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Numerical Methods

Code: EEC0016     Acronym: MNUM

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Mathematics

Instance: 2006/2007 - 1S

Active? Yes
Web Page: http://www.fe.up.pt/mn/
Responsible unit: Fundamental Sciences and Electrotechnics
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Electrical and Computers Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEEC 1 Plano de estudos de transição para 2006/07 3 6 6 63 160
MIEEC 25 Syllabus since 2006/2007 3 - 6 63 160

Teaching language



To provide the students with the ability to rigorously apply numeric techniques in solving engineering problems. The students must be able to apply such techniques either by using calculators, computing tools or programming numerical methods.


I. Error theory.
II. Nonlinear equations.
III. Systems of nonlinear equations.
IV. Systems of linear equations.
V. Function approximation.
VI. Polynomial interpolation.
VII. Numeric Integration.
VIII. Numerical solution of differential equations.

Mandatory literature

Burden, Richard L.; Numerical analysis. ISBN: 0-53491-585-X
A. Matos; Apontamentos de Análise Numérica, 2005
W. Cheney, R. Kincaid; Numerical Mathematics and Computing, Brooks Cole
Conte, S. D.; Elementary numerical analysis. ISBN: 0-07-012447-7
Pina, Heitor; Métodos numéricos. ISBN: 972-8298-04-8
E. Fernandes; Computação Numérica, Universidade do Minho

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical classes: Contents exposition, by using either transparencies or the board. Presentation of examples that illustrate these topics.

Practical and Theoretical-Practical classes: Numerical methods programming. Resolution, presentation and discussion of exercises solved by the students.


Matlab 6
Maple 7.0 Win
Microsoft Visual Studio - Enterprise Edition 6.0

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Subject Classes Participação presencial 56,00
Total: - 0,00

Eligibility for exams

The students cannot exceed the absence limit allowed on the practical and the theoretical-practical classes.

The students that have less than 6 marks (out of 20) on the evaluation made in class fail to attain frequency.

The students that deliver less than 5 of the 9 sets of homework problems correctly solved fail to attain frequency.
The students who attained frequency in 2004/2005 can choose not to attend practical and theoretical-practical classes. This choice will be made at the beginning of the semester and will be irreversible.

Calculation formula of final grade

For the students that attend practical and theoretical-practical classes, the final classification (N) will be obtained from the evaluation of programming problems (P), homework assignments (C) and two tests (T1 and T2), according to the following:
N = (0.1+0.015xE)xP + (0.9-0.015xE)xE
where E=0.5x(T1+T2) and D=0.85xP+0.15xC.

For the students that want to keep the frequency result of 2004/2005, the Final Classification will be obtained with the same formula, where D is now the frequency result of 2004/2005.

Final classifications equal to or greater that 18 (out of 20) require an additional oral exam.

Examinations or Special Assignments

(See special evaluation below)

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

The evaluation of the working-students that choose not to attend practical and theoretical-practical classes will differ in the following:
-the evaluation in class will be substituted by a programming assignment (P);
-the final classification will be obtained from
N = (0.1+0.01xE)xP + (0.9-0.01xE)xE.

Classification improvement

The students that pass this academic year can improve their classifications on 2006/2007.

The students that passed in previous years and want to improve their classification will have to do a programming assignment (P) and the two tests (T1 and T2). The final classification (N) will be obtained from
N = (0.1+0.01xE)xP + (0.9-0.01xE)xE
where E=0.5x(T1+T2).

Final classifications equal to or greater that 18 (out of 20) require an additional oral exam.


The students are expected to study 4 hours/week.
The students that chose to keep the frequency attained in 2004/2005 cannot attend practical and theoretical-practical classes.
The classifications of all the evaluation components are on a 0-20 scale.
Language of instruction: Portuguese.
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