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Topics in the Culture of the Portuguese-speaking Countries

Code: MPLE007     Acronym: TCPLP

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Cultural Studies - Portuguese

Instance: 2022/2023 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Masters in Portuguese as second language / Foreign language

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MPLE 16 MPLE - Study Plan 1 - 6 55 162

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


Study of the great topics of the Portuguese culture, in particular the Discoveries period, justifying the presence of the Portuguese language in the world, but also some topics of the 21st century, considering the Portuguese cultural heritage and collective memory. The syllabus aims to provide students with skills that allow them to identify and discuss the Portuguese identity in the world. In this sense, it favours «travel literature» in the 16th and 17th centuries, promoting the knowledge of the meeting of the Portuguese with other cultures and pays attention to the «vision» of the other toward the Portuguese culture, studying texts written by foreigners that travelled to Portugal in the 18th and 19th centuries. Since the syllabus also focus on the Portuguese-speaking cultures, the travel texts select spaces from Brazil to Angola, Mozambique, India and East Timor, presenting and discussing the meeting of cultures in different spaces and chronologies.

Learning outcomes and competences

The syllabus aims to provide students with specific skills in the meeting of Portuguese culture with cultures from Portuguese-speaking countries in different chronologies. 

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)



1. Travel literature in the 16th century: Portugal and the «modern» world. 
1.1.«Roteiro da primeira viagem de Vasco da Gama à Índia 1497-1499» e a «Carta do achamento do Brasil» (1500) de Pero Vaz de Caminha.
1.2. «Peregrinação» (1614) by Fernão Mendes Pinto: the travels, the trade, the evangelization. The meeting of cultures: from India, to Indonesia and Japan.

1.2. Colonization and evangelization in Africa, in the Far East and Brazil: slavery as a subject.

3. Portugal as a subject in traveller literature XVIII-XXI.

Mandatory literature

AA.VV.; Literatura de viagens: narrativa, história e mito, Lisboa, 1997
CASTRO, Aníbal Pinto d; «Introdução» a Peregrinação, de Fernão Mendes PINTO, Porto, 1984
GRAÇA, Luís, ; A visão do Oriente na literatura portuguesa de viagens: os viajantes portugueses e os itinerários terrestres (1560-1670). Lisboa, 1983
MARGARIDO, Alfredo; , «Os relatos de naufrágios na Peregrinação de Fernão Mendes Pinto», in Estudos Portugueses. Homenagem a Luciana Stegnano Picchio. Lisboa, 1991, pp. 987-1024.
J. B. F. CARRÈRE; Panorama de Lisboa no ano de 1796, (trad., pref. e notas de Castelo Branco chaves, Lisboa, 1989
CARVALHO, José Adriano; FONSECA, Luís Adão da; A descoberta do oceano: saga e memória (séc. XI-XVI), Porto, 1983
Viagens dos Descobrimentos. Org., intr. e notas de José Manuel Garcia, Lisboa, Estampa, 1988
BRITO, Bernardo Gomes de (comp.); História Trágico-marítima., Ed. de António Sérgio, Lisboa, Editorial Sul, 1955-1956
Fróis Luís 1532-1597; Tratado das contradições e diferenças de costumes entre a Europa e o Japão. ISBN: 972-8013-66-3
Fardilha Luís de Sá 340 080; Roteiro da primeira viagem de Vasco da Gama Índia, 1497-199. ISBN: 978-989-746-096-8
Fróis Luís 1532-1597; Historia de Japam
PINTO, Fernão Mendes; Peregrinação. Ed. de Aníbal Pinto de Castro, Porto, Lello & Irmão, 1984
Garcia José Manuel 1956-; Ao encontro dos descobrimentos. ISBN: 972-23-1781-4
Garcia José Manuel 1956- 340; O^descobrimento do Brasil
Loureiro Rui Manuel; Fidalgos, Missionários e Mandarins. ISBN: 972-785-007-3
PINTO, João Rocha; A viagem, memória e espaço: a literatura portuguesa de viagens. Os primeiros relatos de viagem ao Índico (1497-1560). Lisboa, 1989.
Loureiro Rui Manuel 1955-; Guia de história de Macau. ISBN: 972-97865-9-3
Santos Zulmira C.; Em busca do paraíso perdido
Almeida Isabel 1963- 340; Peregrinaçam 1614. ISBN: 978-972-9376-46-7
Alves Jorge Manuel Ribeiro dos Santos 340; Portugal e a China. ISBN: 972-9440-92-1
Alves Jorge Santos 340; Fernão Mendes Pinto and the Peregrinação. ISBN: 978-972-785-096-9
Alves Jorge Manuel Ribeiro dos Santos; Portugal e a missonação no século XVI
Gaspar da Cruz; Tratado das cousas da China. ISBN: 978-989-746-231-3
Pero Vaz de Caminha (ed. Sheila Hue); Carta do achamento do Brasil, Unicamp, 2021. ISBN: 9786586253825

Complementary Bibliography

Garcia José Manuel 1956- 070 340; A^viagem de Vasco da Gama à c38cndia (1497-1499). ISBN: 972-781-010-1

Teaching methods and learning activities

The classes will be conducted as seminars, adjusting the teaching praxis of content communication to the parts of a seminar in which a problem is discussed, once it was previously prepared. Students are stimulated to individually research several subjects, in order to fully develop the argumentation skills and preparation strategies of an assignment. On the other, the professor stimulates the preparation of secondary subjects that have caught the attention of the students. Evaluation is conducted by a final exam, giving the students the option of choosing among several subjects for written analysis, in which can and should be incorporated the individual research.




Humanities > Literature > European literature > Romance literatures > Portuguese literature

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 50,00
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico 30,00
Participação presencial 20,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 62,00
Frequência das aulas 75,00
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico 25,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Students are required to attend at least 75% of sessions.

Calculation formula of final grade

Presentation and discussion of scientific report: 30%
Exam: 50%
Oral Participation: 20%

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable

Internship work/project


Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to the Assessment Regulations in force.

Classification improvement

According to the Assessment Regulations in force.


Portuguese lectures
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