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Portuguese Culture II

Code: FLUP0392     Acronym: CULPO2

Instance: 2005/2006 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Institution Responsible: Faculty of Arts

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
EE 7 Official Study Plan - LEE 3 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial a partir de 2002 3 2,5 5 -
EEFA 0 Official Study Plan - LEEFA 3 2,5 5 -
EEFI 0 Official Study Plan - LEEFI 3 2,5 5 -
EEIA 0 Official Study Plan - LEEIA 3 2,5 5 -
EELRI 0 Official Study Plan - LEELRI 3 2,5 5 -
EPO 4 Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 2 2,5 5 -
Official Study Plan - LEPO 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 2 2,5 5 -


This subject aims at providing students with study and analysis tools that enable them to examine different cultural issues, in a chronological period that includes the 17th and 18th centuries and its most significant cultural, artistic and literary currents.


1. The concept of disenchantment in the 17th Century: from Tempo de Agora by Martim Afonso de Miranda to the “Apólogos Dialogais” by D. Francisco Manuel de Melo
2. Marriage and literature in the 17th Century: social practices and literary representations.
3. Education, culture and society: from Arte de criar bem os filhos (1685) by Alexandre de Gusmão to Cartas sobre a Educação da Mocidade (1760) by Ribeiro Sanches.

Main Bibliography

B-1 Texts:
Martim Afonso de Miranda, Tempo de Agora (1622-1624), ed. de Bento José Farinha, Lisboa, 1785, 2 vols.
D. Francisco Manuel de Melo, Apólogos Dialogais, Braga-Coimbra, Angelus Novus, 2 vols., 1998-1999.
Diogo Paiva de Andrada, Casamento Perfeito (1630), Lisboa, Sá da Costa, 1944.
D. Francisco Manuel de Melo, Carta de Guia de Casados (1651), Porto, Campo das Letras, 2003.
Alexandre de Gusmão, Arte de criar bem os filhos na infância e na puericia (1685) Lisboa, Miguel Deslandes,1685.
António N. Ribeiro Sanches, Cartas sobre a Educação da Mocidade (1760), in Obras, vol. I, Coimbra, Universidade, 1959, pp. 201-366.

B-2. Essays:
ANDRADE, António Banha de, Vernei e a cultura do seu tempo, Coimbra, Universidade, 1965.
CARVALHO, José Adriano, «Introdução» a LOBO, Francisco Rodrigues, Corte na Aldeia, Lisboa, Editorial Presença, 1991, 7-45.
FERNANDES, Maria de Lurdes, Espelhos, Cartas e Guias. Casamento e espiritualidade na Península Ibérica, Porto, Instituto de Cultura Portuguesa, 1995; «O tempo do desengano. Das aparências da vida à verdade da morte nos ‘Relógios Falantes’ de Francisco Manuel de Melo» Península, 2 (2005), pp. 343-363.
MACHADO, Fernando Augusto, Educação e cidadania na ilustração portuguesa: Ribeiro Sanches, Porto, Campo das Letras, 2001.
MENDES, António Rosa, Ribeiro Sanches e as «Cartas sobre a educação da mocidade», Lisboa, s.n., 1991 (diss. Mestrado, polic.).
PIRES, Maria Lucília & CARVALHO, José Adriano, História Crítica da Literatura Portuguesa — Maneirismo e Barroco, Lisboa, Verbo, 2001.
SANTOS, Zulmira C., «Racionalidade de corte e sensibilidade barroca: os Avisos para o Paço de Luís de Abreu de Melo», in Actas do I Congresso Internacional do Barroco, Porto, 1991, vol. II, 381-401.

Complementary Bibliography

References to additional reading will be provided throughout the semester.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Classes will combine, for the greater part, theory and practice, although for some of the topics of study, theoretical classes and practical classes shall take place.


No specific software required.

Evaluation Type

Eligibility for exams

According to the Assessment Regulations in force.

Calculation formula of final grade

According to the Assessment Regulations in force.

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable.

Classification improvement

According to the Assessment Regulations in force.


Language of instruction: Portuguese.

Preference is given to continuous evaluation, as long as class size allows for it, in which students are required to attend at least 75% of classes. For those who cannot attend classes on a regular basis, they will be fully assessed by one final exam only.
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