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Classical Archaeology I

Code: ARQU008     Acronym: ARQC1

Instance: 2013/2014 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Heritage Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
ARQU 33 Study plan since 2008/2009 2 - 6 52 162

Teaching language



To know the concept of city in the classic world; To understand the evolutive process of the Greek and Roman cities; To explain the development of Greco-Roman orthogonal urbanism; To understand the role of Rome in the normalization and diffusion of the regular urbanism; To analyze and to compare several urban plans from Greek and Roman cities; To understand Rome’s urban development.

Learning outcomes and competences

Enable students to understand the development of forms of settlement in Classical Antiquity and in particular, in the Roman World. It also allows them to understand the emergence of planned cities and realize the development of urban planning and in particular, the attention placed on the organization and location of public and private spaces of the city. Still have the ability to understand the gradual monumentalization and complexity of city planning.


Working method



1. URBANISM IN THE CLASSICAL ANTIQUITY 1.1. Introduction; 1. 1. 1. Concept of city; 1. 1. 2. Theories about urbanism in the Classical Antiquity; 1. 1. 3. Fundamental elements of the shape of urban clusters; 1.2. Etruscan and Greek urbanism; 1. 2. 1. First Greek urban experiences; 1. 2. 2. Etruscans and the development of regular urbanism in central and northern Italy; 1. 2. 3. Hippodamus of Miletus and the orthogonal plan’s development; 1. 2. 4. The regular planned Greek city: elements of composition and urban aesthetics; 1.3. The Roman cities; 1. 3. 1. The expansion of Rome in the Italic Peninsula and the formative process of the Roman cities; 1. 3. 2. Roman urbanism elements; 1. 3. 3. Analysis of some urban plans; 1. 3. 4. Rome’s urban development.

Mandatory literature

CASTAGNOLI, F. ; Ortogonal Town Planning in Antiquity, 1971
CORNELL, T.J.; The Beginings of Rome. Italy and Rome from the Bronze Age to the Punic Wars (c. 1000-264 BC), Routledge, 1995. ISBN: 0415015960
FAVRO, D.; The Urban Image of Augustan Rome, Cambridge University Press, 1996
GARCÍA Y BELLIDO, A.; Urbanística de las Ciudades del Mundo Antiguo, CSIC, 1985
GRECO, E. ; TORELLI, M.; Storia dell’Urbanistica. Il Mondo Greco, 1983
GRIMAL, P.; Les Villes Romaines, 1971
GROS, P. ; TORELLI, M.; Storia dell’Urbanistica. Il Mondo Romano, 1988
HOELSCHER, T. ; L' Archeologia Classica. Un'introduzione, L'Erma di Breschneider, 2012. ISBN: 9788882655815
KOLB, F.; La Ciudad en la Antigüedad, 1992
La Ciudad Hispanorromana, Ministerio de Cultura, 1993. ISBN: 8474839645
MARTIN, R.; L’Urbanisme dans la Grèce Antique, 1974
OWENS, E.J.; The City in the Greek and Roman World, 1992
ROBINSON, O.F.; Ancient Rome. City Planning and Administration, Routledge, 1992. ISBN: 0415106184
RYKWERT, J.; The Idea of Town. The Anthropology of Urban Form in Rome, Italy and the Ancient World, 1976
SOMELLA, P.; Italia Antica. L' Urbanistica Romana, Jouvence, 1988. ISBN: 8878010774
STAMBAUGH, J.E.; The Ancient Roman City, The John Hopkins University Press, 1988. ISBN: 0801836921
WARD-PERKINS, J. B.; Cities of Ancient Greece and Italy: Planning in Classical Antiquity, 1974

Teaching methods and learning activities

Expositive and interactive method, using audiovisual means, with the presentation of works by the students. Accomplishment of a final supervised research work, about themes from the subject’s program.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 15,00
Teste 35,00
Trabalho escrito 50,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 50,00
Frequência das aulas 54,00
Trabalho de investigação 58,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Mandatory attendance at a minimum of 75% of classes, except in cases foreseen by general law and by FLUP’s regulations.

Calculation formula of final grade

Participation in classes/oral discussion in the case of special tests = 15% Accomplishment and presentation of works in class = 50% Final research work = 35%

Examinations or Special Assignments

The non-participation, in foreseen cases, in 75% of classes will require the accomplishment of a written research work about all the contents.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to Assessment Regulations.

Classification improvement

According to Assessment Regulations.

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