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MLL: Portuguese Language & Culture (Teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language)

Main fields of study Language, Literature, Culture and Linguistics

Official length of program 4 years

Admission requirements 12th Grade Secondary Education or equivalent; University Entrance Exams in Portuguese

Course Description


  • Promote the study of the Portuguese language, and the literature, culture and history of Portugal and of the Portuguese-speaking countries;
  • For Portuguese students, provide training and methodological instruments that will allow them to specialize in the teaching of Portuguese as a second or foreign language;
  • For students whose mother tongue is not Portuguese, provide instruments that will allow them to develop advanced proficiency in the Portuguese language and acquire sound instruction on the most significant aspects of Portuguese culture;
  • Provide the students with methodological research and analysis instruments, thus developing their capacity for learning, critical choice and reflection of the knowledge acquired


  • The degree course has a duration of four academic years, divided into eight semesters;
  • Each semester has five subject modules;
  • The subjects in living languages are annual, as is assessment. For all ends implying the sum of subject credits units, an annual subject counts as two semester subjects;
  • In each academic year, students may register for a maximum of 14 subject modules (7 modules per semester, except for the first registration in the first year, where they can only register for 10 modules (5+5);
  • The student passes to the 2nd year upon conclusion of 6 semester modules; to the 3rd year, with pass grades in 16 modules, and to the 4th year, with 26 modules;
  • In the 4th year, students have the possibility to choose a specialization in “Teaching Portuguese, Foreign Language”, or pursuing General Studies.

    Career Prospects
    The degree in Modern Languages and Literature, Portuguese Language and Culture (Teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language), qualifies the holder to exercise professional activities in the following fields, according to the areas in which the holder specialised:
    With the Option “Teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language”:

  • Teaching Portuguese, as a Second and Foreign Language (especially in Portuguese Lectureships at foreign universities).
    General studies:
  • Public Relations;
  • Consultancy;
  • Cultural Activities and Initiatives;
  • Cultural Departments in Town Halls;
  • Publishing and Editing.


    No edition in 2007/2008
  • General information

    Official Code: 1586
    Acronym: LCPEPL
    Academic Degree: Bachelor
    Type of course/cycle of studies: First Degree
    Start: 2004/2005
    End: 2007/2008
    Duration: 4 Years

    Study Plan


    • MLL: Portuguese Language & Culture (Teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language) ( national credits)
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