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Concurso de Escrita Criativa da FEUP


Doctoral Program in Biomedical Engineering

General information

Official Code: 9446
Acronym: PRODEB


  • Doctorate in Biomedical Engineering (180 ECTS credits)
  • Advanced Studies (3rd cycle) in Biomedical Engineering (60 ECTS credits)

Courses Units


EBE0122 - ECTS

Rehabilitation Engineering

EBE0060 - ECTS This course unit aims to provide students with integrated knowledge in technologies, which are intended to aid the social integration of disabled people. This course unit also aims to familiarise students with the combination of technologies with projects and to make them able to assess rehabilitation and accessibility solutions.

Information Systems Engineering

EBE0061 - ECTS This course has as main objective to provide the knowledge and practice of the planning and design of an information system, specially its data component. The students should be able to analyze and model business processes and its information needs and design and build an efficient database schema from it. The design of database manipulation operations and web interfaces identified in the business process model should also be grasped by the students.

Medical Equipment and Robotics

EBE0145 - ECTS This course enables students with knowledge and skills in the areas of electronic equipment and robotics and its application to several areas of Bioengineering. Specifically, it is expected that in the end the students are able to:

In the area of equipment
Students should acquire the competence to analyze, evaluate and design basic systems of acquisition, processing and visualization of biological signals.

In the area of Robotics
Illustrate, describe and explain the application of robotic technology to the areas of Bioengineering.
Categorizing and discriminating sensors to robotic systems.
Categorize and discriminate different configurations of robotic systems.
Select a robotic manipulator for a given medical application (eg surgery, rehabilitation) depending on the characteristics of the robots and the requirements and problems of the practical task.
Categorize and discriminate different configurations of mobile robots.
Select a mobile robot for a given application (eg monitoring and surveillance of patients in a ward, transportation of drugs across areas of the hospital, rehabilitation of movement).
Critical interpretation of the problems and potential of Medical Robotics (robots, surgical robotics, rehabilitation robots to assist the mobility robots for surveillance and monitoring of patients, robots that provide clinical support services).

Ethics and Legislation

MEB0016 - ECTS To develop skills in thinking about and in critically analysing science, scientific knowledge production and the place of science in society as well as ethical debate and legislative awareness.
In the 2011/12 academic year, this curricular unit will take place together with the "Ciência e Sociedade" curricular unit of ICBAS.

Animal and Clinical Experimentation

EBE0155 - ECTS The acquisition of information in the field of experimental research involves the understanding of models and methods appropriate to respond to questions. Realizing that research using in vivo and / or in vitro models may involve a long-term goal, mainly developing a new drug and / or selecting a particular compound, or studying a gene mutation found in animals and humans or to investigate a fundamental process, including the transcription of genes. Learn how to choose the model that responds as close as possible to that expected in a human or another animal.
Be aware of the differences between the models to be used and the goal to achieve. The differences are as important as the similarities that allow us to reach an objective that would not be possible with a human being.
Be aware that doing animal research one have to take in consideration rules and guide lines, which are contemplated by the 3Rs recommendation.
Finally the purpose this subject is to prepare students for exposure to these methodologies, taking them to visit some research units with work being undertaken in several areas.
Acquisition of concepts and methods specific to the Epidemiology discipline. Familiarization with the proper language of a new scientific area. To understand how Epidemiology contributes to support medical practice. Critical appraisal of the value fo diagnostic tests and medical interventions. To accomplish simple epidemiological tasks autonomously, such as data tabulation and calculation of measures of disease frequency. To be able to handle some basic aspects of planning an epidemiologic investigation. To identify the main types of epidemiological studies and to be able to select the most appropriate design to answer a specific question. Critical appraisal of a scientific article.

Biomedical Instrumentation

EBE0179 - ECTS Aims:
This course unit aims to develop students’ skills in biomedical instrumentation and measurement of quantities and signals and in the design of medical devices, by applying and integrating multidisciplinary knowledge of engineering and biomedical sciences.

