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Latin and Greek for Technical Terminology

Code: MTSL015     Acronym: LGTT

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Classical Languages

Instance: 2017/2018 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Master of Arts in Translation and Language Services

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MTSL 5 MTSL - Study Plan 2 - 3 30 81

Teaching language



The following programme aims to increase the students’ ability to write and use terminology correctly.

Learning outcomes and competences

At the end of the semester students should be able to: 1. recognize affixes and roots of Greek or Latin origin in scientific and technical vocabulary and understand their meaning; 2. explain the different mechanisms for the formation of lexical items; 3. deduce the meaning of words in the different nomenclatures by looking at their morphology; 4. create and analyze scientific neologisms based on Greek and Latin.

Working method



1. Introduction 1.1. From the Greek paideia to the studia humanitatis of the Renaissance. 1.2. Respublica litteraria and academia: philology in the origin of modern science. 1.3. Gramaticography and etymology; lexicography and terminology. 2. Greek and the formation of specialized vocabularies. 2.1. The Greek alphabet. 2.2. Value and use of Greek prefixes, suffixes and roots. 2.3. From Greek to Portuguese: periods and means of the introduction of hellenisms. 3. Latin. Basic notions: 3.1. Cases and their functions; conjugation of nouns and verbs; syntax of the simple sentence. 3.2. Latin, the mother of the Romance languages: 3.2.1. Vulgar Latin, evolution and factors of difference; 3.2.2. Word formation by popular and erudite means; 3.2.3. Latinization in the history of Portuguese; 3.3. Latin, a source for the language of science and culture: 3.3.1. the semantic value of Latin prepositions; 3.3.2. processes of composition and derivation in lexical creation: meaning and value of prefixes, suffixes e roots; principal phonetic phenomena and their influence on the formation of words. 4. From Greek to Latin and from Latin to Portuguese 4.1. Latinization of Greek forms: 4.1.1. rules of transliteration and accentuation; 4.1.2. hybrid words. 4.2. Cultisms from Greek and Roman mythology. 4.3. Latin expressions and aphorisms in scientific usage. 5. According to the interests of the students, we shall study the Greek and Latin roots of certain domains, such as: 5.1. logos / verbum; techne /ars; episteme / scientia; 5.2. anthropos / homo; soma / corpus; psyche / anima; 5.3. polis / civitas; paideia / institutio; nomos / lex; 5.4. kosmos / universus; physis / natura; ge/ terra; bios / vita.

