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Investigation of Fetal Pulmonary Maturity and the Spectrophotometry Analysis of the Amniotic Liquid:
  • Investigation of Fetal Pulmonary Maturity through the identification of a phospholipid in the amniotic liquid – the phosphatidylglycerol, detected by high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC).
  • The spectrophotometry analysis of the amniotic liquid enables, when Rh incompatability, the assessment of fetal bilirubin concentration, to determine the degree of the fetal involvement.
    Examples of provided services
  • The assessment of fetal pulmonary maturity and of the level of fetal bilirubina for the following institutions: Hospital de São João do Porto, Hospital Geral de Santo António do Porto, Hospital Pedro Hispano, Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia, Centro Hospitalar de Vale de Sousa, Hospital Distrital de Vila Nova de Famalicão, Hospital Distrital de Guimarães, Hospital de São Marcos, Hospital de São Sebastião, Hospital de São Paio de Oleiros
Coordinator: Prof. Doutora Maria Irene Rebelo

Identification and Quantification of the Proteic Deficiency of the Erythrocyte Membrane in Hereditary Spherocytosis and Elliptocytosis:
  • The hereditary spherocytosis is the anaemia with higher prevalence in Europe (1/2000) and is characterized by a heterogeneous clinical spectre, from an assimptomatic to a serious anaemia depending on transfusions. Changes in the protein composition of the erythrocyte membrane, are at the bottom of this illness.
    This Service does the identification and quantification of the protein deficiency of the membrane erythrocyte in the hereditary spherocytosis.
    Examples of provided services:
  • Study of 33 cases from the Haematology Service of the Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto (CHUP) - Hospital de Santo António and 72 cases of the Haematology Service of the Centro Hospitalar Universitário São João (CHUSJ) do Porto.
Coordinator: Prof. Doutora Alice dos Santos Silva

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