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Conservation and Rehabilitation of Structures

Code: EC5265     Acronym: CRE

Instance: 2004/2005 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Structural Division
Course/CS Responsible: Civil Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEC 20 Plano de Estudos EC a partir de 2003 5 2,5 5 -
P.E. dos Bacharéis em Eng. Geo. de 2003 5 2,5 5 -

Teaching language



Sensibilization of the pupils for the problems, each time more frequent, related with deterioration, the whitewashing and the reinforcement of structures, namely the concrete structures. Relevance is given to the processes of characterization of the state of the structures, to the techniques of repairing and structural reinforcement, to the corresponding taxable incomes and the specific particularitities of this type of projects.


Introduction: on general aspects to deterioration, conservation, whitewashing and reinforcement of structures. Deterioration: aggressive actions; processes of deterioration of concrete, the armors and other structural elements; effect and prevention of deterioration; consigned relative aspects to the structural durability in Eurocode 2. Evaluation of the state of structures: inspections; evaluation processes "in situ" of the conditions of the structures; non destructive testings and laboratorials assays; instrumentation and comment of structures; analysis and interpretation of the structural behavior. Techniques of repairing and structural reinforcement: treatment and reconstitution of concrete; treatment of fissures; whitewashing and reinforcement of structural elements by means of armors you add, metallic elements you add, concrete “encamisamento”, molded or projected; reinforcements by means of composites materials. Sizing of structural reinforcements: reinforcement of beams and flagstone for metallic plates and armors you add, with or without encamisamento, and for composites materials; reinforcement of pillars. Whitewashing and reinforcement of structures and its foundations: general aspects; type and examples of interventions.

Mandatory literature

Apontamentos específicos da cadeira(fornecidos aos alunos)

Complementary Bibliography

Management, maintenance and strengthening of concrete structures" FIB Technical Report (bulletin 17), FIB (CEB-FIP), 2002
"Externally bonded FRP reinforcement for RC structures" FIB Technical Report (Bulletin 14), FIB (CEB-FIP), 2001
Croci, Giorgio; The conservation and structural restoration of architectural heritage. ISBN: 1-85312-4826
Guedes Coelho, Anibal Costa e Silva Matos ; Reparação, reforço e reabilitação de estruturas de betão, DECivil, 1997
Vários; Durabilidade, reparação e reforço de estruturas (textos do curso), IST, 1996
Durable concrete structures. Design Guide. CEB, Thomas Telford, 1992
Mailvaganam, Noel P. 340; Repair and protection of concrete structures. ISBN: 0-8493-4993-1$$b
Johnson, Sidney M.; Deterioration, maintenance, and repair of structures. ISBN: 0-89874-095-9
CEB; Assessment of concrete structures and design procedures for upgrading. Boletim 162 , CEB , 1983

Teaching methods and learning activities

Presentation of the concepts with the support of acetats projection with elucidative figures. Article supply technician on the subjects of the course for analysis and quarrel. Accomplishment of practical works configuring situations of structural rehabilitation/reinforcement. Visits to the workmanships and presentation of specific works for invited technician (eventual and changeable activities).

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Subject Classes Participação presencial 52,00
Trabalho escrito 2005-04-04
Exame 2005-06-06
Total: - 0,00


Estimated working time out of classes: 3 hours.
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