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Psychology of Education

Code: MEG001     Acronym: PE

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL General Education Training

Instance: 2017/2018 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Geography
Course/CS Responsible: Teaching Geography in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MEFILO 13 MEFILO - Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162
MEG 10 MEG - Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162
MEH 27 MEH - Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162
MEI 2 MEI - Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162
MEIEFA 11 MEIEFA - Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162
MEP 4 MEP - Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162
MEPIEFA 10 MEPIEFA - Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162
MEPLAT 2 MEPLAT - Study Plan 1 - 6 52 162

Teaching language



1. To describe and compare some of the main theories on cognitive, moral, and psychosocial development, with relevance for education and teaching.

2. To define the concept of learning and indicate the generic characteristics of the main psychological approaches to this topic.

3. To compare and contrast some of the most important theories related with intelligence and learning styles.

4. To identify theoretically and empirically grounded strategies and procedures that teachers can adopt to promote more efficient learning on the part of students.

5. To compare and contrast the main aspects of some of the most important theories on motivation.

6. To describe the appropriate principles for classroom management that can prevent misbehaviour and promote a learning environment.

Learning outcomes and competences


At the end

of the semester students should be able to

     1. Identify the main stages of cognitive, moral and psychosocial development, in particular those related to the age of the students with whom they will deal with in their professional future;

     2. Describe learning environments best suited to promote the psychological development of students;

     3. Generically define learning and motivation and know the principles of organization of classes able to promote more effective and lasting learning.

     4. Knowing the different theories about human intelligence and learning styles, anticipating modes of educational work aimed at responding to the diversity and needs of students.

     5. To apply the principles and procedures to ensure a more appropriate classroom management that prevents indiscipline and promote student learning.

Working method



1. Introduction to Educational Psychology.

2. Psychological development.

    2.1. Cognitive, social-moral, and psychosocial development;

3. Learning.

    3.1. Behaviourist approaches to learning;

    3.2. Cognitive approaches to learning;

    3.3. Constructivist approaches to learning.

4. Individual differences.

    4.1. Intelligence;

    4.2. Learning styles.

5. Motivation.

6. Classroom management and prevention of disruptive classroom behaviour.

Mandatory literature

Amado, J. S. & Freire, I. P. ; A(s) indisciplina(s) na escola: Compreender para prevenir, Almedina, 2009
Coll, C., Marchesi, A., Palácios, J. & cols. ; Desenvolvimento psicológico e educação (2ª ed.). Vol. 1 ‒ Psicologia evolutiva. , Artmed, 2007
Coll, C., Marchesi, A., Palácios, J. & cols. ; Desenvolvimento psicológico e educação (2ª ed.). Vol. 2 ‒ Psicologia da educação escolar. , Artmed, 2007
Feliciano H. Veiga (Coordenador); Psicologia da Educação, Climepsi Editores, 2013. ISBN: 978-972-796-337-9
Good, Thomas L.; Looking in classrooms. ISBN: 978-0-205-49678-5
Kearney, Albert J.; Compreender a análise aplicada do comportamento. ISBN: 978-972-0-34678-0
Lourenço, O.; Desenvolvimento sócio-moral., Universidade Aberta, 2002
Lopes, J. A.; Comportamento, aprendizagem e "ensinagem" na ordem e desordem da sala de aula. , Psiquilibrios, 2009
Miranda, G. L., & Bahia, S.; Psicologia da educação: Temas de desenvolvimento, aprendizagem e ensino. , Relógio D’Água., 2005
Santrock, John W.; Educational psychology. ISBN: 0-07-110187-X
Slavin, R.; Educational psychology (10 th ed.)., Pearson, 2012
Snowman, Jack; Psychology applied to teaching. ISBN: 978-0-618-96856-5

Complementary Bibliography

Tokuhama-Espinosa, Tracey, 1963-; Making classrooms better. ISBN: 978-0-393-70813-4

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lectures and use of active learning methodologies. Several teaching-learning methods will be used, with particular focus on small group assignments in the classroom, based on documents, film clips, or activities set by the lecturer. These activities are intended to generate dynamics that encourage the better integration of the main theories and concepts covered in the programme.

Assessment will be conducted mainly based on a final exam, composed of multiple choice questions. 


Social sciences > Psychological sciences
Social sciences > Educational sciences > Education > Teacher training

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 100,00
Total: 100,00

Calculation formula of final grade



Classification improvement

Improving the classification can be done by performing the examination at “época de recurso”. 


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