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Current Trends in Sociology I

Code: SOCI005     Acronym: CASOC1

Instance: 2008/2009 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Sociology
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Sociology

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
SOCI 57 SOCI - Study Plan 2 - 6 52 162

Teaching language


Mandatory literature

ASSOUN, Paul-Laurent; A Escola de Frankfurt, Publicações D. Quixote , 1989
BECKER, Howard S.; “Career deviance”, in Stuart H. Traub e Craig B. Little, Theories of Deviance, pp. 303-310. , F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc., 1994
BECKER, Howard S.; Outsiders (Uma Teoria da Acção Colectiva), Zahar Ed., 1980
BLUMER, Herbert; Principles of Sociology, Barnes&Noble Books, 1969
COHEN, Stanley; Folk Devils and Moral Panics, Basil Blackwell Ed., 1990
CORCUFF, Philippe, ; As Novas Sociologias, VRAL, 1997
DELAS, Jean-Pierre e Milly, Bruno; Histoire des Pensées Sociologiques , Éditions Sirey, 1997
ELIAS, Norbert; A Busca da Excitação, Difel, 1992
ELIAS, Norbert; Teoria Simbólica, Celta Editora, 1994
GIDDENS, Anthony; Política, Sociologia e Teoria Social, Celta, 1998
HABERMAS, J.; Textos e Contextos, Instituto Piaget, 2001
HABERMAS, J.; Théorie de l'Agir Communicationnel, vol. I e vol. II , Fayard Ed., 1987
HABERMAS, J.; Mudança Estrutural da Esfera Pública, Edições Tempo Brasileiro, 1984
LUHMANN, Niklas; O poder, Univ. de Brasília, 1975
LUHMANN, Niklas; The differentiation of society, Columbia University Press, 1982
LUHMANN, Niklas; Political theory in the welfare State, Walter de Gruyter, 1990
LUHMANN, Niklas; Observaciones de la modernidad, Editorial Paidós, 1997
MARCUSE, Herbert; A Ideologia da Sociedade Industrial, Zahar Editores, 1982
MARCUSE, Herbert; One Dimensional Men, Beacon Press, 1964
RITZER, George; Explorations in Social Theory , Sage, 2001
RITZER, George; Handbook of Social Theory, Sage, 2001
RITZER, George; The Blackwell Companion to Major Social Theorists, Blackwell, 2000
WIEVIORKA, Michel (dir.); Les sciences sociales en mutation, Éd. Sciences Humaines, 2007


Social sciences > Sociology > Social changes

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Subject Classes Participação presencial 56,00
Exame 2,00 2008-12-20
Trabalho escrito 31,00 2008-12-20
Exame 73,00 2008-12-20
Total: - 0,00
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