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Modern Languages and Literature - Portuguese and Spanish Studies

General information

Official Code: 534
Acronym: EPE


  • Modern Languages and Literature - Portuguese and Spanish Studies ( national credits)
  • Modern Languages and Literature - Portuguese and Spanish Studies-Specialisation in Translation ( national credits)
  • Modern Languages and Literature - Portuguese and Spanish Studies-General Studies ( national credits)
  • Modern Languages and Literature - Portuguese and Spanish Studies-Specialisation in Teacher Training ( national credits)

Courses Units

Spanish I

FLUP0076 - ECTS A lo largo del curso nuestro objetivo principal será conseguir que el estudiante, que parte de un nivel de falso principiante, adquiera una capacidad comunicativa oral y escrita para desenvolverse en situaciones auténticas a un nivel elemental. Para ello será necesario conocer reglas gramaticales y un vocabulario básico del español.

History of Spain

FLUP0411 - ECTS A lo largo del curso nuestro objetivo principal será conseguir que el estudiante obtenga una visión general de la historia del país, prestando una especial atención a los momentos más relevantes y a las etapas históricas que sentaron las bases de la configuración actual de España.

Introduction to Classical Culture I

FLUP0086 - ECTS This subject is designed to offer students an understanding of the Greek matrix of Western culture through close study of the great works that gave rise to and shaped Western thought and literary tradition.

Introduction to Linguistics I

FLUP0084 - ECTS This subject is designed for students to acquire the main operating concepts of Linguistics at its most important levels of analysis and description in relation to the structure and use of the linguistic systems in general and the Portuguese one in particular, thus surpassing both the merely intuitive plan of linguistic knowledge that students have at the outset both as native speakers and through previous schooling.
After a brief critical study of a few classical and recent perspectives on verbal language, we will determine the general outlines of Linguistics as a science. This semester we will introduce a descriptive course on the basic units of linguistic analysis, starting at the word-level, both its formal and its semantic layout, and proceeding with the sentence-level which we will address according to a structural perspective, taking into consideration its categorical and functional dimensions.

Introduction to Literary Studies I

FLUP0082 - ECTS PROGRAMME I (Professor Luís Adriano Carlos; Professor Américo Oliveira Santos; Professor Joana Matos Frias; Professor Vera Lúcia Vouga)

To acquaint students with the conceptual, theoretical, methodological and analytical tools necessary for the study and understanding of the literary object in its multiple dimensions.

PROGRAMME II (Professor Maria Luísa Malato Borralho)

This subject aims at preparing students to reflect on the concept of “Literature”. The programme will seek to acquaint students with the appropriate terminology used in literary studies but it also encourages critical maturity by confronting them with the different definitions of Literature and the several possible methodologies.

Latin I

FLUP0098 - ECTS Within the range of undergraduate degrees based upon languages derived from Latin, this subject aims to provide students with a thorough grounding of the fundamental structures of Latin (to be dealt with in depth during the semesters that follow), which will serve as tools for a better understanding of the structures of the languages that derive from it. Students taking Germanic languages are also expected to extend their vocabulary, since Latin has greatly influenced the English and German lexicon.

History of Spanish Culture

FLUP0410 - ECTS Se ha planteado este curso como una historia de la cultura española a través de la historia del libro y de la lectura. Sus conexiones, reflejos e interrelaciones a lo largo de los siglos. Este planteamiento nos permitirá acercarnos a todos los procesos culturales del momento, que siempre tienen su reflejo en lo escrito, teniendo en cuenta tanto las interpretaciones canónicas de esta cultura, como las diversas recepciones de la misma.

Introduction to Portuguese Culture

FLUP0104 - ECTS From an interdisciplinary approach, the main aim of this subject is to provide students with an exact, detailed overview, as well as offer critical questioning and sensibility with respect to some of the main and recurrent issues in Portuguese Culture, analysed from a diachronic point of view. As the programme’s main orientation, students will be provided with consistent evolutive and explanatory frameworks of the mental mythogenesis and representations that the Portuguese have developed in the course of time, in terms of their identity and their role in History.

Introduction to Linguistics II

FLUP0085 - ECTS It is this subject’s aim that students acquire the main operating concepts of Linguistics at its most important levels of analysis and description in relation to the structure and use of the linguistic systems in general and the Portuguese one in particular, thus surpassing both the merely intuitive plan of linguistic knowledge that students have at the outset both as native speakers and through previous schooling.
After a brief critical study of a few classical and recent perspectives on verbal language, we will determine the general outlines of Linguistics as a science. This semester we will introduce a descriptive course on the basic units of linguistic analysis, starting at the word-level, both its formal and its semantic layout, and proceeding with the sentence-level which we will address according to a structural perspective, taking into consideration its categorical and functional dimensions.

Introduction to Literary Studies II

FLUP0083 - ECTS PROGRAMME I (Professor Luís Adriano Carlos; Professor Américo Oliveira Santos; Professor Joana Matos Frias; Professor Vera Lúcia Vouga)

To provide students with the conceptual, theoretical, methodological and analytical tools necessary for the study and understanding of the literary object in its multiple dimensions.

PROGRAMME II (Professor Maria Luísa Malato Borralho)

This subject aims at bringing students face to face with the diversity of literary typology, whether of genres or period styles, taking into consideration the basic complementariness between the fields of Literary Culture, History and Theory.

Latin II

FLUP0099 - ECTS - To acquire knowledge of the basic grammatical structures of Latin (morphologic and syntactic);
- To apply that knowledge to text translation with a progressive level of difficulty.

Spanish II

FLUP0077 - ECTS El objetivo de este segundo curso de Lengua Española es que los alumnos adquieran mayor confianza en las habilidades conseguidas el primer año: desenvolverse eficazmente en situaciones cotidianas. Estas aumentarán su complejidad.
Se insistirá especialmente en los contenidos funcionales, aumentando las posibilidades que ofrece la gramática para cada uno de ellos. Funciones, gramática y léxico serán los contenidos básicos de cada una de las clases, ofreciéndoselos al alumno de manera integrada.

Arabic Language and Culture I

FLUP0309 - ECTS - To study the linguistic system of the Arabic language.
- To write, read and communicate in Arabic.
- Specific use of Arabic within social contexts.
- To become acquainted with the Arabic and Islamic culture.

