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History of International Relations

Code: LRI007     Acronym: HRINT

Instance: 2012/2013 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Germanic Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Languages and International Relations

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LRI 85 Study Plan 2 - 6 4
Study Plan - Minor in History 2 - 6 4
Study Plan - Minor in German Studies 2 - 6 4
Study Plan - Minor in English Studies 2 - 6 4
Study Plan - Minor in Spanish Studies 2 - 6 4
Study Plan - Minor in French Studies 2 - 6 4

Teaching language



Students are required to:
- Understand and grasp the definitions, concepts and issues of International Relations in order to acquire tools to understand its various facets;
- Recognise the importance of World War I and its consequences, and the peace treaties of Versailles;
- Have an idea of the international relations after World War I and of the immediate causes of World War II;
- Learn how World War II and the rise of the United Sates and the Soviet Union to the status of superpowers changed the post-war course;
- Have an idea of how the world split between the two superpowers led to a latent conflict known as the Cold War;
- Understand the importance of the fall of the Berlin wall, as a symbol of the end of the Cold War and the colpase of the bipolar


1. Brief ntroduction to the problems of the History of International Relations.
2. World War I (1914-1918) and its consequences.
3. The international relations in the inter-war period.
4. World War II and the reshaping of the political world.
5. The bipolar world. The Cold War.
6. The fall of the Berlin Wall and the colapse of the bipolar order.

Mandatory literature

PEREIRA, Juan carlos (coord.); Historia de las relaciones internacionales contemporáneas, Editorial Ariel, 2001. ISBN: 84-344-6632-5
RENOUVIN, Pierre; DUROSELLE, Jean-Baptiste; Introduction à l'Histoire des Relations Internationales, Armand Colin, 1991. ISBN: 2.200.37249.3
DUROSELLE, Jean-Baptiste; KASPI, André; Histoire des Relations Internationales de 1919 à 1945, Armand Colin, 2001. ISBN: 2-247-03822-0
DUROSELLE, Jean-Baptiste; KASPI, André; Histoire des Relations Internationales de 1945 à nos jours, Armand Colin. ISBN: 2-247-03823-9
FULBROOK, Mary (coord.); A Europa desde 1945, Fio da Palavra Editores, 2009. ISBN: 978-989-8171-15-3
MILZA, Pierre; As Relações Internacionais de 1918 a 1939, Edições 70, 1998. ISBN: 972-44-0975-9
VAISSE, Maurice; As Relações Internacionais desde 1945, Edições 70, 1997. ISBN: 972-44-0953-8
BROWN, Chris; AINLEY, Kirsten; Compreender as Relações Internacionais, Gra

Teaching methods and learning activities

- In the theory-practical classes, the lecturer will use the expository method and, at the same time, prompt discussions among students on the issues dealt with. Whenever possible, statistical and map graphs will be used
- In tutorials, we will seek to introduce a critical approach and discussions on the programme contents, as well as discussions on the main literature. We will foster discussions and reflections on the themes suggested previously, in particular those done in the course of the student’s independent work, after they have been presented orally. Discussions on the main literature and on reviews or analyses done by the students in the course of their independent work.
- Part of the exam will focus on a short book review related to one of the works suggested in a reading list provided by the teacher.




Humanities > History > Political history
Social sciences > Political sciences > Policy studies > International relations

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Attendance (estimated) Participação presencial 53,00
Exame 2,00 2013-02-09
Total: - 0,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Description Type Time (hours) End date
Frequência das aulas 7 2012-12-15
Estudo autónomo 100 2012-12-15
Total: 107,00

Eligibility for exams

Students are admitted to exams provided that the conditions laid down in the Assessment Regulations are met.

Calculation formula of final grade

The final exam (closed book) will consist of a theory and a practical part.
- The first part will assess the mastery of information and the essential theoretical frameworks; critical skills, selection skills, systematisation and synthesis skills required to answer a question.
- The second part will assess the level of skills acquired during tutorials.
- The first part counts for 80% and the second part for 20%

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Accordance with Assessment Regulations in force.

Classification improvement

The final exam (closed book) will consist of a theory and a practical part.
- The first part will assess the mastery of information and the essential theoretical frameworks; critical skills, selection skills, systematisation and synthesis skills required to answer a question.
- The second part will assess the level of skills acquired during tutorials.
- The first part counts for 80% and the second part for 20%


Lectures will always be in Portuguese. However, tutorials may be in English, French, Spanish or Italian for foreign students whose mother-tongue is not Portuguese, and who have obvious poor comprehension skills.
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