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Structural Concrete I

Code: EC0031     Acronym: EBET1

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Structures

Instance: 2018/2019 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Structural Division
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Civil Engineering

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIEC 189 Syllabus since 2006/2007 4 - 8 75 214
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2019-05-03.

Fields changed: Lingua de trabalho

Teaching language

Portuguese and english


The Course Unit introduces the fundamental principles and the basis for the design of reinforced concrete elements (tension members, columns and beams). Scientific and technical aspects of the analysis and design of reinforced concrete structures are discussed, according to european standards (Eurocodes). These subjects, very relevant to the formation of a civil engineer, are essential for the professional activity in the areas of design, and management and control of construction.

Presentation of the principles, theories and models for the analysis and design of structural concrete elements. To analyze the behaviour of both reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete elements, either in the elastic range or close to failure. Application of the provisions of Eurocode 2 concerning the structural concrete. Initiation of students to the practice of structural design of reinforced and prestressed isostatic concrete elements.

Learning outcomes and competences


Knowledge: To describe the principles, theories and models suitable for the analysis and design of reinforced and prestressed concrete members.

Comprehension: Understanding the behaviour of reinforced and prestressed concrete elements, both under service conditions (linear-elastic behaviour) and close to failure (nonlinear behaviour). Interpretation and application of the Eurocode 2 rules to the analysis and design of structural concrete elements.

Application: To develop solutions for the appropriate design of isostatic reinforced and prestressed concrete elements, by applying the provisions of national regulations and of Eurocode 2. Elaboration of drawings for the correct construction of the designed elements.

Evaluation: Development of criticism in regards to the obtained solutions. Choice of safe structural solutions with the best cost/performance ratio.

Research in Civil Engineering: Development of interest in knowledge discovery, by working on Civil Engineering problems without unique solutions. Stimulation of critical thinking and creativity, seeking for improved solutions for structural concrete elements.

Civil Engineering Project: Initiation of the students to the design of reinforced and prestressed concrete members.

Civil Engineering Practice: Development of appropriate and feasible solutions for reinforced and prestressed concrete members. Presentation of solutions in drawings, including all the necessary information for proper execution.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: It is essential to have good knowledge of the course units of Mechanics, Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis.


Chapter 1 - Introduction. Bases of design. Historical perspective. Methods of analysis and design. Types of actions. Combinations of actions.

Chapter 2 - Material properties. Concrete: classification and constitutive relations. Reinforcing steel. Composite behaviour of concrete and steel.

Chapter 3 - Cross sections subjected to axial force and to bending. Sections subjected to axial forces. Prestressed concrete sections. General bases of flexure. Sections subjected to uniaxial bending. Sections subjected to uniaxial bending combined with axial force.  Sections subjected to biaxial bending.

Chapter 4 - Reinforced concrete beams. Shear. Analysis of the behaviour of reinforced concrete beams. Safety evaluation in terms of shear resistance. Design and detailing of beams.

Chapter 5 - Torsion. Torsion combined with shear and with bending moment.

Chapter 6 - Second order effects in columns. Design and safety verification of columns including the second order effects according to the Eurocode 2, based on the method of nominal curvature.


Scientific content – 70%
Technological content – 30%

The curricular unit introduces the fundamental principles and the basis for the design of reinforced concrete elements (tension members, columns and beams). Scientific and technical aspects of the analysis and design of reinforced concrete structures are discussed, according to european standards (Eurocodes). These subjects, very relevant to the formation of a civil engineer, are essential for the professional activity in the areas of design, and management and control of construction.

Mandatory literature

- Júlio Appleton; - Estruturas de Betão (Vols. 1 e 2), Edições Orion, 2013
- Reinforced Concrete Design to Eurocode 2. B. Mosley, J. Bungey and R. Hulse, Palgrave Macmillan, 6th Edition, 2007.
- Eurocódigos 0, 1 e 2.
- Textos e notas de apoio preparadas pelos docentes.
- Design of Concrete Structures. A. H. Nilson, McGraw-Hill International Editions, 12th Edition, 1997.
- Dimensionnement des Structures en Béton (Volume 7). R. Walther et M. Miehlbradt, Presse Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, EPFL, 1990.

Complementary Bibliography

- Construções de Concreto (Vols. 1, 3 e 4). F. Leonhardt e E. Mönnig, Editore Interciência Ltda, 1978.
- Hormigón Armado (Vols. 1 y 2). P. Jiménez Montoya, A. Garcia Meseguer, F. Morán Cabré, Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.A., 13ª Edición, 1994.

Teaching methods and learning activities

All subjects are presented and discussed during theoretical classes, where the theories and models are explained. Practical classes are dedicated to the discussion of the proposed exercises, and to clarification of the student doubts.

Students are encouraged to:
- Develop solutions for the appropriate design of isostatic reinforced and prestressed concrete elements, by applying the provisions of national regulations and of Eurocode 2;
- Elaborate drawings for the correct construction of the designed elements;
- Develop criticism in regards to the obtained solutions;
- Choose safe structural solutions with the best cost/performance ratio;
- Develop interest in knowledge discovery, by working on Civil Engineering problems without unique solutions;
- Stimulation of critical thinking and creativity, seeking for improved solutions for structural concrete elements.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Teste 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 56,00
Frequência das aulas 56,00
Total: 112,00

Eligibility for exams

Achieving final classification requires compliance with attendance at the course unit, according to the MIEC assessment rules. It is considered that students meet the attendance requirements if, having been regularly enrolled, the number of absences of 25% for each of the classes’ types is not exceeded.

Calculation formula of final grade

The final grade is defined with basis on a distributed evaluation, which is compulsory, and consists of two tests to be held during the semester. All the evaluation components are expressed on a 0-to-20 numerical scale.

The final grade, FG, is obtained with the following formula:

FG = 0.40 x CDE1 + 0.60 x CDE2

CDE1 – classification on the test of Distributed Evaluation 1 (to be performed during the "Semana da FEUP");
CDE2 – classification on the test of Distributed Evaluation 2 (to be performed during the period of examinations "Época Normal”).

NOTE 1: The tests of Distributed Evaluations 1 and 2 are compulsory. If the student is not present at any of these tests, or if intends to improve the corresponding classifications, then the student must apply to the "Recurso" examination defined on the examination period.

NOTE 2: In the "Recurso" examination the student may opt for being evaluated on the program subjects: (i) just related to CDE1, (ii) just related to CDE2, or (iii) concerning all the program matters. For cases (i) and (ii) FG will be obtained using the formula defined above, considering for CDE1 and CDE2 the best classifications obtained by the student on the Distributed Evaluations and on the "Recurso" examination. For the student who has selected option (iii) the final grade FG will be the classification on the "Recurso" examination, or the FG classification which results from the formula above if the latter is superior and the student has performed both Distributed Evaluations.

NOTE 3: All students enrolled in the course unit are classified according to this method.

NOTE 4: Classifications from Distributed Evaluations obtained in previous scholar years are not applicable to the present scholar year.

NOTE 5: Students who wish to obtain a final grade over 17 must have a final grade FG not less than 17.5 and apply for an oral exam.


Working time estimated out of classes: 5 hours/week.

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