Arabic Language and Culture II

FLUP0310 - ECTS - To further the linguistic knowledge acquired throughout the first year.
- To study other aspects of lexicon, grammar and syntax.
- To practice the Arabic Language.
- To analyze aspects of Arabic and Islamic culture through literary texts (accounts of journeys, press articles…)

French Language I

FLUP0311 - ECTS Cette matière s’adresse aux étudiants ayant peu ou pas de connaissances de la langue française (niveau débutants/faux débutants), désireux de développer des compétences de base en français tout en découvrant la culture de la France et celle d’autres espaces francophones. Les objectifs de ce cours sont essentiellement communicationnels et la méthodologie envisagée repose sur le principe d’une participation active des étudiants lors des séances de cours, par la résolution de situations problèmes. Les savoirs grammaticaux et lexicaux seront étudiés dans la perspective de leur usage concret dans les situations communicationnelles abordées. Il s’agira d’être capable en fin d’année académique de comprendre un document sonore ou écrit de taille et de difficulté moyennes sur un sujet général, de disposer des ressources linguistiques suffisantes pour participer à une conversation simple sur un sujet général et pour réagir et s’exprimer dans une situation simple de la vie courante.

French Language II

FLUP0312 - ECTS Cette matière s’adresse à tous les étudiants possédant des connaissances de base en français (niveau intermédiaire) et soucieux d’enrichir leurs connaissances et leur vision de la France et des espaces francophones. Les objectifs de ce cours sont essentiellement communicationnels et la méthodologie envisagée repose sur le principe d’une participation active des étudiants lors des séances de cours, par la résolution de situations problèmes. Les savoirs grammaticaux et lexicaux seront étudiés dans la perspective de leur usage concret dans les situations communicationnelles abordées. Il s’agira d’être capable en fin d’année académique de comprendre un document sonore ou écrit de taille et de difficulté moyennes(-élevées) sur un sujet général et sur un sujet propre à la spécialité de chacun des inscrits, de disposer des ressources linguistiques suffisantes pour participer à une conversation sur un sujet général ou propre à l’une ou l’autre spécialité, pour réagir et s’exprimer dans les situations de la vie courante, pour produire un texte écrit de longueur moyenne correct du point de vue de la syntaxe et de la morphologie.

Italian Language I

FLUP0313 - ECTS To acquaint students with the basic elements for learning the Italian Language (written and spoken). On completion of this subject, students should be able to hold a conversation, although not very complex, in Italian and to express their thoughts on any topic in an elementary form of writing.

Italian Language II

FLUP0350 - ECTS To further the study of the Italian language. By the end of the year, students should be able to express themselves more accurately in speech and in writing.

Romanian Language I

FLUP0320 - ECTS The programme presented here for Romanian Language I – Optional Course/ Beginners’ Level at Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto – is directed at a target audience whose vocational training is essentially intended to continue the study of languages, with a weekly time-table of 4 hours which amounts to about 80 hours per year. Thus, it assumes a specific orientation defined on behalf of the students’ vocational training, allowing them to develop their skills and understandings and, at the same time, providing them with instruction in the social and personal dimensions.

Subject’s objectives and purposes
To develop students’ interpretative and writing skills, showing a growing autonomy in using communicative skills.
To provide students with the essential outputs so as to continue with their studies upon completing this subject.

Educational Anthropology

FLUP0322 - ECTS Centred on education as an anthropological project, this course analyses the processes of individualization and subjectification, based on the various perspectives of anthropology: cultural, social and philosophical. Therefore, starting with an approach to the thought of contemporary authors, it is our purpose to identify different concepts of the Education process, from which it may be possible to rethink the image of what it is to be human.

Spanish Culture I

FLUP0307 - ECTS This optional subject, especially intended for the Portuguese and Spanish Studies course, aims at providing students not only with a theoretical framework and guidelines so as to study and acquire an understanding of Spanish culture, but also with tools for the study, analysis and understanding of several of the most particularly significant texts within the cultural, literary and artistic contexts of the Spanish 17th and 18th centuries.

Epistemology of Education Sciences

FLUP0321 - ECTS Students will be introduced to the complexity of the education phenomenon, taking into account the specificity of the epistemological problem within the educational context. Consequently, we shall analyse the relationships between research and educational processes, focussing on the relationship between educational knowledge and pedagogical understanding.

History of the Renaissance and Humanism I

FLUP0264 - ECTS 1. To delimit Civic Humanism in the Renaissance within its chronological scope, ideological concerns and cultural practices;
2. To broadly approach the major themes of Renaissance Humanism;
3. To acquaint students with the major names in European Renaissance Humanism and their works, through anthological texts.

Latin III

FLUP0100 - ECTS P/F; P/S – Lecturers: Mr. Belmiro Pereira, Ms. Marta Várzeas

- To acquire a more advanced understanding of the grammatical contents of Latin taught during both semesters of the previous year;
- To apply those contents to the study of more advanced Latin texts.

P/G; P/E – Lecturer – Mr. Jorge Deserto

To consolidate and further students’ comprehension of the basic grammatical structures of Latin (morphologic and syntactic).To review the contents taught during previous semesters and to apply the knowledge acquired. To be able to translate more advanced texts. An approach to values of a civilizational nature: Imperial Rome and its portrait by Martial (in his caustic verses)

Portuguese Studies – Lecturer – Ms. Marta Várzeas

- To consolidate students’ knowledge of the language through the study of some aspects of the historical evolution concerning its phonetics and morphology;
- To acquaint students with Cicero’s texts and with the political and socio-cultural context in which they were produced/written;
- To promote the quality of translation.

Portuguese Linguistics I

FLUP0096 - ECTS The aims of this subject are the following: 1. to acquire new knowledge and new methods in Syntax and Lexical Semantics, taking into consideration European Portuguese and also some of its varieties; 2. to acquire capabilities in linguistic observation based on theoretical proposals; 3. to learn rigorous methods of linguistic analysis by tests and exercises.

Brazilian Literature I

FLUP0389 - ECTS To introduce students to Brazilian Literature through the study of some of its most important texts, writers and moments.

Spanish Literature I

FLUP0412 - ECTS Es esta la primera asignatura de Literatura española que el alumno tendrá en la carrera, por tanto la Introducción será un poco más extensa que en cursos posteriores. El alumno deberá familiarizarse con algunos aspectos particulares de la literatura española, enmarcada dentro de los movimientos literario-culturales comunes a otras naciones europeas en el siglo XIX

Italian Literature I

FLUP0665 - ECTS To acquaint students with the works of some of the major Italian writers. In the first semester, the focus falls upon Giovanni Boccaccio’s “Decamerone” and Carlo Goldini’s “La Locandiera”. Thus, both prose and drama from the 14th-century to the 18th-century will be addressed.

Portuguese Literature I

FLUP0094 - ECTS Programme I
Lecturer: Professor Rosa Martelo

To characterize some of the more representative works of Portuguese Romanticism; to identify and characterize the different lines of development concerning the 19th-century Portuguese literature; to identify the general conditions surrounding the emergence of romantic poetics (in general terms) and the Modern post-Baudelair poetics; to apply those concepts to Portuguese literature; to learn and apply the fundamental concepts of narrative and poetics. Produce a well-found speech, based on the analysis and comment, on the works studied in the programme.