The skills to be acquired are:
- learning the technical concepts of measurement, instrumentation and using the respective technologies in the biomedical area;
- development of analytical reasoning and resolution of measurement problems in a systemic, critical and creative way;
- development of skills to work in multidisciplinary teams;
- development of skill in the design, project, implementation and testing in a multidisciplinary context;

Learning Outcomes:
After the successful completion of this course unit, students should be capable of:
- demonstrating and applying knowledge on the use of sensors and electronic instruments to measure physical, chemical and biological signals of biomedical interest;
- explaining and analyzing modes of operation of electronic devices in typical situations of measurement and biomedical instrumentation;
- using correctly electronic and virtual instruments in experimental measurements of physiological signals and assess potential sources of error which affect the quality of those measurements;
- interpreting and presenting results of experimental measurements, calculating relevant physiological parameters and assessing the quality of measurement using technologies of electronic and virtual instrumentation;
- compiling and organizing information about a measurement and instrumentation problem in the biomedical domain and proposing a sound technical solution;
- characterizing a physiological signal measurement problem and performing a requirements and technical specification analysis;
- elaborating a work plan in a multidisciplinary team to design and implement a measurement methodology or instrument;
- conceiving, designing, materializing and validating an instrument for the measurement of a signal or quantity of biomedical interest;
- organizing and preparing technical documentation related to a method or biomedical instrument;
- demonstrating, justifying and recommending a measurement methodology or biomedical instrument in a multidisciplinary context.

Biological Systems Interfaces

EBE0142 - ECTS Objectives - The main aim of the course is to provide scientific tools required to understand various types of interactions that take place between cells and tissues and their natural and artificial environments. The interfaces between cells and extra-cellular matrix (ECM), and cells and ECM with medical devices are important examples of biological interfaces.
Topography, chemical composition and mechanical properties of surfaces influence decisively the behaviour of various types of cells, including stem cells. This is of great relevance in the application of biomaterials, including in biosensors, various types of implants (orthopaedic, dental, cardiovascular, etc) and in regenerative therapies. Hence, one of the purposes of the course will be to explain how cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation may be affected by the above properties.
The type, surface density, conformation and renewal of proteins adsorbed onto a surface play a critical role in its behaviour. Thus, the protein-biomaterial interface has to be understood and observed in detail. The physical chemistry of these interfaces, where the presence of water is of fundamental importance, will be covered.
Radical modifications in the behaviour of solid-liquid and biomaterial-cell interfaces may be introduced by manipulating surfaces and materials at the nanoscale. Examples of nanotechnologies applied to modify essential features of biological interfaces (e.g. hydrophobicity, inhibition or promotion of cell adhesion and guided cell growth) will be given.
Characterization of surfaces and their interactions will biological environments (including fluids, cells and tissues) is of great importance in all the above processes. Therefore, special tools are required for observation and quantification of changes taking place at the interface between a material and its bioenvironment. Some of those tools and the physical and chemical principles in which they are based will be presented in the course. Atomic force microscopy (including molecular recognition force microscopy), elipsometry, zeta potential measurements, contact angle and interfacial energy determinations, surface analysis (e.g. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy - XPS), and quartz crystal microbalance will be covered.
Skills and learning outcomes: Develop knowledge and capacities in principles, concepts and methods applicable to explain, evaluate and modify the interplay between natural and artificial surfaces/substrates and their biological environment.

Bibliographic Survey



EBE0171 - ECTS A nanomedicina é a aplicação médica da nanotecnologia no tratamento, diagnóstico, monitorização e controlo dos sistemas biológicos.
O objectivo desta unidade curricular é o de proporcionar aos alunos os conceitos básicos do desenho e caracterização de nanomateriais e nanopartículas com aplicações específicas em nanomedicina.

Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanotechnology for treatment, diagnosis, monitoring and control of biological systems. The aim of this course is to provide the basic concepts, regarding the design and characterization of nano(materials/particles) with specific applications in nanomedicine.

