/
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Master of Arts in Translation and Language Services

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MTSL 8 Study plan 1 - 6 60,5 162

Teaching language



Students at this level have already a big linguist repertory, so the objective here is to validate the knowledge of Hispanic language and culture, attending to its diversity and deepening themes related to social and cultural actuality. 

At the end of this course the student must achieve these competences in the following areas:

  • Receptive activities: To understand long texts easily.
  • Productive activities: To communicate fluently, being capable of self-correction. Also, to be able to write correctly about complex subjects. 
  • Interactive activities: In complex conversations, being able to relate self-interventions with other ones.
  • Mediating activities: To reformulate a text, oral or written, in order to allow mututal comprehension between other people.
  • Coherence: Students must be able to produce clear, well-structured discourse, showing an adequate use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesion devices.
In short, all this will allow students, by the end of the course, to reach the goals defined by Level C1 (Effective Operational Proficiency) established by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Learning outcomes and competences

The goals of the subject are formulated as a function of the communication competences that the student should attain and improve at this level. That is why each of the linguistic activities (oral and written reception, oral and written interaction and oral and written mediation) will be the subject of study in class, and related to the two areas in which the contents are divided:

1. Discursive genres and textual products and
2. Pragmatic strategies and tactics. 

In this way, during class activities the students will recreate communicative situations based on the analysis of the external form and context in which the activities are produced, and the simulation of different oral transmission and written genres, given that each discursive genre gives an answer to the need to achieve a communicative need in a satisfactory way. All of this is made from a wide selection of texts extracted from different domains, especially educational and professional.


Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

Previous knowledge: B2 level (Vantage or upper intermediate), determined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).


1. Géneros discursivos y productos textuales.

  • Géneros de trasmisión oral:
    • Conversaciones (formales e informales) I;
    • Documentales especializados televisados I;
    • Entrevistas periodísticas;
    • Noticias I;
    • Discursos y conferencias sobre temas divulgativos I
  • Géneros de trasmisión escrita:
    • Artículos de opinión especializados I;
    • Cuestionarios;
    • Diccionarios;
    • Informes extensos de carácter profesional;
    • Novelas;
    • Reseñas de periódicos y revistas;
    • Trabajos escolares y académicos I.
  • Macrofunciones: Descriptiva; Narrativa; Expositiva; Argumentativa.

2. Tácticas y estrategias pragmáticas.

  • Construcción e interpretación del discurso:
    • Mantenimiento del referente y del hilo discursivo;
    • Marcadores del discurso (conectores, estructuradores de la información y reformuladores);
    • Significados interpretados (metáforas e indicadores de ironía).
  • Conducta interaccional: Cortesía verbal atenuadora.

Mandatory literature

CORTÁZAR, Julio; Final del juego, Punto de lectura, 2003. ISBN: 9788466311809

Complementary Bibliography

GÓMEZ TORREGO, Leonardo; Gramática didáctica del español, Madrid, SM, 2000. ISBN: 84-348-5440-6
MATTE BON, Francisco; Gramática del español. De la lengua a la idea, T. I-II, Madrid, Edelsa, 2002. ISBN: 9788477111054
MORENO, Concha; Temas de gramática. Avanzado, Madrid, SGEL, 2008. ISBN: 9788497784290
NUNES DA SILVA, Paulo; Tipologias textuais. Como classsificar textos e sequências, Coimbra, Edições Almedina, 2012. ISBN: 9789724048789
VV.AA; El Ventilador. Curso de perfeccionamiento de español. Nivel C1. Libro del alumno, Barcelona: Editorial Difusión, 2006. ISBN: 9788484432265

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical/practical; personal tutorials; whole class participation & group activities; self-access study.




Humanities > language sciences > Languages > Modern languages > European languages > Romance languages

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Prova oral 40,00
Teste 40,00
Trabalho escrito 20,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 101,50
Frequência das aulas 60,50
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

According to the criteria in force at FLUP.

Calculation formula of final grade

1. Oral comprehension communicative task (listening): 10%

2. Audio-visual comprehension and written production communicative task (written work): 20%

3. Oral production (sustained monologue) communicative task: 15%

4. Written test (reading comprehension): 30%

5. Oral interaction (conversation) communicative task: 25%

Examinations or Special Assignments

Whatever the status of the student, it is compulsory to attend the oral and written assessment test that will take place in person during the class hours.
At proper time, the students should read the book Final de juego by Julio Cortázar, as indicated at the bibliography.

Internship work/project

Not applicable. 

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable.

Classification improvement

Students who do not pass the subject or who wish to improve their grade, may repeat the following:

2. Audio-visual comprehension and written production communicative task (written work): 20%

4. Written test (reading comprehension): 30%, or/and
5. Oral interaction (conversation) communicative task: 25%

The rest of the evaluation elements, cannot be repeated.

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