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History of Art

InformationThe course/CS does not admit students in 2007/2008.
Main fields of study History of Architecture; History of the Plastic Arts; Urban History; Decorative Arts; History; History of Culture

Official length of program 4 years

Admission requirements 12th Grade Secondary Education or equivalent; University Entrance Exams in History or History of Visual Arts; Pre-requisites: Visual ability - Group D

Course Description
The Course in History of Art, a four-year programme, seeks to provide training that is both general and specialized in regional, national and international artistic phenomena. The course’s study plan is structured around three general areas: History; History of Culture; History of Architecture and of the Plastic Arts.
The Decorative Arts, reflection on Nature and the particularities of the aesthetic phenomenon, the languages of arts with religious motifs and the public and private arts are other areas of training, available as optional subjects.
The Degree Course in History of Art is organised into eight academic semesters. The first semester comprises six compulsory subjects, and the second, four compulsory subjects and two options in the optional scientific area in History of Art and/or two recommended options. The third and fourth semesters are comprised of six compulsory subjects each, and one option in the optional scientific area in History of Art and/or one recommended option. The fifth and sixth semesters are comprised of four compulsory subjects and two options in the optional scientific area in History of Art and/or two recommended options, as well as a Project Seminar (I and II), also compulsory. Students should take into consideration that, in the choice of their options, both in the optional scientific area in History of Art and in recommended options, they should comply with a total of 10 Local Credits (20 ECTS credits) in both groups.
Assessment is conducted in accordance with the Assessment Regulations approved by the Teaching Standards Committee of the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. Assessment in the Project Seminar subjects, particularly aimed at preparing students for research, is based on an assignment submitted by the students.
The course’s main aim is to train students for future professions in the areas of History of Art and Heritage. Graduates are qualified to professionally occupy posts in education, research and coordination of heritage and cultural projects.

Career Prospects
The degree in History of Art qualifies the holder to exercise professional activities in:

  • Town Halls;
  • IPPAR - Instituto Português do Património Arquitectónico;
  • DGEMN - Direcção-Geral dos Edifícios e Monumento Nacionais;
  • Tourism entities; Museums;
  • Art Galleries;
  • Publishers;
  • Archaeology Offices;
  • Architecture Offices;
  • Heritage Management Offices;
  • Cultural Management Offices;
  • Management of Collections in public and private organisms;
  • Organisation of exhibitions and cultural events.


    No edition in 2007/2008
  • General information

    Official Code: 871
    Acronym: HA
    Academic Degree: Bachelor
    Type of course/cycle of studies: First Degree
    Start: 1975/1976
    End: 2008/2009
    Duration: 4 Years

    Study Plan


    • Graduation in History of Art-General Studies ( national credits)
    • Graduation in History of Art ( national credits)
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