Programme II
Lecturer: Professor Maria João Reynaud

Overview of the 19th-century Portuguese literature, learning the evolutive path(s) of literature, through the dynamics of generations, movements and schools. Stress on the fundamental authors, based on contemporary theoretical and critical views.

Portuguese-speaking African Literature I

FLUP0668 - ECTS Since this subject is the first of four semestral subjects on Literature from Portuguese-speaking African countries, it is intended that students come to master knowledge of:
- the overall context which gave rise to the emergence of the “literary phenomenon” in Portuguese-speaking countries;
- the overview of Angolan Literature, from its genesis to the Generation of the “Culture”, through the analysis of and/or reference to texts by the most significant writers.

Psycholinguistics I

FLUP0883 - ECTS To make students aware of the essential aspects within the scope of an introduction to Psycholinguistics, getting them to develop a critical spirit towards certain areas which may come to have some aspects in common with the different topics approached.

Literary Semiotics (1st sem.)


Education and Citizenship

FLUP0515 - ECTS This subject will seek to analyse the relationship between the right to education and Human Rights, as the fundamental focal point for reflection on education as a social and human right. Consequently, and bearing in mind the challenges faced by education in the 21st century, students will also be encouraged to reflect on the tensions faced by contemporary societies, as well as on the notion of educational society and building citizenship

Latin IV

FLUP0107 - ECTS Language combinations: Portuguese and French; Portuguese and Spanish
Lecturers: Mr. Belmiro Fernandes Pereira, Mr. Jorge Deserto

- To consolidate students’ knowledge of the language through the study of some aspects of the historical evolution concerning its phonetics and morphology;
- To acquaint students with Cicero’s texts and with the political and socio-cultural context in which they were produced/written;
- To promote the quality of translation.

Portuguese Studies – Lecturer: Ms. Marta Várzeas.

- To consolidate students’ knowledge of the language through the study of some aspects of the historical evolution concerning its phonetics and morphology;
- To acquaint students with Cicero’s texts and with the political and socio-cultural context in which they were produced/written;
- To promote the quality of translation.

Portuguese Linguistics II

FLUP0097 - ECTS The aims of this subject are the following: 1. to improve and broaden students’ knowledge of Syntax, in particular of some types of complex sentences; 2. to learn new ways of looking at semantic aspects of languages taking into account the shift from word-level to sentence-level and discourse-level.

Brazilian Literature II

FLUP0390 - ECTS Study of some of the most significant texts, writers and moments in Brazilian Literature.

Spanish Literature II

FLUP0413 - ECTS En este segundo semestre de literatura española el alumno ampliará su conocimiento de la misma a través de algunos momentos claves de la historia literaria del siglo XX. El primer punto del programa responde a una situación particular de la historia de España que tuvo un singular reflejo en la literatura. Los puntos dos y tres pueden enmarcarse en movimientos sociales, culturales y literarios más generales en toda Europa, si bien la fuerte personalidad de algunos autores de la llamada Generación del 27 haya favorecido el desarrollo en estos años de una generación de poetas irrepetible en la historia literaria española. Por ello esta Generación será objeto de especial atención durante el curso.

Italian Literature II

FLUP0666 - ECTS Resuming the presentation of the major figures in Italian literature, in the second semester, students will be introduced to the work of two poets: Dante’s “Divine Comedy” and Giacomo Leopardi’s “Canti” (14th and 18th centuries)

Portuguese Literature II

FLUP0095 - ECTS Portuguese and Spanish Studies; Portuguese and French Studies; Portuguese and German Studies- Lecturers: Rosa Martelo and Américo Santos

To identify and characterize different models of construction of subjectivity in 19th and 20th century Portuguese poetry; to articulate these models with the emergence of aesthetic Modernity; to distinguish the distinctive features of Romantic poetry and to recognize its importance in the development of Modernist poetry; to acquire notions of literary periods and to apply them to the understanding of 19th and 20th century Portuguese poetry; to revive, further and apply theoretical and critical tools required for critical readings of poetic texts.

Portuguese Studies; Portuguese and English Studies- Lecturers: Maria João Reynaud and Pedro Eiras.

Study of 20th century Portuguese Literature: from Modernism to Post-Modernism: tradition and rupture(s). Study of aesthetic movements and trends. The new paths of fiction.

Portuguese-speaking African Literature II

FLUP0669 - ECTS As a continuation of Portuguese-speaking African Literature I, this subject is intended to:
- conclude the panoramic presentation of Angolan Literature until the present-day;
- contextualize and appreciate, through the study of writers and fundamental texts, the development of the Literature from São Tomé.

Contemporary Pedagogical Perspectives

FLUP0323 - ECTS This subject’s programme will focus on identifying and characterizing some of the major contemporary pedagogic perspectives associated with the issue of the Other from a relational point of view. In this context, students will analyze, namely, the environmental, intercultural and the pedagogy of the project as pedagogies of otherness. Consequently, it will be our purpose to reflect on the reconfiguration of the status and role of pedagogy in our days.

Psycholinguistics II

FLUP0884 - ECTS To make students aware of the essential aspects within the scope of an introduction to Psycholinguistics, getting them to develop a critical spirit towards certain areas which may come to have some aspects in common with the different topics approached.

Literary Semiotics (2nd sem.)


Spanish III

FLUP0418 - ECTS El objetivo primordial de la asignatura es afianzar y ampliar los conocimientos y nociones gramaticales adquiridas por el estudiante en cursos anteriores. Adquirir un nivel elevado en comprensión y expresión oral y escrita. Y conseguir que el alumno reflexione sobre la lengua y aprenda a controlar su propio proceso de aprendizaje.

Arabic Language and Culture I

FLUP0309 - ECTS - To study the linguistic system of the Arabic language.
- To write, read and communicate in Arabic.
- Specific use of Arabic within social contexts.
- To become acquainted with the Arabic and Islamic culture.

Arabic Language and Culture II

FLUP0310 - ECTS - To further the linguistic knowledge acquired throughout the first year.
- To study other aspects of lexicon, grammar and syntax.
- To practice the Arabic Language.
- To analyze aspects of Arabic and Islamic culture through literary texts (accounts of journeys, press articles…)

French Language I

FLUP0311 - ECTS Cette matière s’adresse aux étudiants ayant peu ou pas de connaissances de la langue française (niveau débutants/faux débutants), désireux de développer des compétences de base en français tout en découvrant la culture de la France et celle d’autres espaces francophones. Les objectifs de ce cours sont essentiellement communicationnels et la méthodologie envisagée repose sur le principe d’une participation active des étudiants lors des séances de cours, par la résolution de situations problèmes. Les savoirs grammaticaux et lexicaux seront étudiés dans la perspective de leur usage concret dans les situations communicationnelles abordées. Il s’agira d’être capable en fin d’année académique de comprendre un document sonore ou écrit de taille et de difficulté moyennes sur un sujet général, de disposer des ressources linguistiques suffisantes pour participer à une conversation simple sur un sujet général et pour réagir et s’exprimer dans une situation simple de la vie courante.

