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FLUP Ethics Comission

DESPACHO DIR. 15.23/02/2023


Prof.ª Doutora Maria Isabel Correia Dias

Members of the board:

Doutora Viviana Fernandez Marcial
Prof. Doutor Rui Manuel Sousa Silva


The mission of the FLUP Ethics Committee (CEFLUP) is to provide a service to the FLUP community (students, teachers, researchers, technical, professional and management staff). The Committee is an institutional forum where the adequacy of standards and codes of conduct that must be observed while exercising one’s academic, scientific and professional activities in general, are analysed and pondered to meet the institution's purposes.

The CEFLUP's mission is also to promote high-quality scientific research based on the strictest ethical principles, to help the FLUP community prevent and solve any ethical problems, perplexities or dysfunctions while performing their academic and scientific activities. To this end, the CEFLUP is responsible for issuing opinions and publishing studies that are indispensable for the support and guidance of decision-making procedures that have collective repercussions, and in the public interest.

CEFLUP is not responsible for granting permission to use the dynamic email system of the University of Porto to advertise questionnaires, surveys, or other data collection mechanisms. Thus, a request must be made directly to the Data Protection Unit of the University of Porto for all studies involving the use of the University of Porto's dynamic email or the collection, processing, and handling of personal data.

CEFLUP is responsible for issuing opinions on research projects as a whole and not just parts of those projects (e.g., surveys, questionnaires, interviews, etc.). To submit a request for an opinion to the FLUP Ethics Committee, you must complete the form available from the link below. This form must be accompanied by the following documents: Letter addressed to the Chair of the CEFLUP requesting the opinion; Project summary (see instructions on the form); Participant information (if applicable); CV of the applicant/researcher responsible; Protocol for the management, storage and/or disposal of data after the end of the study; Other documents (if applicable).


See here the documents (Portuguese only) of FLUP Ethics Commission.


To contact FLUP Ethics Comission, send an email to: c.eticaflup@letras.up.pt.


To request an opinion, you must first fill in the CEFLUP.001 form, (Portuguese only) and send it to the ethics committee email.
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