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Bachelor in Economics

General information

Official Code: 9081
Acronym: LECO


  • Bachelor in Economics (180 ECTS credits)

National Calls for Application

The average grade of the last approved student in the last 5 years

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
163,3 163,5 173,5 169,5 171


Scheme Phase Vacancies
General Regulation 1 208
Applications and deadlines are managed by Directorate-General for Higher Education.

Courses Units

Calculation and Financial Instruments

1EC101 - ECTS

The goals of the course are (1) to help students mastering the principles of financial calculus, and (2) to characterize key financial instruments.

Introduction to Accounting

1EC102 - ECTS
i)  To understand the corporate environment and the place of the accounting sistem in such an environment;

ii)  To introduce the users of accounting information and to discuss the importance of this information;

iii)  To discuss the accounting principles and the characteristics of the accounting information;

iv)  To prepare the main financial statements, and become familiar with the annex;

v)  To introduce the basics of financial information usage.

Introduction to Social Sciences

1EC103 - ECTS This is an introductory course to the ways in which the social sciences approach social and economic reality, and produce knowledge about that reality. The aim is to provide the students the basic concepts and procedures of scientific methodology; and to motivate them to the need and benefits of interdisciplinary cooperation, namely between economics, sociology and other social sciences.

Mathematics I

1EC104 - ECTS

Students will learn how to study real multivariable functions and how to use this in decision making. The students will namely be able to find the actions (i) that maximize the results, given a restriction on the factors used and (ii) that minimize the factors given an objective, through optimization with and without constraints. The depth of the study will be that which is appropriate in a degree in Economics.

Applications to Management and Economics will be provided when appropriate.

Students will also be able to do mathematics on a computer.

Microeconomics I

1EC105 - ECTS

The main objectives of this course are:
(1) understanding some basic economic instruments and principles;
(2) applying those instruments and principles to some economic problems, mainly individual decision-making problems and market problems.

Accounting and Financial Report

1EC106 - ECTS

This course aims to provide students with the requisite knowledge and skills to appraise current financial reporting practice critically and to evaluate proposed changes from a theoretical foundation. In particular, the course will seek to:
•    Present the documents used in financial reporting, namely financial statements;
•    Reflect upon the current model of financial reporting in a theoretically framed manner.

Information Management

1EC107 - ECTS

Explain the role Information systems and their support role in the process of reaching a decision in business issues, indispensible in companies. Form users that are capable to take a critical stand regards the methods of information management, providing the possibility to learn about the instruments appropriate in decision making. Efficient management of available information requires integration of different types of information from different sources, aggregation of data and its treatment and analysis. In this currciculum unit the aim is to provide learning of instruments in the area of information systems that permit, among other aspects:

- provide knowledge of basic forms of data representation,

- use tools that permit to describe and analyze data,

- organize data in databases,

- select subsets of structured data and use methods that permit to compare different subsets,

- Elaborate representations of decision structures and relate these to programming concepts,


Economic History

1EC108 - ECTS

Economic and Social History provides future economists with a solid knowledge on the emergence and development of the market economies.

This course studies the evolution of the main world economies from the eighteenth century to the present.

Teaching and study are based upon a carefully-chosen set of texts by contemporary classical authors, textbook chapters and research papers.

The course, the classes and the assessment are meant to foster reflection, the capacity to interpret indicators, the capacity to present arguments, the critical reading and the economic culture of the students. It is expected that the course will provide some opportunity to approach in concrete historical contexts some themes that are developed in other disciplines.

Mathematics II

1EC109 - ECTS


Microeconomics II

1EC110 - ECTS

To provide students with solid and strong foundations of microeoconomic theory in order to be prepared for the applied microeconomics courses, that are provided in the next academic years.

Corporate Law and Law of Contracts

1EC205 - ECTS The principal objective of the curricular unit  is to familiarise the students with the law that governs organised economic activity by placing in the contract, the company and its forms of juridical organisation the principal line of the programme. In fact, it is considered essential that whoever is inclined to develop his professional activity in the entrepreneurial field should know, from the point of view of its juridical-private regulation, the environment in which corporate activity takes place. 

Therefore, in first part, the studies will be centred in the Contract.