French Language II

FLUP0312 - ECTS Cette matière s’adresse à tous les étudiants possédant des connaissances de base en français (niveau intermédiaire) et soucieux d’enrichir leurs connaissances et leur vision de la France et des espaces francophones. Les objectifs de ce cours sont essentiellement communicationnels et la méthodologie envisagée repose sur le principe d’une participation active des étudiants lors des séances de cours, par la résolution de situations problèmes. Les savoirs grammaticaux et lexicaux seront étudiés dans la perspective de leur usage concret dans les situations communicationnelles abordées. Il s’agira d’être capable en fin d’année académique de comprendre un document sonore ou écrit de taille et de difficulté moyennes(-élevées) sur un sujet général et sur un sujet propre à la spécialité de chacun des inscrits, de disposer des ressources linguistiques suffisantes pour participer à une conversation sur un sujet général ou propre à l’une ou l’autre spécialité, pour réagir et s’exprimer dans les situations de la vie courante, pour produire un texte écrit de longueur moyenne correct du point de vue de la syntaxe et de la morphologie.

Italian Language I

FLUP0313 - ECTS To acquaint students with the basic elements for learning the Italian Language (written and spoken). On completion of this subject, students should be able to hold a conversation, although not very complex, in Italian and to express their thoughts on any topic in an elementary form of writing.

Italian Language II

FLUP0350 - ECTS To further the study of the Italian language. By the end of the year, students should be able to express themselves more accurately in speech and in writing.

Romanian Language I

FLUP0320 - ECTS The programme presented here for Romanian Language I – Optional Course/ Beginners’ Level at Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto – is directed at a target audience whose vocational training is essentially intended to continue the study of languages, with a weekly time-table of 4 hours which amounts to about 80 hours per year. Thus, it assumes a specific orientation defined on behalf of the students’ vocational training, allowing them to develop their skills and understandings and, at the same time, providing them with instruction in the social and personal dimensions.

Subject’s objectives and purposes
To develop students’ interpretative and writing skills, showing a growing autonomy in using communicative skills.
To provide students with the essential outputs so as to continue with their studies upon completing this subject.

Spanish Culture I

FLUP0307 - ECTS This optional subject, especially intended for the Portuguese and Spanish Studies course, aims at providing students not only with a theoretical framework and guidelines so as to study and acquire an understanding of Spanish culture, but also with tools for the study, analysis and understanding of several of the most particularly significant texts within the cultural, literary and artistic contexts of the Spanish 17th and 18th centuries.

History of the Renaissance and Humanism I

FLUP0264 - ECTS 1. To delimit Civic Humanism in the Renaissance within its chronological scope, ideological concerns and cultural practices;
2. To broadly approach the major themes of Renaissance Humanism;
3. To acquaint students with the major names in European Renaissance Humanism and their works, through anthological texts.

Portuguese Linguistics III

FLUP0557 - ECTS To make students aware of the production of sound of languages in general and of Portuguese in particular. To instruct students in the use of basic techniques such as phonetic transcription. To provide students with a profound understanding of articulatory, acoustic and perceptive phonetics in Portuguese. To make students aware of issues related to phonetic variation.

Brazilian Literature I

FLUP0389 - ECTS To introduce students to Brazilian Literature through the study of some of its most important texts, writers and moments.

Brazilian Literature III

FLUP0885 - ECTS Study of themes, texts and writers of 18th and 19th-century Brazilian Literature.

Spanish Literature III

FLUP0619 - ECTS Acercamiento a la literatura española del siglo XVI, con especial atención a la transición del medievo al Renacimiento, y el estudio de algunos de los géneros más característicos de esta época a través de algunos de sus textos esenciales.

Italian Literature I

FLUP0665 - ECTS To acquaint students with the works of some of the major Italian writers. In the first semester, the focus falls upon Giovanni Boccaccio’s “Decamerone” and Carlo Goldini’s “La Locandiera”. Thus, both prose and drama from the 14th-century to the 18th-century will be addressed.

Portuguese Literature III

FLUP0670 - ECTS 1. To draw an evolutionary overview of Portuguese lyric poetry from the 16th to18th century;
2. To broaden students’ knowledge of the choices of Sá de Miranda, António Ferreira and Luís de Camões, concerning their literary practices within the scope of lyric poetry and their conceptions in relation to the poet’s function and the function of poetry itself;
3. To follow through the consequences of the literary innovation movement of the 16th century, in the context of 17th and 18th century Portuguese poetry.

Portuguese-speaking African Literature I

FLUP0668 - ECTS Since this subject is the first of four semestral subjects on Literature from Portuguese-speaking African countries, it is intended that students come to master knowledge of:
- the overall context which gave rise to the emergence of the “literary phenomenon” in Portuguese-speaking countries;
- the overview of Angolan Literature, from its genesis to the Generation of the “Culture”, through the analysis of and/or reference to texts by the most significant writers.

Portuguese-speaking African Literature III

FLUP0881 - ECTS Entirely dedicated to Mozambican Literature, this subject is intended to provide students with an overall understanding of the particular context of Mozambican Literature, from the beginnings until the present day, through the study of a number of texts by some of its most significant writers.

Oral and Marginal Literatures I

FLUP0314 - ECTS Reflection on the concepts of “literature” and “marginal literature”; study of some “kinds” of oral and/or marginal literature.

Spanish Language Teaching Methodology I

FLUP0571 - ECTS Se dota al alumno de conocimientos teóricos sólidos sobre métodos y enfoques de la enseñanza de español como segunda lengua, incentivando la valoración crítica sobre éstos de cara a la futura práctica docente. Asimismo, se desarrollan en el alumno capacidades críticas y de reflexión sobre las estrategias y los recursos de enseñanza-aprendizaje según los diferentes métodos y enfoques.

Portuguese Language Teaching Methodology I

FLUP0575 - ECTS I. General Aims:
1. To discuss the issue of the formative-cognitive and socio-affective values associated to teaching the Mother Language;
2. To understand the relationship between mother language teaching and teaching-learning of other curricular and non-curricular subjects;
3. To develop, select and adapt scientific referential knowledge to the needs, stages and paces of the students’ learning process;
4. To become acquainted with effective, diversified teaching methods and strategies, adjusted to mother language teaching;
5. To become acquainted with pedagogical-didactic tools and available resources and use them in real circumstances.

II. Specific Aims:
1. To prepare planning projects, didactical units and Portuguese Language and Portuguese Literature classes with a view to achieving a competent management of the Programmes, at different levels and school years;
2. To prepare materials adapted to the mother language teaching;
3. To prepare assessment tools for different aspects of the subject.

