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Conferência: Online sample preparation-LC-MS/MS platform for fully automated trace analysis on complex matrices

Dia 21 de maio de 2018 às 11.00 horas no Anfiteatro 10 do Complexo FFUP/ICBAS

Tipo de Formação: Conferência
Título: Online sample preparation-LC-MS/MS platform for fully automated trace analysis on complex matrices.
Data: Dia 21 de maio às 11.00 no Anfiteatro 10 (Complexo FFUP/ICBAS) - Cartaz

Orador: Prof. Dr. Fernando Mauro Lanças
(Professor da Universidade de São Paulo,  Instituto de Química de São Carlos, Brasil)

Nota Biográfica: 
Professor Fernando Lanças is Full Professor (Professor Titular) at the Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo, São Carlos (SP), Brasil.
After obtaining a Ph.D.  at the University of Campinas, Brasil, in Analytical Chemistry, he was involved in a Pos Doc program at the Virginia Tech – USA under Prof. Dr. Harold McNair for a period of 2 years. Later, Prof. Lanças was a Visiting Professor on LC-MS/MS and CE-MS/MS at the University of Cornell, USA, in the group leaded by Prof. Jack Henion.

Prof. Lanças main interest spans over almost all separation science techniques and applications, including the development of new materials and columns for miniaturized sample preparation techniques, (micro-SPE; SPME, SBSE, MEPS);
supercritical fluid technologies for sample extraction (SFE) and chromatography (SFC);
instrumentation for sample preparation, chromatography and interfaces for LC-MS/MS and CE-MS/MS;
Unified Chromatography;
full automation of analytical methods; open tubular programmed temperature liquid chromatography;
wall coated open tubular columns for miniaturized liquid chromatography; applications of gas, liquid and supercritical fluid chromatography and their coupling to mass spectrometry to trace analysis of difficult analytes in food, environmental, drugs and liquid fuel samples.
He is author of more than 300 papers, 40 book chapters and 5 books in this area.

Prof. Lanças was scientific advisor of ca. 125 Ph.D and Master Thesis, as well as ca. 30 Pos Docs and 40 undergraduate projects.
He founded the Latin American Congress on Chromatography (COLACRO); the Brazilian Symposium on Chromatography and Related Techniques (SIMCRO), the International Institute on Chromatography (IIC) of which he is the President; and the journal Scientia Chromatographica of which he is the Editor-in-Chief. Prof. Lanças is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of ca. 20 scientific journals, and Titular of the São Paulo State Academy of Sciences.

Sample preparation is still a very time and effort demanding step in an analytical protocol aiming the determination of small amounts of difficult analytes present in complex matrices such as in the case of drugs in biological fluids, pollutants in environmental samples, veterinary drugs in food, mycotoxins in grains and beverage, among several other examples. Fully automated systems are desirable in accordance to the green chemistry principles, avoiding the potential loss of minute amounts of analytes, and the unnecessary exposure of the analyst to toxic solvents and samples. In order to be effective in extracting, concentrating and eliminating potentially interfering species present in complex matrices, selective sorbents plays an important role in this approach. After a successful sample preparation (extraction/concentration/clean up) step, the extract is transferred to the analytical column for further separation and from there to a tandem mass spectrometry system for analytes identification and quantification. In this presentation, a fully automated system utilizing this approach will be presented and discussed, as well as several applications in different analytical chemistry fields.

Prof.ª Doutora Marcela Segundo
(Departamento de Ciências Químicas, Laboratório de Química Aplicada, FFUP)
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