In a second part, the programme spreads to the study of commercial companies, as a privileged system of juridical structure of the company: it broaches the concept of commercial company and the advantages of this precept; analyses the positions of the partners by pondering the main partnership rights and obligations (down payment obligations and obligation to share in the company’s losses; right to profit, right to information and right to vote). The purpose is to integrate the students in the particular microcosms of the commercial company, emphasising its main vicissitudes: merger, division, transformation and dissolution.

Still in the ambit of companies law, reference to the higher forms of company organisation is widened: the pluri-company (confederate companies or groups of companies), as a way to gain competitiveness.

Economics and Public Finance

1EC202 - ECTS

In a first part of the course we analyse the intervention of the public sector in the economy; in a second part we concentrate on the finantial aspects of the intervention of the public sector in the economy (state budget and taxes).

Statistics I

1EC203 - ECTS

In the end of the course, students should:
1. Know the most important concepts of the Probability Theory, which are essential for the study of Statistical Inference and Econometrics.
2. Be able to apply the probability concepts, never forgetting their rigourous mathematical formularisation, even when intuitively understood.
3. Be able to do a report on data analysis (computing descriptive statistics and presenting graphical representations, together with the use of the software R)

Macroeconomics I

1EC204 - ECTS

The aim of Macroeconomics I 1EC204 is to introduce students to the analysis of aggregate fluctuations of contemporary economies, including the conduct and impacts of monetary and fiscal policies.
In providing students the core conceptual and theoretical background of modern macroeconomics, this curricular unit is closely related to Macroeconomics II 1EC210, as well as with Economic Growth 1EC301 and Monetary Economics 1EC302.
The course focuses on (i) basic concepts and measurement of the main macroeconomic variables, (ii) core models for short-term macroeconomic analysis, and (iii) microeconomic foundations for modelling private aggregate demand.
Further topics such as (a) modelling the short-term functioning of open economies, (b) analysis of the labour market in a macro perspective, (c) modelling the dynamics of the macroeconomy from the short-run to the long-run, and (d) discussing the institutional design of macroeconomic policies, are addressed in Macroeconomics II 1EC210.


1EC201 - ECTS

Students should be able to work in a consumer-oriented logic, to understand the strategic importance of Marketing within organizations and to gain analytic abilities in the field of Marketing, by developing a Marketing plan.

Accounting and Management Control

1EC207 - ECTS

This discipline assumes that Accounting and Management Control is a component (or sub-system) of the fundamental global information system of organizations.

The fundamental objective of the course is to provide students with the knowledge required for the construction, evaluation and use of such sub-system of information for planning, control and decision making, being exposed and discussed principles that can guide the design and respective implementation.

Although the predominant model of study is the industrial sector, the topics covered are applicable to other types of organizations, such as service companies or nonprofit organizations.


Economics and Industrial Organization

1EC206 - ECTS

The conceptual approach adopted in the course of Industrial Organization comes essentially from the neoclassical economic paradigm, in which formal modelling of the economic structure and determination of the associated economic incentives are stressed. Students will be able to understand and assess the working and the performance of real markets according to the normative and positive theories of the dominant economic paradigm.

Statistics II

1EC209 - ECTS

This curricular unit aims at developing users of statistical methods able to solve problems in new situations and provide the foundations for the study of econometrics.  

Macroeconomics II

1EC210 - ECTS

Macroeconomics II (1EC210) aims at equiping students with the first skills to explain the aggregate movements of contemporary market economies. Taking into account the position of the course in the degree in Economics plan, the available academic time, and the articulation with the other courses in macroeconomics - namely Macroeconomics I (1EC204) -, the main objective of the course is to equip students with the capacity to use basic macroeconomic models as tools for the analysis of economic fluctuations in open economy. More specifically, the course explores IS-LM and aggregate demand-supply (AD-AS) open economy models. Based on the models, the aim is to analyze the short- and long-term effects of demand management policies in an environment of international policy interdependence. In addition, the institutional framework of economic policy is presented, with reference to both demand-side (monetary, budgetary and financial policies) and supply-side policies.