Psycholinguistics I

FLUP0883 - ECTS To make students aware of the essential aspects within the scope of an introduction to Psycholinguistics, getting them to develop a critical spirit towards certain areas which may come to have some aspects in common with the different topics approached.

Cognitive Psychology, Motivation and Learning

FLUP0583 - ECTS The understanding of cognitive and motivational processes has been considered in the last years as essential in applying an approach based on the development and implementation of adequate teaching-learning strategies. The development of Cognitive Psychology has established the enormous importance of motivation and other affective processes to understand the actions of individuals, namely in an educational context. Therefore, students will be encouraged to reflect on the effects resulting from the interaction between cognition and motivation, as well as on the implications of those relationships in the study of the learning process. The importance of this approach will also be pointed out, and, in a more applied perspective, the level of understanding of the individual differences in the planning of teaching/learning strategies.

1. Introduction to Cognitive Psychology, Motivation and Learning processes, and their relevance in the training of teachers;
2. Identification of the basic concepts underlying this field of knowledge;
3. Analyse the implications of this field knowledge in the teaching process;
4. Relationship between this field of knowledge and the teaching-learning process;
5. Application of this field of knowledge to school-context situations, promoting a cognitive understanding that integrates the pupil's emotional factors.

Educational Psychology

FLUP0584 - ECTS Introduction:
Students will be introduced to issues related with the major theories of adolescent psychological development (from a cognitive, socio-moral and identity perspective), to the teacher’s personal and professional development and his/her role in the education process, and to the educational implications of the development processes of both student and teacher, as well as the value of the school context. The importance of these three aspects in a modern concept of Educational Psychology will be pointed out.

General aims:
1. Introduction to Educational Psychology and its relevance in the training of teachers;
2. Identification of the basic concepts associated to Educational Psychology;
3. Analysis of the implications of Educational Psychology in the teaching process;
4. Relationship between Educational Psychology with processes, agents and teaching-learning contexts;
5. Application of Educational Psychology in the school context, in order to promote the student’s psychological development.

Literary Semiotics (1st sem.)


Portuguese Linguistics IV

FLUP0558 - ECTS To acquaint students with linguistic analysis techniques and concepts used in phonology and morphology. To provide students with a profound understanding of Portuguese morphology and phonology.

Brazilian Literature II

FLUP0390 - ECTS Study of some of the most significant texts, writers and moments in Brazilian Literature.

Brazilian Literature IV

FLUP0886 - ECTS Study of themes, texts and writers of 20th-century Brazilian Literature.

Spanish Literature IV

FLUP0560 - ECTS Continuing and complementing the programme of Spanish Literature III, this programme aims to study and discuss several important texts of 17th- and 18th-century Spanish literature, taking into account the different genres and literary trends of that historical-literary period.

Italian Literature II

FLUP0666 - ECTS Resuming the presentation of the major figures in Italian literature, in the second semester, students will be introduced to the work of two poets: Dante’s “Divine Comedy” and Giacomo Leopardi’s “Canti” (14th and 18th centuries)

Portuguese Literature IV

FLUP0667 - ECTS 1. To draw an evolutionary overview of 16th and 17th century Portuguese literary narrative;
2. To provide further grounding in the literary innovations introduced by Bernardim’s narrative regarding common practices within the context of Iberian chivalric and sentimental literature;
3. To accompany the evolution of the pastoral genre in Portuguese prose literature, relating Francisco Rodrigues Lobo’s Primavera to the Italian and Iberian sources of the bucolic novella.
4. To approach and shed light on the genealogical source(s) and cultural meaning of Fernão Mendes Pinto’s narrative.

Portuguese-speaking African Literature II

FLUP0669 - ECTS As a continuation of Portuguese-speaking African Literature I, this subject is intended to:
- conclude the panoramic presentation of Angolan Literature until the present-day;
- contextualize and appreciate, through the study of writers and fundamental texts, the development of the Literature from São Tomé.

Portuguese-speaking African Literature IV

FLUP0882 - ECTS This subject is intended to provide students with an overall understanding of Portuguese-speaking Cape Verdean Literature, from the beginnings until the present day, by acquainting them with a number of texts of some of its most significant writers. In addition, Cape Verdean Literature is lectured on purpose in the final semester so that – in contrast to the other African Literatures studied in the past 3 semesters - the features that make it unique can be pointed out, within the general context of the “Portuguese-speaking African Literatures”.

Oral and Marginal Literatures II

FLUP0315 - ECTS Study of some “kinds” of oral and/or marginal literature.

Spanish Language Teaching Methodology II

FLUP0572 - ECTS Se pretende desarrollar en el alumno las capacidades críticas de planificación de la práctica docente por medio de la elaboración de propuestas de planificación de unidades didácticas y de clases, así como fomentar las capacidades de análisis y de evaluación del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje para su posterior aplicación.

Portuguese Language Teaching Methodology II

FLUP0576 - ECTS . I. General Aims:
1. To discuss the issue of the formative-cognitive and socio-affective values associated to teaching the Mother Language;
2. To understand the relationship between mother language teaching and teaching-learning of other curricular and non-curricular subjects;
3. To develop, select and adapt scientific referential knowledge to the needs, stages and paces of the students’ learning process;
4. To become acquainted with effective, diversified teaching methods and strategies, adjusted to mother language teaching;
5. To become acquainted with pedagogical-didactic tools and available resources and use them in real circumstances.

II. Specific Aims:
1. To prepare planning projects, didactical units and Portuguese Language and Portuguese Literature classes with a view to achieving a competent management of the Programmes, at different levels and school years;
2. To prepare materials adapted to the mother language teaching;
3. To prepare assessment tools for different aspects of the subject.

Psycholinguistics II

FLUP0884 - ECTS To make students aware of the essential aspects within the scope of an introduction to Psycholinguistics, getting them to develop a critical spirit towards certain areas which may come to have some aspects in common with the different topics approached.

Psychology of Adolescence and Contexts of Development

This subject will seek to analyse the psychological and developmental processes during adolescence, in light of the central role played by developmental contexts (family, communal, social, political, economic, etc.) in their evolution. Based on an ecological and developmental model of human development and a theoretical framework which emphasizes the historical and social variables characteristic of adolescence and its development, students will explore some of the major themes of psychology of adolescence which are relevant to initial teacher training, such as: development in puberty and its psychological implications, the adolescent's relationships with the family, school and peers, vocational development and transition to the world of work, leisure activities and processes of psychological adaptation founding the transitions experienced during adolescence.

- Identify the main characteristics of adolescence as a period of human development;
- Analyse adolescent development in light of socio-historical limitations;
- Relate the impact of life contexts on psychological processes and development during adolescence;
- Anticipate situations related with the behaviour of adolescents in the educational context.