Mandatory literature

BOUFFARTIGUE, J. - DELRIEU, A.-M.; Trésors des racines grecques, Paris, Belin, 1981.
BYL, Simon; Tableau synoptique des principales racines grecques, Paris, H. Dessain, 1966.
CASTRO, I.; Curso de História da Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta, 1991.
FUMAROLI, Marc; Trois institutions littéraires, Paris, Gallimard, 1994.
GUIRAUD, Pierre; L' Etymologie, Paris, PUF, 1972.
ILIESCU, M. ? SLUSANSKI, D.; Du latin aux langues romanes, Wilhemsfeld, Egert, 1991.
LÓPEZ FÉREZ, J. A. (ed.); La lengua científica griega, 2 vols., Madrid, Ediciones Clásicas, 2000.
OLIVEIRA, Fernando; Breve Glossário de Latim para Juristas, Lisboa, Cosmos, 1996.
PINGARRÓN SECO, E.; Étimos latinos: monemas básicos de léxico científico, Barcelona, Octaedro, 1998.
PRIETO, M. H. Ureña; Ìndices de nomes próprios gregos e latinos, Lisboa, Gulbenkian, 1995.
QUINTANA CABANAS, J. M.; Clave etimológica del vocabulario de la medicina, Madrid, Dykinson, 1990.
QUINTANA CABANAS, J. M.; Introducción etimológica al léxico de la biología, Madrid, Dykinson, 1989.
VERDELHO, Telmo; «Latinização na história da língua portuguesa. O testemunho dos dicionários», Arquivos do Centro Cultural Português 23 (1987), pp. 157-187.
VILELA, M.; Estruturas Léxicas do Português, Coimbra, Almedina, 1979.
ESEVERRI HUALDE, C.; Diccionario etimológico de helenismos españoles, Burgos, Ediciones Aldecoa, 1994 (6ª ed.).
SEGURA MUNGUÍA, S.; Diccionario Etimológico de Medicina, Bilbao, Universidad de Deusto, 2004.
NEVES, Orlando; Dicionário da Origem das Palavras, Lisboa, Editorial Notícias, 2001.
QUINTANA CABANAS, J. M.; Raíces griegas del léxico castellano, científico y médico, Madrid, Dykinson, 1990.
QUINTANA CABANAS, J. M.; La terminología médica a partir de sus raíces griegas, Madrid, Dykinson, 1989.
NETO, Serafim da Silva; História da Língua Portuguesa, Rio de Janeiro, Presença, 1979.
NUNES, José Joaquim; Compêndio da Gramática Histórica Portuguesa , Lisboa, Clássica Editora, 1960.
TEYSSIER, P.; História da Língua Portuguesa, Lisboa, Sá da Costa, 2001 (8ª ed.)
VERDELHO, Telmo; «Dicionários portugueses, breve história», 2002: http://clp.dlc.ua.pt/Publicacoes/Dicionarios_breve_historia.pdf
CHANTRAINE, P.; Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque, Paris, Klincksieck, 1965-80.
LOURO, José Inez; O Grego Aplicado à Linguagem Científica, Porto, Educação Nacional, 1940.
GUTIÉRRREZ RODILLA, B. M.; La ciencia empieza en la palabra, Barcelona, Península, 1998.
BANNIARD, M.; Du latin aux langues romanes, Paris, Nathan, 1997.
VERDELHO, Telmo - SILVESTRE, J. P.; Dicionarística Portuguesa, Aveiro, Universidade de Aveiro, 2007
ESTÉBANEZ GARCÍA, F.; Étimos griegos: monemas básicos de léxico científico, Barcelona, Octaedro, 1998.
GARCÍA BELMAR, A. - BERTOMEU SÁNCHEZ, J. R.; Nombrar la materia. Una introducción histórica a la terminología química, Barcelona, Ed. Serbal, 1999.
LOURO, José Inez; Questões de Linguagem Técnica e Geral, Porto, Educação Nacional, 1941.
FREIRE, António; Helenismos Portugueses, Braga, Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia, 1984.
PRIETO, M. H. Ureña; Do grego e do latim ao português, Lisboa, JNICT, 1991.
STEARN, W.; Botanical Latin, Portland (OR), Timber Press, 1995 [Latín botánico, Barcelona, Omega, 2006].
MATEOS MUÑOZ, Agustín; Compendio de etimologias grecolatinas del español, Naucalpan, Esfinge, 1991.
LOPES, Maria Alcina dos Mártires; A génese grega da língua portuguesa, Lisboa, Publiciência, 2006.
NYBAKKEN, O.; Greek and Latin in Scientific Terminology, Ames (IA), The Iowa State University Press, 1985.
GUTIÉRRREZ RODILLA, B. M.; El lenguaje de las ciencias, Madrid, Gredos, 2005.
BERTRÁN, M. - CASES, M. - GARCÍA, M.; El porqué de las palabras. Fundamentos léxicos de las ciencias y de la técnica, Madrid, Ediciones Clásicas, 2002.