Financial Markets and Financial Investments

1EC208 - ECTS

The objective is to give students theoretical principles about the fundamental dimensions of financial markets and operations. Information about common practices in financial markets will also be provided.
The aim is to endow the students with:
1. Theoretical skills needed for future studies.
2. Practical skills for those who wish to enter the labor market.


1OP01 - ECTS


  1. Familiarize students withthe conceptual and standards framework of an audit and, in particular, its methodologies and working procedures
  2. When applicable, provide a first contact with real documents and reports used by the statutory auditor in his work;
  3. To present the most relevant Portuguese corporate law to the activity of the statutory auditor.


Business Cases Analysis

1OP02 - ECTS

This course aims to provide students with the knowledge needed for the analysis of a diverse range of Business Cases . It is expected that by the end of the course the students are able to:

a) identify problem (s) present in the business case

b) critically analyze the context in which the company operates by appropriate  databases and methodologies 

c) identify alternative solutions to the problem (s) identified and provide the best solution to be proposed by using appropriate decision criteria 

d) analyze the financial and organizational impacts of the proposed recommendation;

e) submit an implementation plan;

f) identify key risks given the proposed recommendation.

Additionally, students are required to present their proposals orally.


Political Science

1OP03 - ECTS

The main goal of the course is to enrich the students' awareness regarding the complexity of the political issues in the contemporary world. The course is proposed to develop the skills for the analysis and interpretation of the political thought and practices through the interdisciplinary approach of Political Science: power relations and systems, from the national scale to the global scale, from society to the State, from informal to business organisations.


International Trade

1EC305 - ECTS

The course aims to provide students with the necessary instruments to understand the current process of internationalisation of economies and firms.
By the end of the course, students should be able to understand and discuss the direction and characteristics of the internationalisation process and to evaluate the impact of both protectionist and liberalising trade policies.

Advanced Accounting and Mangement Control

1OP04 - ECTS To provide the fundamental concepts and techniques of management control and cost accounting, with a particular focus on decision making and control.
The objective is to explore tools capable of supporting effective organizational performance management, through a balanced set of indicators and reporting mechanisms, ensuring the control of income and the promotion of strategic objectives and avoiding the adoption of indicators that may lead to dysfunctional attitudes and behaviours.
In this context, profitability indicators will be tackled, something that demands the discussion of some topics on product and service costing.

Economic Growth

1EC301 - ECTS The course encompasses the discussion of the concept and measurement of economic growth; the analysis of empirical data on growth and related topics; and an in-depth discussion of the main mathematical growth models, in particular neoclassical models.

Labour Law

1OP05 - ECTS

The aims of this subject is to inform the students – prospective employers and employees – of the legal framework of the Labour Market, in particular the Individual Labour Contract, allowing them to give a qualified performance in their professional activities. Considering the entry into force of the Portuguese Labour Code (December 2003), a special attention will be given to the new legal framework of the Labour Contract and to the Portuguese Jurisprudence related to that Labour Contract.

Tax Law

1GE205 - ECTS

The aim of this subject is to inform the students of the legal framework of the Tax System. The contents include an introductory part specially designed to inform the students on the main tax law concepts, as well as the main rules and principles applicable to the tax relation. In the second part of the contents, the students are given a general overview of the Portuguese Tax System, as well as specific analyses of the main Portuguese taxes (income taxes, VAT and wealth taxes).


1EC303 - ECTS The course is designed for a one-semester introduction to Econometrics. Pre-requisites for the course are a solid background in Economic Theory (both Micro- and Macroeconomics), in Statistics and in Linear Algebra. The course's main objective is in interpreting, understanding and evaluating the findings of elementary econometric analyses.

Health Care Economics

1OP06 - ECTS

The course provides students with a set of specific economic methods that enables them to understand the health system in general, and, in particular, the operation of health care providers. The course also provides an introduction to management models of healthcare providers.

Monetary Economics

1EC302 - ECTS

To provide undergraduate students, considering the available time and background study, with ample and integrated knowledge about the way monetary policy is able to attain economic policy goals, in the context of closed and open economies, in view of the applicable institutional context. Towards that, the necessary emphasis will be given to monetary policy instruments and its transmission mechanism in the underlying economic theories’ framework.