Psychology of Emotions and Communication

The study of emotions, object of considerable developments in the last few years, is now a highly relevant, wide-ranging field in psychology. At the basis of all communication, including the verbal, there are non-verbal processes, based on emotions and their expression. The school context is, undoubtedly, a privileged area for different communicational exchanges, namely the emotional. On the other hand, non-verbal communication, found in emotional exchanges, forms the developmental basis of all subsequent verbal communication. Therefore, this knowledge is today essential in both teacher training and school intervention processes, as it promotes the students' social and emotional development.

• Introduction to Psychology of Emotions and Communication and its relevance in teacher training;
• Identification of the basic concepts within this field of knowledge;
• Analysis of its implications in the teaching process;
• Relate these basic notions with an understanding of social interaction;
• Application of these concepts to school situations, in promoting the students' social and emotional development

Literary Semiotics (2nd sem.)


Spanish IV

FLUP0419 - ECTS Perfeccionamiento de las destrezas lingüísticas, atendiendo especialmente a la comprensión y a la expresión escrita y a la expresión oral.Perfeccionamiento de las competencias gramatical y discursiva. Desarrollo de la reflexión sobre las divergencias en todos los niveles lingüísticos entre el español y el portugués.

Arabic Language and Culture I

FLUP0309 - ECTS - To study the linguistic system of the Arabic language.
- To write, read and communicate in Arabic.
- Specific use of Arabic within social contexts.
- To become acquainted with the Arabic and Islamic culture.

Arabic Language and Culture II

FLUP0310 - ECTS - To further the linguistic knowledge acquired throughout the first year.
- To study other aspects of lexicon, grammar and syntax.
- To practice the Arabic Language.
- To analyze aspects of Arabic and Islamic culture through literary texts (accounts of journeys, press articles…)

French Language I

FLUP0311 - ECTS Cette matière s’adresse aux étudiants ayant peu ou pas de connaissances de la langue française (niveau débutants/faux débutants), désireux de développer des compétences de base en français tout en découvrant la culture de la France et celle d’autres espaces francophones. Les objectifs de ce cours sont essentiellement communicationnels et la méthodologie envisagée repose sur le principe d’une participation active des étudiants lors des séances de cours, par la résolution de situations problèmes. Les savoirs grammaticaux et lexicaux seront étudiés dans la perspective de leur usage concret dans les situations communicationnelles abordées. Il s’agira d’être capable en fin d’année académique de comprendre un document sonore ou écrit de taille et de difficulté moyennes sur un sujet général, de disposer des ressources linguistiques suffisantes pour participer à une conversation simple sur un sujet général et pour réagir et s’exprimer dans une situation simple de la vie courante.

French Language II

FLUP0312 - ECTS Cette matière s’adresse à tous les étudiants possédant des connaissances de base en français (niveau intermédiaire) et soucieux d’enrichir leurs connaissances et leur vision de la France et des espaces francophones. Les objectifs de ce cours sont essentiellement communicationnels et la méthodologie envisagée repose sur le principe d’une participation active des étudiants lors des séances de cours, par la résolution de situations problèmes. Les savoirs grammaticaux et lexicaux seront étudiés dans la perspective de leur usage concret dans les situations communicationnelles abordées. Il s’agira d’être capable en fin d’année académique de comprendre un document sonore ou écrit de taille et de difficulté moyennes(-élevées) sur un sujet général et sur un sujet propre à la spécialité de chacun des inscrits, de disposer des ressources linguistiques suffisantes pour participer à une conversation sur un sujet général ou propre à l’une ou l’autre spécialité, pour réagir et s’exprimer dans les situations de la vie courante, pour produire un texte écrit de longueur moyenne correct du point de vue de la syntaxe et de la morphologie.

Italian Language I

FLUP0313 - ECTS To acquaint students with the basic elements for learning the Italian Language (written and spoken). On completion of this subject, students should be able to hold a conversation, although not very complex, in Italian and to express their thoughts on any topic in an elementary form of writing.

Italian Language II

FLUP0350 - ECTS To further the study of the Italian language. By the end of the year, students should be able to express themselves more accurately in speech and in writing.

Romanian Language I

FLUP0320 - ECTS The programme presented here for Romanian Language I – Optional Course/ Beginners’ Level at Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto – is directed at a target audience whose vocational training is essentially intended to continue the study of languages, with a weekly time-table of 4 hours which amounts to about 80 hours per year. Thus, it assumes a specific orientation defined on behalf of the students’ vocational training, allowing them to develop their skills and understandings and, at the same time, providing them with instruction in the social and personal dimensions.

Subject’s objectives and purposes
To develop students’ interpretative and writing skills, showing a growing autonomy in using communicative skills.
To provide students with the essential outputs so as to continue with their studies upon completing this subject.

Socio-historical Analysis of Education

FLUP0816 - ECTS I. Framework:
The historical reality of education in contemporary Portugal is the central and structural issue to be studied in this subject. Therefore, it is our main purpose to identify a historical perspective through the analysis of past educational situations and their significant differences with the present situation.
Without rejecting reflection on our educational reality (namely, for instance, organization of the educational system, educational policies, curricular organization, teaching institutions, teacher training and the student's status), this study integrates history, sociology and other scientific areas in identifying the major issues in the recent evolution of the Portuguese educational system, its similarities and the changes introduced.
The subject constitutes an interdisciplinary field for the study, questioning and critical reflection on Portuguese history and education, and aims to help the students/teachers-to-be learn about their future responsibilities as teachers.

II. Objectives
Develop reflective, critical and scientific research habits in educational issues.
Identify, in space and time, the historical changes in education
Analyse the historical process of constructing the Portuguese educational system through education reforms .
Identify political, social and cultural situations that influenced education in Portugal from the late 19th century to our days.
Understand the complexity and diversity of educational contexts and pedagogical experiences from a historical perspective.
Identify the evolution of socio-educational structures of secondary schools in terms of the organisation of the Portuguese school system.
Evaluate the evolution of the concepts of education, student, teacher, curriculum and school, throughout the 20th century in Portugal.

Spanish Culture I

FLUP0307 - ECTS This optional subject, especially intended for the Portuguese and Spanish Studies course, aims at providing students not only with a theoretical framework and guidelines so as to study and acquire an understanding of Spanish culture, but also with tools for the study, analysis and understanding of several of the most particularly significant texts within the cultural, literary and artistic contexts of the Spanish 17th and 18th centuries.

History of the Portuguese Language I

FLUP0723 - ECTS The aim of this subject is to provide students with groundings in three areas: analysis of linguistic variation theories and methods for the study of linguistic variation; its application in the specific domain of the history of the Portuguese language; and its integration in a more generic perspective, within the scope of Romance linguistics.

History of the Renaissance and Humanism I

FLUP0264 - ECTS 1. To delimit Civic Humanism in the Renaissance within its chronological scope, ideological concerns and cultural practices;
2. To broadly approach the major themes of Renaissance Humanism;
3. To acquaint students with the major names in European Renaissance Humanism and their works, through anthological texts.

