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Criminal Procedure and Criminology Themes

Code: MD143     Acronym: TPPC

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2020/2021 - 2S (since 08-02-2021 to 21-05-2021) Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Course/CS Responsible: Law

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MD 16 Plano Oficial MD do ano letivo 2016 1 - 7,5 -
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2021-01-26.

Fields changed: Objectives, Resultados de aprendizagem e competências, Bibliografia Complementar, Bibliografia Obrigatória, Programa

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


- Provide an overview of current doctrine on specific and controversial topics of criminal evidence;
- Deepen the theoretical and dogmatic bases of the studied institutes, as well as their projections in terms of legal regulation and jurisprudential solutions;
- Promote autonomous and critical reflection on central problems of the criminal procedure.

Criminology themes:

Studying the current status of the discipline, in its fundamental and applied fields; identifying the main propositions of nowadays’ theoretical paradigms and its implications on the level of criminological investigation.
Knowing some of the specific objects of criminological knowledge and investigation, namely “white-collar crime”, the victim or fear of crime.


Learning outcomes and competences

Criminal procedure themes:

Students should be able to:
- have a grounded knowledge of current doctrine on the evidence topics studied;
- discuss critically the legal and jurisprudencial solutions to the central problems of criminal procedure.

Criminology themes:

Students should be able to:
- know the current state of Criminology;
- identify and reason about theoretical paradigmes of curent Criminology;
- identify and reason about main issues on criminological research, separating it from judicial investigation;

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

does not apply


Themes on Criminal Procedure:

A. Criminal evidence theory: evidence and truth; rule of evidence and atypical means of proof; exclusionary rules; analytical decomposition of the probative procedure.

B. Means of proof: the defendant as a source of evidence and "nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare"; testimonial evidence, hearsay evidence and the discipline of impediments; identification evidence; the reconstitution of the crime; phone tapping and interception of telecommunications; cybercrime and the challenges of digital evidence; undercover agents, informants and wistleblowers.

Criminology themes:

A. Introduction to the study of Criminology
B. historical developmens
C. and current theories: bio(socio)logical;personaliy and sociological theories, labelling and social control.
D. Some current criminological topics.

Mandatory literature

Cruz José Manuel Neves 1965- 340; Infrações económicas e financeiras. ISBN: 978-972-32-2170-1
Cusson Maurice; Criminologia. ISBN: 978-972-46-1620-9
Walklate Sandra 340; Handbook of victims and victimology. ISBN: 978-1-84392-257-5
Andrade Manuel da Costa 1944-; Sobre as proibições de prova em processo penal. ISBN: 972-32-0613-7
Andrade Manuel da Costa 1944-; Bruscamente, no verão passado, a reforma do Código de Processo Penal. ISBN: 978-972-32-1726-1
Correia João Conde 1966-; Contributo para a análise da inexistência e das nulidades processuais penais. ISBN: 972-32-0917-9
Seiça António Alberto Medina de 1967-; O^conhecimento probatório do co-arguido. ISBN: 972-32-0901-2
Seiça António Alberto Medina de 1967-; Legalidade da prova e reconhecimentos atípicos em processo penal
Silva Sandra Oliveira e 1977-; Legalidade da prova e provas proibidas
Silva Sandra Oliveira e 1977-; As^alterações em matéria de recursos, em especial a restrição de acesso à jurisdição do Supr
Silva Sandra Oliveira e 1977-; A^protecção de testemunhas no processo penal
Silva, Sandra Oliveira e; A liberdade contra a autoincriminação no processo penal: breves considerações em torno do princípio “nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare”, 2016 (http://www.amprs.com.br/public/arquivos/revista_artigo/arquivo_1504551588.pdf)
Silva Sandra Oliveira e 1977-; O^arguido como meio de prova contra si mesmo
McLaughlin Eugene 220; The^sage dictionary of criminology. ISBN: 0-7619-5908-4
Maguire Mike; The^Oxford handbook of criminology. ISBN: 0-19-876241-0
David Silva Ramalho; Métodos ocultos de investigação criminal em ambiente digital. ISBN: 978-972-40-7000-1
António Gama; Comentário judiciário do Código de Processo Penal. ISBN: 978-972-40-7742-0
Sandra Oliveira e Silva; It.s all in your head?

Complementary Bibliography

Van Erp, J., Huisman, W. & Walle, G.V. ; The Routledge Handbook of White-Collar and Corporate Crime in Europe, Routledge, 2015
Albuquerque Paulo Sérgio Pinto de 212; Comentário do código de processo penal à luz da constituição da república e da convenção eur. ISBN: 978-972-54-0295-5

Comments from the literature

With regard to each of the specific topics, further bibliography will be indicated.

Teaching methods and learning activities

The teaching will consist on theoretical-practical classes, combining the presentation of the programme with analysis and discussion of the main perspectives for each theme.

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Exame 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 70,00
Frequência das aulas 36,00
Trabalho de investigação 100,00
Total: 206,00

Eligibility for exams

The evaluation will consist on a final written exam.

Calculation formula of final grade

Final written exam: 100%

Examinations or Special Assignments

does not apply

Internship work/project

does not apply

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

does not apply

Classification improvement

according to general rules
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