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Master in Modeling, Data Analysis and Decision Support Systems

General information

Official Code: M621
Acronym: MADSAD


  • Master in Modeling, Data Analysis and Decision Support Systems (120 ECTS credits)
  • Master Course in Modeling, Data Analysis and Decision Support Systems (90 ECTS credits)
  • Master Course in Studies in Modeling, Data Analysis and Decision Support Systems (75 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Data Analysis


To form the students in methods for univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis of data.

Data Bases and Programming


The main aim of the course "Databases and Programming" is to provide the MSc student with the skills on Database Management Systems (DBMS),
with particular emphasis on relational databases, as well as some basic training about Programming.

Within the topic of DBMS, MSc students will acquire knowledge about analysis methologies for modeling problems, as well as the query language for relational databases SQL.

MSc students will learn R programming language to enable them to use the potential available to perform processing, graphing and modeling of data. They will also learn howto import/export data from various sources according to several formats.
The ability of R to connect to relational databases is also discussed.
Master's students should be able to create their own functions to solve problems posed in exercises and practical work.
By the end of the course students will be able to implement algorithms using R programming language.

Applied Statistics

2MDA03 - ECTS The purpose of Applied Statistics is to provide the student statistical analysis techniques applied to some areas. It is intended to provide the tools necessary for inferential approach through parametric and non-parametric hypothesis testing (for location).
Some fitting distribution tests as well as parametric and non-parametric methods of analysis of variance are studied in detail.
Some simulation techniques are also provided, as well as some methods and techniques related to statistical quality control.

Data Mining I


At the end of the semester students should have the knowledge of various Data Mining tasks, the main methods and algorithms for each task, be able to apply these methods to new specific data analysis problems and have the capacity to evaluate, apply a critical posture in relation to results.



Development of practical skills in the formulation and resolution of data analysis problems.

Development of practical skills in exploratory data analysis, data visualization, predictive and descriptive modeling.

Decision Analysis

2MDA13 - ECTS Students should master the key concepts, methods and techniques that support decision making.

 In addition, they should be able to apply them to solve specific problems.

Risk Analysis


The main goal of this subject is to acquire special competences in actuarial science for which the main methodologies used regard the Utility Theory and the Risk Theory. 


Data Mining II


At the end of the semester students should have the knowledge of various Data Mining tasks, the main methods and algorithms for each task, be able to apply these methods to new specific data analysis problems and have the capacity to evaluate, apply a critical posture in relation to results.

Business Intelligence

2MDA14 - ECTS Acquire knowledge about the fundamental concepts of decision support systems, expert systems and be able to build simple expert systems. Know the fundamental concepts of fuzzy logic and understand their applications in the construction of decision models that models uncertainty, Explore data using OLAP and Business Intelligence tools. Process mining.

Forecasting Methods and Time Series


The aim of this course is to introduce the students to time series analysis methods with a view to forecasting.




  • Provide an introduction to combinatorial optimization problems, and distinguish between exact and heuristic methods.

  • Describe the main concepts regarding integer linear programming.

  • Describe the main concepts regarding the Branch-and-Bound method.
  • Describe the main concepts regarding constructive heuristics.

  • Describe the main concepts regarding neighbourhood and local search.

  • Describe the main concepts regarding metaheuristics.

  • Describe the basic versions of the Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search and Genetic Algorithm metaheuristics.

Data Collection and Sampling


Students should be able to learn and apply the various types of sampling methods: probabilistic and non-probabilistic; simple, stratified, multi-stage, as well as apply complex plans. They should know the main data collection methodologies (sampling surveys, census surveys, administrative collection, or other sources, such as smart surveys), but a particular emphasis will be given on sample surveys. They should also develop questionnaires, organize questions, scales and carry out questionnaire validation. In the estimation processes, particular attention will be paid to estimating in small area estimation, using auxiliary information.

Official Statistics Systems

2MDA17 - ECTS The aim of this course is to introduce the students to the official statistical system in its structuring dimensions: the national and European legal framework; planning, monitoring and reporting tools; the statistical production process; the European statistics code of practice and the statistical confidentiality.

Multiagent Systems and Simulation of Organizations


Provide knowledge about systems of computational agents, models of distributed communication, cooperation and decision. Demonstrate how these techniques can be used in the modeling of organizational dynamics.

Dissertation/Work Project/Internship Plan


The purpose of this course is to provide students the skills necessary for the development research work leading to a  dissertation, project or internship.

Students should be able to:

1) to review critically the literature relevant to the research topic;

2) identify the appropriate methodological abordgagem

3) prepare a schedule of activities to accomplish.

 The result of learning is the development of the plan dissertation, identifying the subject of research and literature review relevant.

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