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Doctoral Program in Informatics Engineering

General information

Official Code: 5141
Acronym: PRODEI

Informatics Engineering is seen as a broad Body of Knowledge encompassing several aspects of Computing Engineering, Information Systems and Computer Science contributing to the Conceptualization, Specification, Implementation, Validation, Maintenance and Integration of Computer-based Systems.

The main objective of this Doctoral Program in Informatics Engineering (ProDEI) is to promote excellence in the Applied Research in Informatics, including theoretical aspects behind modeling, design and implementation phases of Computer-based Systems life-cycle.


  • Doctorate in Informatics Engineering (180 ECTS credits)
  • Advanced Studies (3rd cycle) in Informatics Engineering (60 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Data Warehouses


Information Description, Storage and Retrieval

PRODEI003 - ECTS Introduce the concepts of markup and the state-of-the-art technologies for markup language specification.
Know how to specify models of XML documents and know processing techniques.
Know how to handle the storage of markup data, comparing it with relational model and handling the conversion between models.
Be familiar with the state-of-the-art in information retrieval, specially the techniques used in text retrieval and their extensions to audiovisual and structured data.
Explore information description using the languages of the Semantic Web as an approach to the elicitation of meaning of data on the Web.
Develop a prototype application based on a XML dialect according to the W3C resource description standards.

Knowledge Extraction

PRODEI004 - ECTS O objectivo da disciplina é o de dotar os alunos de conhecimentos que os tornem capazes de utilizar técnicas de análise automática de grandes quantidades de dados.

Information Systems Integration

PRODEI005 - ECTS Provide the students with the conceptual and reference models to tackle in a systematic and compreheensive way a project of intra- / inter-enterprise integration.
This course also lays the basis for starting research in the area of Enterprise Integration.

Interaction and Visual Simulation Environments


Methodologies for Scientific Research

PRODEI001 - ECTS - To make young Researchers aquainted with the Methods, Processes and best Practices associated to Scientific Research in several different scientific domains as well as in Informatics (Computer Science and Computing Engineering).
- To enable the students to adequately produce scientific papers and thesis according to all the relevant steps that are expected in these kind of texts.

Service and Network Planning and Management


Strategic Planning of Information Systems


Intelligent Robotics

PRODEI010 - ECTS To understand the basic concepts of Robotics and the context of Artificial Intelligence in Robotics.
To study methods of perception and sensorial interpretation (emphasizing computer vision), which allow to create precise world estates and mobile robots’ control methods.
To study the methods which allow mobile robots to navigate in familiar or unfamiliar environments using Planning and Navigation algorithms.
To study the fundamentals of cooperative robotics and of the robots teams construction.
To analyze the main national and international robotic competitions, the more realistic robot simulators and the more advanced robotic platforms available in the market. (emphasizing the robots AIBO ERS2 10A and ERS-7).

Computer Systems Security

PRODEI011 - ECTS Familiarize the students with the security fundamentals of computer systems.
Provide the students with the necessary abilities so that they can specify a security policy and the mechanisms for its implementation, verify the conformity of that implementation and learn how to monitor their operation.

Multi-agent Systems

PRODEI012 - ECTS A disciplina assume-se como de Engenharia e proporciona uma perspectiva global das técnicas associadas à especificação e desenvolvimento de Agentes computacionais bem como realça a sua importância prática apresentando exemplos de aplicação. A Programação Orientada a Agentes é apresentada como uma nova metáfora para a descrição e programação de sistemas computacionais distribuídos.

Apresentam-se Lógicas Intencionais de Representação de Conhecimento em Agentes e Sistemas Multi-Agente. Introduz-se o conceito de Agente numa comunidade Multi-agente. Apresentam-se métodos, protocolos e linguagens de interacção assim como plataformas para a comunicação entre agentes distribuídos.

Para consolidar os conhecimentos ministrados nas aulas teóricas incentiva-se a realização de pequenos projectos, apoiados nas aulas práticas, ilustrativos dos tópicos abordados na disciplina

Test and Quality of Software


Software Engineering Research Topics

PRODEI014 - ECTS To present research topics and recent improvements in the field of Software Engineering, in order to prepare students to conduct a doctorate research work in the field of Software Engineering.

Annotation Languages and Documents Processing

PRODEI016 - ECTS After completing this course, the student will be able to:

Identify the use of markup languages in documents, in data repositories and in applications;
Analyze an XML document and decide whether it complies to a model;
Tell the difference between a standardized language for an application domain and the ad-hoc uses of markup languages;
Design a markup language to support a document type or the data for an application;
Evaluate and compare XML-based and other solutions to support application data interchange;
Design XSL stylesheets to transform documents;
Compare markup languages to other document and data representations with respect to the support to data preservation along technological change;
Develop an XML-based prototype application involving the use of a dialect,document processing and user interface.

Planning and Scheduling Methodologies

PRODEI017 - ECTS To use the most advanced scheduling and planning methodologies to solve complex scheduling and planning problems.

Programming Paradigms

PRODEI018 - ECTS Give the students a global view of the different paradigms with the emphasis on concepts, implementation and suitability to solve the different classes of problems, leading to the understanding of the trade-offs in language design and the advantages and disadvantages of the main languages.

Research Planning

PRODEI015 - ECTS To enable PhD Students to discuss and select their own thesis subject.
To help students to explain their decision and write their State of the Art Report as well as their Thesis temporal Plan.

Distributed and Parallel Programming

PRODEI019 - ECTS Parallel Programming Module:
Acquisition of useful knowledge to develop parallel programming. Construction of solid basis in parallel architectures, algorithms parallelization, programming models, synchronization of processes and performance measures by the development of programs
and the use of appropriate interfaces for parallel programming.
Introduction to distributed computing in Internet environment. To understand the p2p and Grid computing models of distributed computing.

Assisted Reconstruction of 3D Objects


High Performance Resources in Internet Environment

PRODEI021 - ECTS The main objectives are to provide the students with a solid knowledge of parallel computing (in clusters) and distributed computing in the Internet infrastructure, mainly Grid Computing and Peer-to-Peer. Also we can enlist as objectives to obtain a solid knowledge on parallel architectures and on developing parallel programs for distributed memory and shared memory architectures. Through assignments and lab projects the students will also obtain experience in the core technologies in the field, including performance analysis and tuning.

Critical Systems

PRODEI022 - ECTS Abrir os horizontes dos Engenheiros Informáticos, especialistas em desenvolvimento de software, para a área dos Sistemas Críticos.
Abordar noções ligadas à cultura da Segurança, fundamentais para o ciclo de vida de desenvolvimento de Sistemas Críticos.

Electronic Business Technologies

PRODEI023 - ECTS 1. Compreensão do interesse e oportunidade de Negócio Electrónico
2. Explicitar Modelos de Negócio Electrónico
3. Apresentar Tecnologias de Suporte ao Negócio Electrónico



Thesis preparation

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