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Programa de formação da Biblioteca para o primeiro semestre já está disponível


Informatics and Computing Engineering

InformationThe course/CS does not admit students in 2007/2008.
- Algorithms and Data Structures - Computer Architecture - Social and Professional Issues - Data Base and Information Treatment Systems - Numerical and Symbolic Computation - Communication Techniques - Physical Modelation - Management and Quantitative Methods - Artificial Intelligence and Robotics - Man-Machine Interaction The Informatics and Computing Engineering programme grants a thorough preparation in the Basic Engineering Sciences, as well as in the areas of Computer Science and Informatics, aiming to prepare students for learning how to learn and for self-learning, in order to develop the skills required to adapt to the continuous and deep scientific and technological progress that this area of knowledge is undergoing now and which is expected to continue in the foreseeable future. AREAS OF ACTIVITY The degree will allow the graduate to participate in the technical or co-ordination function of teams building or managing information systems for industrial or service companies. There is also the possibility of choosing a career in applied or fundamental research or in technological development of software. NUMERUS CLAUSUS: 75


No admissions are allowed from 2007/2008 on

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