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Tese de Mestrado Integrado em Bioengenharia

Understanding the Behavior of a Drinking Water Biofilm Model to Chemical and Mechanical Stresses

Student: Inês Bezerra Gomes
Student No.: 200808015
Supervisors: Manuel José Vieira Simões
Status: Concluído
Since: 24-JUL-2013
Start: 30-AGO-2012
Thesis Submission: 05-AGO-2013
Defence: 24-JUL-2013
Thesis Title: Understanding the Behavior of a Drinking Water Biofilm Model to Chemical and Mechanical Stresses
Provisional Title: Understanding the Behavior of a Drinking Water Biofilm Model to Chemical and Mechanical Stresses

Selection Panel

Name Role
Luís Melo Presidente
Idalina Machado Vogal
Manuel Simões Vogal
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