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Introduction to Professional Practice

Code: MEPIEFA001     Acronym: IPP_MEPI

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Teacher Training

Instance: 2022/2023 - A Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Teaching Portuguese and Foreign Languages in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education, with specialties in English or Spanish or French or German

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MEPIEFA 22 MEPIEFA - Study Plan 2 - 48 497 1296

Teaching language

Obs.: Alemão, Espanhol, Francês, Inglês


The aims of this course unit are as follows:
1. To develop students’ scientific and pedagogical-didactic skills;
2. To consistently establish a relationship between theory and practice, critically integrating knowledge of the scientific area(s), General Education Training, Specific Teaching Methodology and teaching practice;
3. To develop skills and attitudes conducive to reflective, problem-solving, critical and continuously improved professional performance;
4. To reflectively analyze the experiences implemented in each Training Nucleus;
5. To conduct action-research-reflection work that can be applied to the subject area(s) of teaching.

Learning outcomes and competences

By the end of the UC, students will be able to:

- plan and teach lessons appropriately, as a result of the development of scientific and pedagogical competence, as well as reflect systematically as a result of the supervisory process of teaching practice; - observe lessons following the stipulated procedures (previous preparation, observation, data analysis and interpretation) and give feedback on what has been observed;

- construct their professional identity based on deontological responsibility, via clinical-reflection, developmental rientation and continuous professional training;

- integrate information and communication technologies in the classroom in a didactic and meaningful way,

-consider the social and cultural living conditions of students, diagnose the prerequisites and learning processes of the students and support individual students in heterogeneous learning groups in class

- evaluate their own work individually and as a team, and engage in professional and (inter)disciplinary development;

- problematize their training process, through the construction of a portfolio, an instrument of self-knowledge and self-regulation - as a reflective element of articulation between the components of seminar, internship and report -;

- reflect systematically on the educational context in a teaching practice based on the logic of action research, as a model that promotes systematic reflection on the educational context, accepting it as an integral part of teaching; understand the concept of teacher-researcher;

- adopt an investigative attitude towards the educational context, being guided, according to the methodology of action research, by critical thinking, autonomy in decision-making and the ability to investigate the educational context;

- produce a final report, according to the methodology of action research, taking into account the various stages of implementation: i) identification of the problem and design of the action plan, ii) implementation of the action plan (1st and 2nd cycles of action research), iii) preparation of the report.

Working method



1. Presentation of the curricular unit: nature, functions, methodology and evaluation of the various components of Initiation to Professional Practice (IPP). The teaching of Portuguese and English / German / Spanish / French in the context of IPP.

2. The planning: analysis of programmes and textbooks. Conceptualization and structuring; long, medium and short term planning. Unit and lesson plans.

3. Assessment: general principles and construction of instruments for the development of diagnostic, formative and summative assessment.

4. Pedagogical guidelines for teaching and learning in acts of communication: understanding - written and oral -, expression - written and oral -, interaction - written and oral - and mediation.

5. Pedagogical orientation for the development of curricular learning foreseen in the written curriculum.

6. Observation of lessons: main features and typology; central elements in the process of lesson observation.

7. The portfolio: main features and methodology.

8. The methodology of action research: main features; stages of development; resources; techniques and tools.

9. The preparation of the report as a critical and constructive account of an educational intervention that articulates research and action: characteristics; structure; outcomes.


Mandatory literature

Alves, José Matias; valiação pedagógica: uma chave para o sucesso escolar e profissional, In Carvalho, Angelina et al., Manual do Formador, 3 - Teoria e Desenvolvimento do Currículo: Animação pedagógica, Porto, Ministério da Educação/GETAP, 1991
Amor, Emília; Didáctica do Português - Fundamentos e metodologia, Lisboa, Texto Editora, 1993
Arends, Richard; Aprender a ensinar, Lisboa, McGraw-Hill, 1995
Delgado-Martins, Maria Raquel et al.; Para a didáctica do português: seis estudos de linguística, Lisboa, Edições Colibri, 1992
Delgado-Martins, Maria Raquel et al.; Formar professores de português hoje, Lisboa, Edições Colibri, 1996
Dionísio, Maria de Lourdes; A construção escolar de comunidades de leitores - leituras do manual de Portuguê, Coimbra, Almedina, 2000
Eco, Umberto; Seis passeios nos bosques da ficção, Lisboa, Difel, 1994
Figueiredo, Olívia ; Didáctica do Português Língua Materna. Dos programas de ensino às teorias, das teorias às práticas, Porto, Edições ASA, 2004
Fonseca, Fernanda Irene; Duarte, Isabel Margarida; Figueiredo, Olívia (orgs); A Linguística na formação do professor de português, Actas do colóquio «A linguística na formação do professor de português», Porto, Centro de Linguística da Universidade do Porto, 2001
Mello, Cristina et al. (org.); Jornadas Científico-Pedagógicas de Português, Coimbra, Almedina, 1999
Mendes, Margarida Vieira ; «A educação literária no ensino básico», O Professor n.º 26, III Série, Lisboa, 1992
PINTO, M. da G. L. C. ; Desenvolvimento e distúrbios da linguagem, Porto, Porto Editora, 1994
PINTO, M. da G. L. C. ; Saber Viver a Linguagem, Um Desafio aos Problemas de Literacia, Porto, Porto Editora, 1998
Ribeiro, António Carrilho e Carrilho, Lucie; Planificação e avaliação do ensino-aprendizagem, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta, 1990
Sim-Sim, Inês; Duarte, Inês; Ferraz, Maria José; A Língua Materna na Educação Básica. Competências Nucleares e Níveis de Desempenho, Lisboa, Ministério da Educação/Departamento da Educação Básica, 1997
Tochon, François Victor; A língua como projecto didáctico, Porto, Porto Editora, 1995
Relâmpago n.º 10, «Ensinar a poesia» , Fundação Luís Miguel Nava, Abril de 2002

