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Cultural and Intercultural Dynamics for Teachng English in the 1st Cycle

Code: MEBI003     Acronym: DCIEI

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2017/2018 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Anglo-American Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Teaching English in the 1st cycle of Basic Education

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MEBI 3 MEBI - Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


The C.U. aims to raise awareness among students of the importance of English language teaching for social cohesion in the context of a multicultural and multilingual Europe. The 1st part develops knowledge of background papers, draws attention to the need for a harmonious first contact of students with foreign languages, capitalizing on previous knowledge, and provides a reference to the varieties of English as a focus of discussion on cultural diversity.

The 2nd part promotes reflection on structuring concepts of intercultural education and skills that students should acquire (and later promote) to be intercultural citizens (e.g. awareness of the existence of the Other, tolerance and empathy, ability to discover and interact, reflect and evaluate critically).

The 3rd part stresses the importance of collaborative learning (as a form of respect for the perspectives of the Other) for the analysis of existing materials for intercultural education and creating new material.

Learning outcomes and competences

By the end of this course, students should:

. be familiar with the main reference documents, both national and European, regarding the teaching of foreign languages, and the English in particular.

. have an articulated cross-curricular knowledge of the 1st cycle curriculum

. understand the importance of English language teaching beyond its instrumental aspect, as a way of promoting positive attitudes and skills for successful intercultural encounters, particularly for the development of active citizens, able to act locally and globally.

. know teaching materials available for cross-cultural education and develop the ability to create new materials.

. understand the affective dimension of the teaching / learning of English and other languages.

. understand the importance of collaborative communities for research activities and educational practices.

Working method



  1. The teaching of English in a multicultural and plurilingual Europe

   1.1. The reference documents and curriculum goals (national and European) and the promotion of intercultural citizenship

   1.2. The importance of the affective dimension of learning English for the consolidation of an intercultural and multilingual education.

   1.3. The English language as a means of promoting social, political and economic inclusion

   1.4. The varieties of English as a means of understanding cultural diversity

  1. Education for intercultural citizenship

   2.2. Definition of concepts: globalization and intercultural citizenship

   2.2. Fighting stereotypes

   2.3. The competences of an intercultural citizen

  1. Collaborative work

           3.1. The role of collaborative communities in the teaching-learning process: building collaborative portfolios.

           3.2. The exploration of teaching materials available for education for intercultural citizenship and the creation of new materials

Mandatory literature

Byram,. Alred, G. & Fleming, M. (Eds.).; ). Education for intercultural citizenship. Concepts and comparisons, Multilingual Matters, 2006
Byram, M., Gribkova, B., & Starkey, H; Developing the intercultural dimension in language teaching: A practical introduction for teachers, Council of Europe, 2002

Complementary Bibliography

Guilherme, M.; Critical Citizens for an Intercultural World, Multilingual Matters, 2002
Risager, K.; Language and culture pedagogy: From a national to a transnational paradigm, Multilingual Matters, 2007
Ryan, Michael 340; Cultural studies. ISBN: 978-1-4051-4577-0
Storey, John 340; Cultural theory and popular culture. ISBN: 0-7450-1551-4
Bizarro, Rosa 340; Eu e o outro. ISBN: 978-972-627-973-0

Teaching methods and learning activities

. Discussion and review, with the participation of students, of required reading texts and reference documents with respect to active intercultural citizenship

. scheduled presentations by the students of "reading reports"

. use of the Moodle platform for the construction of a reflexive portfolio.


Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 10,00
Prova oral 20,00
Trabalho escrito 40,00
Trabalho laboratorial 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de projeto 40,00
Estudo autónomo 68,00
Frequência das aulas 54,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

 Based on the following items: Attendance and participation; Reflective portfolio on Moodle; Final oral presentation; Final written submission.          

The portfolio and final oral and written presentations are compulsory.

Students are also required to attend 75% of all classes.

This course has NO final exam; the evaluation is continual.

Calculation formula of final grade

Attendance and participation: 10%
Reflective portfolio on Moodle: 30%
Final Oral Presentation: 20%
Final Written Submission: 40%

Internship work/project


Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

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