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French C2.2

Code: MTSL010     Acronym: FC2.2

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Foreign Languages

Instance: 2022/2023 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Web Page: http://moodle.up.pt
E-learning page: https://moodle.up.pt/
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Master of Arts in Translation and Language Services

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MTSL 2 Study plan 1 - 6 60,5 162

Teaching language



Students are expected to be competent (written and oral discourse) according to ERF criteria.

Learning outcomes and competences

By the end of this first master level, students are expected to

  • understand and interpret all kinds of documents (written, oral and media)
  • write clear, smoothly-flowing argumentative texts in an appropriate style
  • interact in oral and written contexts in an appropriate style
  • produce a logical and clear speech
  • learn autonomously using documentary, grammatical, lexical and terminological resources
  • have expanded their general competences: knowledge of the French-speaking world, awareness of cultural diversity, awareness of regional and social variation, practical and intercultural skills
  • have conducted a research about some aspect of the cultures of France and the Francophone World.

Working method



1. Recapitulation of linguistic issues addressed during the first semester (language registers, denotation and connotation, collocations and idioms, modalisation, cohesion and coherence).

2. Specific exercises on persisting difficulties at lexical and syntactic level.

3. Written, oral and multimedia authentic documents comprehension.

4. Production of argumentative texts.

5. Proofreading and editing.

6. Debates.

7. Individual project about some aspect of the cultures of France and the Francophone World.

Mandatory literature

Thyrion Francine; La dissertation. Du lieu commun au texte de réflexion personnelle, De boeck - Duculot , 2006. ISBN: 978-2-8011-1389-9/1374-0881
Wilmet Marc; Grammaire critique du français, De Boeck - Duculot , 2010. ISBN: 978-2-8011-1610-4

Complementary Bibliography

Cislaru, G.; Claudel, C.; Vlad, M.; L'écrit universitaire en pratique, De Boeck, 2009
Dalcq, A.-E.; Englebert, A.; Uyttebrouck, E.; Van Raemdonck, D.; Mettre de l'ordre dans ses idées, De Boeck, 2007
Damar, Marie-Ève; Communication écrite, De Boeck Supérieur, 2014

Comments from the literature

A specific bibliography will be suggested.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Interactive and task-oriented approach.

The proposed activities aim to develop students’ competences and autonomy by completing various tasks, individually or in a group, in order to achieve results to be shared in class or on the Moodle platform.




Humanities > language sciences > Languages > Modern languages > European languages > Romance languages

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 10,00
Prova oral 40,00
Teste 30,00
Trabalho escrito 20,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 51,50
Frequência das aulas 60,50
Trabalho de investigação 50,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Students are expected to attend 75% of classes.

Calculation formula of final grade

Final average of all assessment components.

Examinations or Special Assignments

In accordance with the legislation in force.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

In accordance with the legislation in force.

Classification improvement

Students who failed the test with a mark lower than 10/20 will be allowed to take a second test (Recurso).

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