Teaching methods and learning activities

The UC is structured in four components: Supervised Teaching Practice, Seminar, Report and Discussion.

1) In the Supervised Teaching Practice (PES), with regard to teaching methodology, the pre-observation, observation and post-observation moments are central elements, in which the discussion between supervisors and trainees, and among the trainees themselves predominates, promoting in them reflection, critical thinking, autonomy for decision making and research capacity for educational action, which is reflected and materialized in the elaboration of teaching units and in the development of the portfolio and the action-research project.

As for the mode of assessment, formative assessment is central, with the lessons taught in the bi-disciplinary internship being the object of analysis according to the regulatory document for the assessment of student performance in the pedagogical internship (Referencial de avaliação do desempenho do estudante no estágio pedagogico), and taking into account the profile outlined at various times by the cooperating teachers and by the FLUP supervisors, after hearing the trainee him/herself and his/her colleagues. There are two phases of assessment: an intermediate assessment of a formative type and a second final assessment. The classification derives from the pursuit of the learning objectives directly related to this component of the UC.

2) In the Seminar component, the teaching methodology is eminently active, favouring the analysis of texts and case studies, discussion between teacher and students and among students themselves, collaborative work in groups, and promoting at all times sharing and reflection on aspects of content, school contexts, the observation process-  which leads to the determination of the action-research project, and critical incidents in classes taught, in order to be applied to the PES and the Report component.

The type of assessment is predominantly formative and takes into account the students' involvement in the discussion, their capacity to reflect and the accomplishment of the tasks proposed by the teacher, among which the presentation (oral+written) of a work related to the theme of the final action-research report predominates. The final mark is determined by the qualitative assessment carried out throughout the Seminar.

3) In the Report component, regarding teaching methodology, discussion between student and report supervisor in tutorial sessions is essential. The report supervisor, whenever possible, also assumes the functions of the traineeship supervisor.

The evaluation of the report takes place in a public examination, but reflects the formative process of the student throughout the course.

4) With regards the discussion component, this constitutes the second part of the public examination in which the report is defended. The assessment takes place in that examination but reflects, as in the assessment of the report, the formative process of the student throughout the CU.

The formula for calculating the final mark of the CU is as follows:

Classif. Final=(CL. PES x 0.52)+(Cl. Seminar x 0.13)+(Cl. Report x 0.25)+(Cl. Discussion x 0.10).

Assessment method: distributed without final examination.


Social sciences > Educational sciences > Research methodology
Humanities > language sciences > Linguistics > Applied linguistics
Social sciences > Educational sciences > Teaching methods
Humanities > Literature > European literature > Romance literatures > Portuguese literature
Social sciences > Educational sciences > Education > Teacher training

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Defesa pública de dissertação, de relatório de projeto ou estágio, ou de tese 10,00
Participação presencial 13,00
Trabalho de campo 52,00
Trabalho escrito 25,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de relatório/dissertação/tese 206,00
Estudo autónomo 470,00
Frequência das aulas 114,00
Realização de Estágio 510,00
Total: 1300,00

Eligibility for exams

Students are required to attend STP and Seminar sessions, according to the Assessment Regulations in force for Continuous Assessment. In the case of Seminar sessions, a minimum of 75% of attendance is mandatory. Training: Assistance provided by supervisors in teaching classes: the equivalent of at least ten blocks per trainee per subject; Supervised class assistance by FLUP supervisors: the equivalent of at least three blocks of ninety minutes per trainee per subject; Assistance provided by each student: corresponding to 40 blocks of ninety minutes, half of which must be classes taught by the supervisor; Preparation of a reflective portfolio by the trainee; All trainee students are required to comply with at least 75% of the assignments (teaching and others); Final training report with public defence.

Calculation formula of final grade

Final Mark = (Supervised Teaching Practice x 0:52) + (Seminar x 0.13) + (Final Report x 0.25) + (Report Defence x 0:10).

Examinations or Special Assignments

Accordance with Regulations in force.

Internship work/project

Accordance with Regulations in force.


Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Accordance with Regulations in force.

Classification improvement

Not applicable


Besides Portuguese, the languages of instruction used may correspond to the foreign languages chosen by the trainee student.
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