Physiological Signal Processing

EBE0052 - ECTS The objective of this course unit is to motivate students to the nature and diversity of physiological signals (for example: EMG, EEG, ECG), and to familiarize students with the theory foundations in the area of digital signal processing as well as their valorization as practical skills allowing students to understand and design important processes in physiological signal processing including acquisition, conditioning, filtering, analysis and representation of relevant information.
After successful completation this course unit, students will be able to use techniques and technologies of physiological signal processing, by strengthening not only their application to diagnosis objectives, therapy and rehabilitation, but also to foster research, specialization and innovation in these areas.

Biological Reactions to Materials and Biomedical Devices

EBE0170 - ECTS

Tissues Regeneration and Repair

EBE0185 - ECTS

Seminars in Biomedical Engineering

MEB0006 - ECTS This course aims to provide students with a broad knowledge in the area of Biomedical Engineering.

Biomechanics Simulation

EBE0178 - ECTS Specific goals:

Knowledge and analysis of biomechanical models based on the Finite Element Method (FEM).

At the end of the semester is to be expected that the students

1. Know the basic principles of FEM
2. Are enable to establish, by numerical integration, the stifness matrix and the load vector of a finite element to be applied in linear elastic structure; and based on the displacement field, to calculate the deformation and stress state fields in the interior of a finite element.
3. Are enable to analyse a biomechanical system, doing its discritization, imposing the boundary conditions and mechanical proporties, for specific mechanical loads by using FEM software.

Biomimetics Systems

EBE0154 - ECTS

Biomedical Imaging Analysis

EBE0056 - ECTS This course unit aims to develop students’ skills and knowledge in: concepts and methodologies of digital image processing; principles, concepts, physics methods and technologies of imaging used in Biology and Medicine; presentation of the various processes of Image Processing and Analysis in Biology and Medicine (IPA- BM)

Learning Outcomes:
- acquisition of knowledge in IPA- BM
- analysis of problems in IPA- BM
- design of IPA- BM
- oral and written presentation


EBE0118 - ECTS To provide fundamental principles on Biomaterials Science and Engineering and state of the art knowledge on biomaterials development, in particular for the most relevant medical applications. Since the interaction between biomaterials and tissues is a critical aspect in the performance of biomaterials, the course will cover several of its facets, including the dialogue with the microenvironment and its cellular and extracellular components. The new generation biomaterials designed at the molecular level, using nanotechnology approaches, will be also covered in depth. Their application in regenerative medicine will also be highlighted.

Human Body Biomechanics

EBE0143 - ECTS Objectivos: Dar a conhecer e desenvolver o interesse pela Biomecâncica do Corpo Humano, procurando estudar e investigar o funcionamento, em termos mecânicos, dos diferentes órgãos e tecidos biológicos que a natureza apresenta

Stem Cells in Cell and Regenerative Therapies

EBE0172 - ECTS

Advanced Courses/ Scientific Communication


Computer-Aided Diagnostics

EBE0149 - ECTS Computer aided diagnosis can be defined as the the diagnosis made by the radiologist supported by a computer based medical image analysis that acts as a second opinion system. The course aims at giving the students the knowledge and ability to develop image enhancement, image analysis and classification systems useful in CAD environments.

Modeling in Biomedical Engineering

EBE0148 - ECTS Modeling and simulation are rapidly gaining terrain as an alternative to the established medical research methodologies of clinical investigation and animal experimentation. Similarly, simulation as a medical training modality is becoming realistic enough to represent an alternative to training on real patients and animals. Modeling and simulation are also fundamental tools for the customization of medical implants and prostheses using rapid prototyping techniques. The main objective of this course is to introduce students to modeling and simulation concepts and applications in the two specific areas of biomedical engineering reflected in parts I and II of the program below.

Nanosystems in Drug Delivery Systems

EBE0146 - ECTS

Research Techniques


Thesis in Biomedical Engineering


Thesis in Biomedical Engineering

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