BOUFFARTIGUE, J. - DELRIEU, A.-M.; Trésors des racines latines, Paris, Belin, 1981.
MACHADO, José Pedro; Dicionário Etimológico da Língua Portuguesa , Lisboa, Horizonte, 1977.
ERNOUT, A. - MEILLET, A.; Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue latine, Paris, Klincksieck, 1985 (4ª ed.).
VERDELHO, Telmo; «Terminologias na língua portuguesa. Perspectiva diacrónica», 1998: http://clp.dlc.ua.pt/Publicacoes/Terminologias_lingua_portuguesa.pdf
RODRÍGUEZ ADRADOS, F.; «Los orígenes del lenguaje científico», REL 27 (1997), pp. 299-316.
BAILLY, A.; Dictionaire grec-français, Paris, Hachette, 1963 (26ª ed.)
BENVENISTE, E.; Le vocabulaire des institutions indo-européeennes, Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1969.
COSTA, M. Freitas e; Dicionário de termos médicos, Porto, Porto Editora, 2005.
CUNHA, Celso - CINTRA, Lindley; Nova gramática do português contemporâneo, Lisboa, Sá da Costa, 1992 (9ª ed.).
CUNHA, J. G.; Vocabulário de termos gregos de uso frequente em zoologia e antropologia, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 1937.
DEVOTO, G.; Storia della lingua di Roma, Bologna, Cappelli, 1991.
Dicionário da língua portuguesa contemporânea, Lisboa, Verbo, 2001.
GAFFIOT, F.; Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Paris, Hachette, 1970.
GARCIA DE LA FUENTE, O.; Latín bíblico y latín cristiano, Madrid, Ediciones CEES, 1994.
GOODWIN, W. W.; Greek Grammar, London, Bristol Classical Press, 1997.
GRANDGENT, C.; Introducción al latín vulgar, Madrid, CSIC, 1970.
HERRERO LLORENTE, V. J.; Diccionario de expresiones y frases latinas, Madrid, Gredos, 1992 (3ª ed.).
HOFMANN, J. B.; El latin Familiar, Madrid, Instituto Antonio de Nebrija, 1958.
HOUAISS, A. et alii; Dicionário Houaiss da língua portuguesa, Lisboa, Temas e Debates, 2003.
JÚNIOR, M. Alexandre; Gramática de grego, Lisboa, Alcalá, 2003.
LÖFSTEDT, E.; Late Latin, Oslo, 1959 (trad. it.: Il latino tardo, Brescia, Paideia, 1980).
MEILLET, A. - VENDRYES, J.; Traité de grammaire comparée des langues classiques, Paris, H. Champion, 1979.
MOHRMANN, Christine; Latin vulgaire, latin des chrétiens, latin médiéval, Paris, Klincksieck, 1955.
PISANI, Vittore; Grammatica latina storica e comparativa, Torino, Rosenberg & Sellier, 1974.
VÄÄNÄNEN, Veikko; Introduction au latin vulgaire, Paris, Klincksieck, 1963.
VITERBO, Frei Joaquim de Santa Rosa; Elucidário das palavras, termos e frases que em Portugal antigamente se usaram e que hoje regularmente se ignoram, Porto, Livraria Civilização, 1993.

Teaching methods and learning activities

The programme will start with a few theoretical lessons aimed at providing the theoretical background and knowledge of the historical-cultural background that led to terminologies in the arts and sciences. These classes should also offer a sound bibliographical background against which to develop a critical attitude to the use of the lexical resources available.   Two thirds of the expected teaching time, about 10 sessions, will be devoted to practical classes, exercises and the preparation of the individual student’s work on analysis and classification of nomenclatures.  The correction of these exercises will allow the students to prepare a final project and apply the knowledge acquired. 

Distributed evaluation without final exam.


Humanities > language sciences > Linguistics > histórica Historical linguistics
Humanities > language sciences > Philology > Classical philology
Humanities > language sciences > Linguistics > Lexicology
Humanities > language sciences > Languages > Ancient languages

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 30,00
Trabalho escrito 70,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 51,00
Frequência das aulas 30,00
Total: 81,00

Calculation formula of final grade

Participation in classes: 30%; Course work: 70%

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