Brazilian Literature I

FLUP0389 - ECTS To introduce students to Brazilian Literature through the study of some of its most important texts, writers and moments.

Brazilian Literature III

FLUP0885 - ECTS Study of themes, texts and writers of 18th and 19th-century Brazilian Literature.

Italian Literature I

FLUP0665 - ECTS To acquaint students with the works of some of the major Italian writers. In the first semester, the focus falls upon Giovanni Boccaccio’s “Decamerone” and Carlo Goldini’s “La Locandiera”. Thus, both prose and drama from the 14th-century to the 18th-century will be addressed.

Portuguese Literature V

FLUP0727 - ECTS To provide students with an assiduous and thorough study of some of the most relevant texts of Galician-Portuguese Literature. To proceed with an aesthetic, cultural and social framework of the production and reception processes of those texts.

Portuguese-speaking African Literature I

FLUP0668 - ECTS Since this subject is the first of four semestral subjects on Literature from Portuguese-speaking African countries, it is intended that students come to master knowledge of:
- the overall context which gave rise to the emergence of the “literary phenomenon” in Portuguese-speaking countries;
- the overview of Angolan Literature, from its genesis to the Generation of the “Culture”, through the analysis of and/or reference to texts by the most significant writers.

Portuguese-speaking African Literature III

FLUP0881 - ECTS Entirely dedicated to Mozambican Literature, this subject is intended to provide students with an overall understanding of the particular context of Mozambican Literature, from the beginnings until the present day, through the study of a number of texts by some of its most significant writers.

Oral and Marginal Literatures I

FLUP0314 - ECTS Reflection on the concepts of “literature” and “marginal literature”; study of some “kinds” of oral and/or marginal literature.

Spanish Language Teaching Methodology I

FLUP0571 - ECTS Se dota al alumno de conocimientos teóricos sólidos sobre métodos y enfoques de la enseñanza de español como segunda lengua, incentivando la valoración crítica sobre éstos de cara a la futura práctica docente. Asimismo, se desarrollan en el alumno capacidades críticas y de reflexión sobre las estrategias y los recursos de enseñanza-aprendizaje según los diferentes métodos y enfoques.

Portuguese Language Teaching Methodology I

FLUP0575 - ECTS I. General Aims:
1. To discuss the issue of the formative-cognitive and socio-affective values associated to teaching the Mother Language;
2. To understand the relationship between mother language teaching and teaching-learning of other curricular and non-curricular subjects;
3. To develop, select and adapt scientific referential knowledge to the needs, stages and paces of the students’ learning process;
4. To become acquainted with effective, diversified teaching methods and strategies, adjusted to mother language teaching;
5. To become acquainted with pedagogical-didactic tools and available resources and use them in real circumstances.

II. Specific Aims:
1. To prepare planning projects, didactical units and Portuguese Language and Portuguese Literature classes with a view to achieving a competent management of the Programmes, at different levels and school years;
2. To prepare materials adapted to the mother language teaching;
3. To prepare assessment tools for different aspects of the subject.

Curricular Organisation and Development

FLUP0815 - ECTS I. Framework:
This subject, essentially aimed at the analysis of the Portuguese educational system as a whole, provides critical reflection on the teaching-learning process, thus enabling future teachers to develop a scientific and pedagogical rationalization and systematization of their career.
Without ignoring the pragmatic dimension of curricular theory, both in terms of organization and development, it seemed important to highlight its theoretical component. This option follows a line of thought in education according to which teachers should associate research and reflection to their teaching practice.
Teachers need to have a sound theoretical basis so as to conduct research in the field of education, where plural ‘black boxes’ persist demanding further research.
This implies a solid investment in the curricular area of teacher training, thus preparing future teachers to have a critical position in relation to curricular development, and emphasising the problematic, complex and situational aspects of decision-making and educational procedures.

II. Objectives:
Develop reflective and scientific research attitudes.
Promote students’ critical capacity and an innovative spirit in educational and curricular issues.
Identify the political and administrative organization of school education and curricular organization of the Portuguese educational system.
Acquire a fundamental understanding of the theory, organization and development of a curriculum.
Understand the diversity of curricular guidelines and their incidence in education.
Analyze the processes of conceiving and developing a curriculum for the Portuguese educational system.
Evaluate the juridical and institutional framework of the Portuguese educational system and its curricular and pedagogical implications.
Reflect on education and teaching models.

Psycholinguistics I

FLUP0883 - ECTS To make students aware of the essential aspects within the scope of an introduction to Psycholinguistics, getting them to develop a critical spirit towards certain areas which may come to have some aspects in common with the different topics approached.

Literary Semiotics (1st sem.)


Theory of Literature I

FLUP0730 - ECTS To make students aware of the fundamental concepts at the level of theoretical reflection on the literary phenomenon.
To develop students´ questioning and argumentative skills as well as a critical spirit and a sense of synthesis.
To optimize reading skills.

Analysis of School Organizations

FLUP0818 - ECTS I. Framework:
In a time of transition between millennia, the institution school has become a strategic area for the implementation of the educational system and for curricular and pedagogic innovation. Consequently, it is necessary to systematize and reflect on the different policies and studies about the school.
This subject aims at guiding students in a programmatic and pragmatic process that will enable them to reflect on, discuss and research about school organization, particularly in the administrative, professional, curricular and pedagogic areas and the Portuguese educational system.
In school management, it is possible to identify the principles of social participation in decision-making, decentralization of educational structures, curricular contexts – both at the level of the school and the class, their pedagogical, cultural and administrative autonomy and the construction of a specific systemic and educational structural identity.
The main objective is to teach future teachers, before starting their career, about the school administration. This study will be focussed on the analytic-research process of educational policies, supported by the necessary theoretical, methodological, normative and functional frameworks.
A strong investment in school organization training is necessary, so students will be able to reflect on the education system and academic curricula, emphasizing the problematic, complex and situational nature of decision-making and educational practices.

II - Objectives
Develop reflection and scientific research habits.
Encourage a critical view and an innovative spirit regarding school organization.
Acquisition of fundamental knowledge on the organization, administration and evaluation of the Portuguese education system.
Understand the different variables in school organisation and their influence on the quality of education.
Analyse the organisation morphology of a school based on its administration bodies and educational structures.
Evaluate the juridical regime of school autonomy based on pedagogical tradition/innovation, curricular and organisation processes.
Reflect on the process of constructing the teaching profession.

History of the Portuguese Language II

FLUP0734 - ECTS The aim of this subject is to provide students with groundings in three areas: analysis of linguistic variation theories and methods for the study of linguistic variation; its application in the specific domain of the history of the Portuguese language; and integration in a more generic perspective, within the scope of Romance linguistics.