Social Economics

1OP07 - ECTS

Students should learn the main concepts and models of economics and social policy and understand the importance and potentials of social economy and different regimes of welfare state. Students should also be able to analyse issues of inequality, poverty and exclusion and the need for compatible social policies. Students should be able to identify topics and methodologies essential to understand economics and social policy, being provided with information regarding the Portuguese, European and international contexts.


1OP08 - ECTS

To study the Portuguese tax system and the main taxes on income.

Markets for Culture

1OP09 - ECTS

The main goal of this unit is to propose an introductory framework of cultural economics, cultural management and cultural sociology, and the ways in which their approaches are interdisciplinary.

Economics Seminar

1EC304 - ECTS The purpose of the course is to supply students with conditions for both collective work and research, monitored by the respective teacher, that will allow:

- to think critically about some specific issues;
- to acquire methodology and scientific research skills;
- to develop the capacity of working autonomously and collectively in new areas of learning;
- to stimulate the use of both reason and imagination in order to deal with economic issues.

Projects Evaluation

1EC306 - ECTS

The course is aimed to give students the economic and financial tools for decision making on investment projects.

Innovation Economics

1EC401 - ECTS

Innovation is one of the most important economic and business phenomena of our time. This course presents students with a solid understanding of the economic fundamentals of innovation, emphasizing three complementary approaches to innovation, macroeconomics, microeconomics and legal. Thus, it considers the training of the student in a broader framework of interpretation of phenomena of economic dynamics, at the level of companies, technologies, sectors and the economy.

Economics of the Environment

1EC403 - ECTS

This course will analyze the links between economics and the environment, both on a global scale and in the behavior of economic agents, with particular emphasis on companies. Our behavior as consumers/producers influences the state of the environment; changes in environmental quality and the increasing scarcity of natural resources have negative and sometimes irreversible consequences in the economy. The economic crisis has as its basis an "environmental crisis" for which there is time to find answers. With this purpose, the main current themes of environmental economics will be presented. The theoretical frameworks will be accompanied with the analysis of concrete experiences.

Human Resources Economics

1EC405 - ECTS The purpose of the course is to help students understand how labour markets work. Linking facts and theories, by the end of the course, students should be able to characterize the Portuguese labour market and discuss the outcomes of social and labour market policies. Students should also understand the economic foundations of human resources management practices.

International Monetary Economics

1EC404 - ECTS

The study of international economics can be divided in two parts: “International Trade” and “International Monetary Economics”. This course will focus on the later, the monetary side of international economics, that is, the financial transactions. We will study financial crises and monetary unions, during which we will be able to address the current important issues that are the recent global financial crisis and the difficulties that the eurozone has been facing. We will also study the theories and the behaviour of exchange rates, exchange rate policy and the functioning of the international monetary system. It is the aim of this course to maintain a strong link between theory and practice.

Portuguese and European Economy

1EC307 - ECTS To give the students a properly organized set of knowledge on the Portuguese economy, using as a guiding line the economy's long-term real convergence towards the European economy; to operationalize concepts previously acquired in other courses by applying these concepts to the Portuguese and the European economies; to teach students how to look for and deal with the statistical information available on the Portuguese economy in the European context.

Urban and Regional Economics

1EC402 - ECTS

Regional and Urban Economics aim to introduce space in economic analysis.  It will give students new concepts and tools that allow them to deal with space in economic analysis.



Corporate Finance

1EC308 - ECTS

The objective of this course is to provide students with advanced and updated knowledge, both at theoretical or practical level, in the area of Corporate Finance.

The Modern Finance is based on the theories of utilities, preferences, the mean-variance, the "capital asset pricing model", the "arbitrage pricing theory", the "financial signs", positive information, the justification of regulations as well as the Modigliani-Miller theorem.

Thus, initially, we present the different risks to which companies are exposed, being devoted to each practically one chapter. In a second phase the risks are quantified. Finally, instruments are used, strategies, traditional markets and new markets (derivatives).

In this context of uncertainty, it plays a central role the financial information, the concepts of return, risk, financial balance, the theorems of capital structure, dividend policies and the models of valuation and management of variable income securities.

History of Economic Thought

1EC309 - ECTS The purpose of the course is to provide an overview of the main methodological positions in economics and to discuss the most important contributions of the central authors in the history of economic thought.
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