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Bachelor in Sociology

The creation of the graduate degree in Sociology at FLUP occurred in 1985. It was adapted to the Bologna Program in 2007/2008 in order to be included in the higher education European space. Among its goals, we highlight the promotion of student mobility at a teaching and learning level, and in a future professional activity, as well as the internationalization of education and research in Sociology.

To join the first cycle of studies– graduate degree – provides initial education in Sociology and a grounded knowledge of other Social and Human Sciences as a future sociologist.

What does it provide?

  • An adequate and updated scientific preparation;
  • Analytical, reflexive and operative competences which are important to a future professional insertion;
  • A valuable lifelong learning education and an expressive qualification in culture and citizenship.

Who is it for?

  • Secondary education students interested in the analysis of society’s structure and transformation and of social phenomena.

What are the goals?

  • Additional education in other Social and Human Sciences;
  • An education concerning social intervention and research methods and techniques;
  • Knowledge of the most important analysis about contemporary societies, including the Portuguese one;
  • Knowledge about the most relevant sociologists’ professional exercice forms.
  • Knowledge about the most relevant sociologists’ professional exercice forms.

Employment Prospects

Career possibilities: Sociology aims to reflect and analyse social phenomena and, if necessary, to intervene in a critical way about the social, grounding decision-making, offering alternatives and promoting citizenship.


Sociology can provide a wide set of career possibilities in several work contexts.
Some of them are:

  • Companies and Organizations, in which it is possible:
    • To integrate polls teams, market studies and marketing;
    • To provide professional training;
    • To implement and to follow new trends in work organization;
    • To run human resources.
  • Municipalities, where the sociologist can:
    • Cooperate at an urban or environmental intervention level and local entertainment;
    • Requalify and/or run the cultural heritage;
    • Integrate marketing and advertising teams;
    • Promote cultural entertainment;
  • Central and regional administration (universities, schools, hospitals, etc.), where it is fundamental:
    • To implement the development of social politics, namely poverty and social exclusion fighting projects;
    • To promote disadvantaged social groups inclusion and social reinsertion strategies;
    • To cooperate in school administration, in hospital administration, in job and education/training policies;
    • To teach in various levels.
  • I&D centres, where all sorts of research activities are developed, including, for instance:
    • Information analysis;
    • Bibliographic analysis;
    • Field work.

To be part of a highly qualified learning, with a highly qualified teaching staff, is the fundamental step to a professional integration and to the accomplishment of the beginning of a lifelong education!


  • No. of vacancies: 50
  • Entrance tests:
  • Entrance test: History or Geography or Portuguese
  • Main study areas: Sociology


Departamento de Sociologia
Email: ds@letras.up.pt
Telefone: 22 60776 46
Secretariado do Departamento: 220427646 (ext. 3246)
Serviço de Gestão Académica: sga@letras.up.pt

General information

Official Code: 9240
Director: Lígia Ferro
Acronym: SOCI
Academic Degree: Bachelor
Type of course/cycle of studies: First Degree
Start: 2007/2008
Duration: 3 Years

Study Plan


  • Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (180 ECTS credits)

Main Scientific Areas

Previous Courses/Cycles of Study

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