Brazilian Literature II

FLUP0390 - ECTS Study of some of the most significant texts, writers and moments in Brazilian Literature.

Brazilian Literature IV

FLUP0886 - ECTS Study of themes, texts and writers of 20th-century Brazilian Literature.

Spanish Literature IV

FLUP0736 - ECTS La asignatura pretende familiarizar a los alumnos con la literatura medieval castellana. Este objetivo general se particulariza en varios aspectos: lectura y comprensión de los textos más relevantes, análisis y estudio de las formas literarias cultivadas en la edad media, posterior proyección de la literatura medieval.

Italian Literature II

FLUP0666 - ECTS Resuming the presentation of the major figures in Italian literature, in the second semester, students will be introduced to the work of two poets: Dante’s “Divine Comedy” and Giacomo Leopardi’s “Canti” (14th and 18th centuries)

Portuguese-speaking African Literature II

FLUP0669 - ECTS As a continuation of Portuguese-speaking African Literature I, this subject is intended to:
- conclude the panoramic presentation of Angolan Literature until the present-day;
- contextualize and appreciate, through the study of writers and fundamental texts, the development of the Literature from São Tomé.

Portuguese-speaking African Literature IV

FLUP0882 - ECTS This subject is intended to provide students with an overall understanding of Portuguese-speaking Cape Verdean Literature, from the beginnings until the present day, by acquainting them with a number of texts of some of its most significant writers. In addition, Cape Verdean Literature is lectured on purpose in the final semester so that – in contrast to the other African Literatures studied in the past 3 semesters - the features that make it unique can be pointed out, within the general context of the “Portuguese-speaking African Literatures”.

Oral and Marginal Literatures II

FLUP0315 - ECTS Study of some “kinds” of oral and/or marginal literature.

Spanish Language Teaching Methodology II

FLUP0572 - ECTS Se pretende desarrollar en el alumno las capacidades críticas de planificación de la práctica docente por medio de la elaboración de propuestas de planificación de unidades didácticas y de clases, así como fomentar las capacidades de análisis y de evaluación del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje para su posterior aplicación.

Portuguese Language Teaching Methodology II

FLUP0576 - ECTS . I. General Aims:
1. To discuss the issue of the formative-cognitive and socio-affective values associated to teaching the Mother Language;
2. To understand the relationship between mother language teaching and teaching-learning of other curricular and non-curricular subjects;
3. To develop, select and adapt scientific referential knowledge to the needs, stages and paces of the students’ learning process;
4. To become acquainted with effective, diversified teaching methods and strategies, adjusted to mother language teaching;
5. To become acquainted with pedagogical-didactic tools and available resources and use them in real circumstances.

II. Specific Aims:
1. To prepare planning projects, didactical units and Portuguese Language and Portuguese Literature classes with a view to achieving a competent management of the Programmes, at different levels and school years;
2. To prepare materials adapted to the mother language teaching;
3. To prepare assessment tools for different aspects of the subject.

Perspectives of Educational Systems

This subject offers a formative space and time open to reflection on the systemic organization of education in Portugal and relevance of systemic methodology as applied within the school context.
The perspectives here considered are predominantly those of the Portuguese educational intra-system. However, an inter-national perspective of educational systems will not be disregarded, with a view to finding explanatory models and of the structuring of these educational models.
The conceptual fundaments of the systemic approach will be analyzed as processes of knowledge, conception, intervention and evaluation of the pedagogical relationship and of curriculum development. From this point of view, the systemic approach to education will also be oriented through its more technological component in a double sense: as tools at the service of existing curricula; as proposals for altering the rationalities and contents of those very curricula.
The teachers’ skills and competencies, as regards the management of learning situations within the classroom context, are put to the test time and time again. This subject views to construct active, innovating and ordered educational work environments.

To encourage students to develop critical skills and to adopt an innovating attitude towards educational matters.
To provide students with a solid understanding of the systemic approach to education.
To assess the educational and teaching models from a systemic perspective.
To analyze the differentiated identity of the Portuguese educational system within the international context.
To identify the relevance and limits of systemic-technological resources within the context of teaching practice.
To conceive and work with didactic and teaching material by using information and communication technologies.
To master the language and the operations of different multimedia and computer equipments.

Psycholinguistics II

FLUP0884 - ECTS To make students aware of the essential aspects within the scope of an introduction to Psycholinguistics, getting them to develop a critical spirit towards certain areas which may come to have some aspects in common with the different topics approached.

Literary Semiotics (2nd sem.)


Theory of Literature II

FLUP0739 - ECTS To make students aware of the fundamental concepts at the level of theoretical reflection on the literary phenomenon.
To develop students´ questioning and argumentative skills as well as a critical spirit and a sense of synthesis.
To optimize reading skills.

Teacher Training (Spanish)

La finalidad principal del seminario es proporcionar a los formandos aspectos teórico-prácticos de los que se puedan valer convenientemente en las prácticas de enseñanza. En última instancia, se pretende que los profesores, en el año de prácticas, sean capaces de crear y desarrollar su personalidad docente en el contexto de la clase de español, afrontando reflexiva y críticamente cualquier problema que pueda surgir en el centro de enseñanza.

Teacher Training (Portuguese)

O aluno em estágio pedagógico de Português: - mobiliza saberes científicos para o ensino-aprendizagem dos seus educandos; - organiza o ensino-aprendizagem tendo por referência paradigmas pedagógico-didácticos actuais; - promove uma gestão da sala de aula em ordem à aquisição e aprofundamento de aprendizagens significativas e ao desenvolvimento das competências com elas relacionadas; - promove um envolvimento activo dos alunos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem; - utiliza diversas modalidades e diferentes instrumentos de avaliação como elemento regulador e promotor da qualidade do ensino e da aprendizagem dos alunos; - intervém no desenvolvimento e na construção do Projecto Educativo da escola e respectivos projectos curriculares; - reflecte sobre as suas práticas, apoiando-se na experiência e na investigação; - age deontologicamente no âmbito da sua acção profissional e avalia os efeitos das decisões tomadas.

Seminar (Spanish)

La finalidad principal del seminario es proporcionar a los formandos aspectos teórico-prácticos de los que se puedan valer convenientemente en las prácticas de enseñanza. En última instancia, se pretende que los profesores, en el año de prácticas, sean capaces de crear y desarrollar su personalidad docente en el contexto de la clase de español, afrontando reflexiva y críticamente cualquier problema que pueda surgir en el centro de enseñanza.

Seminar (Portuguese)

O aluno deverá ser capaz de:
- aprofundar as suas competências científicas e pedagógicas;
- desenvolver atitudes investigativas em ordem a uma problematização e reformulação contínua das práticas lestivas e dos suportes teóricos que lhes subjazem;
- repensar, de modo sistematizado e contínuo, o fenómeno educativo em geral.

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