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Fluid Mechanics I

Code: EM0029     Acronym: MF I

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Heat Transfer and Fluid

Instance: 2020/2021 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Fluids and Energy Division
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Mechanical Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIEM 271 Syllabus since 2006/2007 2 - 6 58,5 162
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2021-02-02.

Fields changed: Teaching methods and learning activities, Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final, Avaliação especial, Melhoria de classificação, Bibliografia Complementar, Tipo de avaliação, Observações, Componentes de Avaliação e Ocupação, Obtenção de frequência

Teaching language



Analyze, understand and characterize, on the basis of their respective properties and fundamental laws of mechanics, the behavior of resting and moving fluids. Using specific methodologies and, in some cases, introducing relevant simplifications, solve problems of Fluid Mechanics in engineering and create the basis for the resolution of other more comprehensive, with the complementary knowledge to be transmitted in the scope of Fluid Mechanics II.

Learning outcomes and competences

">It is expected that at the end of the semester students:

  1. ">Be able to characterize fluids by their properties and to solve simple problems involving Newton's law of viscosity.

  2. ">Be able to apply the principles of fluid statics to manometry and to the characterization of pressure forces on immersed surfaces.

  3. Know the fundamental aspects of kinematics and dynamics in the context of fluid mechanics and know how to use the principle of mass conservation, Bernoulli's equation, linear and angular momentum equations, and the energy conservation equation (1st l">aw of thermodynamics) in its integral formulation, in the study of ideal flows.

  4. ">Understand the principle of differential approach in the study of flows and know how to use equations of mass conservation and linear momentum in its differential formulation for simple flow analysis.

  5. Know and apply the basic principles of dimensional analysis and the theory of similarity in the perspective of the experimental study in fluid mechanics.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)



Statics, Kinematic and Dynamics



Introduction. Scope and relevance of fluid mechanics, concept of fluid, thermodynamic properties of fluids, hypothesis of continuous medium. Concept of pressure. Viscosity, Newton's law of viscosity. Couette flow, non-slip condition. Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Surface tension. Vapor pressure and cavitation.
Statics of fluids. Pressure in fluids atrest, invariability of pressure with direction. Principle of Pascal. The hydrostatics fundamental law. Absolute and relative pressure. Manometers and barometers. Forces on surfaces immersed and its center of pressures. Buoyancy.
Flow kinematics. Velocity field properties, lagrangean and eulerian perspectives, convective and local acceleration. Systems and control volumes. Flow rate and mean velocity, law of mass conservation (continuity). Concepts of trajectory, streamline and streakline.
Introduction to fluid dynamics. Newton's 2nd law applied to a fluid particle, integration along a streamline. Ideal flow concept. Equations of Euler and Bernoulli. Interpretations of the Bernoulli equation. Dynamic pressure and stagnation pressure. Velocity and volume flux measurements. Integration of Newton's 2nd law in the direction normal to streamlines. Pressure in free jets.
Fundamental equations - integral formulation. Reynolds transport theorem. Law of mas  conservation. Newton's law and linear momentum equation. Balance of forces acting on a control volume, contact forces and internal forces. Angular momentum. Principle of conservation of energy, 1st law of thermodynamics. Applications.
Fundamental equations - differential formulation. Movement and deformation of fluid elements. Acceleration field in a flow. Infinitesimal control volume. Mass conservation and simplifications. Incompressibility condition limit. Linear momentum. Forces acting on an infinitesimal control volume. Newtonian fluids, Navier-Stokes equations. Boundary conditions. Couette and Hagen-Poiseuille flows. Stream function, vorticity and irrotationality. Potential function.
Dimensional analysis, similarity and modeling. Dimensional homogeneity, dimensional versus non-dimensional representations. Variables and reference dimensions of a problem, dimensionlessness of a functional dependency, Buckingham's "Pi" theorem. Dimensional groups and their interpretation. Introduction to the theory of similarity, models. Fundamental equations of fluid mechanics in dimensionless form.

Mandatory literature

Frank M. White; Fluid mechanics. ISBN: 978-0-07-128645-9
Bruce R. Munson, ... [et al.]; Fluid Mechanics. ISBN: 978-1-118-31867-6

Complementary Bibliography

Oliveira Luis Adriano, Lopes Antonio Gameiro; Mecânica de Fluidos 6ª edição, Lidel , 2020. ISBN: 978-989-752-492-9
Bird, R. Byron; Transport Phenomena. ISBN: 0-471-07395-4
Çengel Yunus A.; Mecânica dos fluidos. ISBN: 978-85-86804-58-8
G. M. Homsy , H. Aref , K. S. Breuer , S. Hochgreb , J. R. Koseff , B. R. Munson, K. G. Powell , C. R. Robertson , S. T. Thoroddsen; Multimedia Fluid Mechanics - Multilingual Version CD-ROM, Cambridge University Press, 2003. ISBN: ISBN-10: 0521604761 | ISBN-13: 9780521604765
G.A. Tokaty; A History of the Philosophy of Fluid Mechanics , Dover Publications, 1994. ISBN: 0-486-68103-3
M. P. Escudier; Introduction to Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Oxford University Press, 2017. ISBN: 978-0-19-871988-5

Teaching methods and learning activities

The Credit Unit is organized into three weekly sessions of 1.5 hours, two theoretical and one theoretical-practical.
Theoretical classes: Presentation of theoretical concepts, discussion, presentation and resolution of  examples.
Theoretical-practical class: Applications of concepts and solving type problems. Clarification of students' doubts.

When online, pre-recorded classes are made available in the moodle platform prior to the session and during the syncronous session, in platform zoom, the teacher will answer questions put forward by the student to clarigy any issues.

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 93,00
Frequência das aulas 63,00
Trabalho laboratorial 6,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Due to the pandemic no conditions are imposed.

Calculation formula of final grade

Due to the pandemic, either a final exam (weight 100%) or, conditions allowing, two separate tests, one at the middle of the semester and the second at the end, each with a weight of 50% for the final mark. In both cases the exam/tests have a duration of 90 minutes.

The resit/grade improvement exam is a single test with a weight of 100%.

Note: the exams are exclusively in portuguese

Examinations or Special Assignments

Does not exist.

Internship work/project

Does not exist

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to the FEUP rules, simultaneously and with the same rules as the resit exam.

Classification improvement

According to the FEUP rules, simultaneously and with the same rules as the resit exam.


Language of instruction: Portuguese

Classes and exams are only in portuguese language.

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