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Decolonial identities and DIY Music as Political and Social Resistance in the Global South

Decolonial identities and DIY Music as Political and Social Resistance in the Global South
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Resumo (PT):
Abstract (EN): This chapter uses the band Fulô do Sertão as a case study to examine how Feminejo, a feminised and urbanised version of the popular rural Brazilian music genre, the Sertanejo, has progressively been integrated into Brazil's music industry, despite undergoing several changes along the way. In this chapter, Feminejo emerges as the epitome of the liberation of women, in the sense that it allows them to contest their traditional role in Brazilian society, progressively being the voice of resistance/existence of women. We understand Feminejo in the light of Judith Butler's contributions, in the sense that we see this musical sub-genre and the artistic practices of Fulô as forms of doing gender, doing urban places/spaces and doing music. The artivism carried out by Fulô and materialised in the use of a musical sub-genre such as Feminejo does not intend to portray the rural in the light of the urban – like traditional Sertanejo – but rather to use the urban to reconfigure social imaginaries about the meanings of the rural, promoting and praising other forms of rural livelihoods – Other Sertão – within which women have a prominent role, and not just a social position relegated to the gender bias. Fulô do Sertão, through an ethos and a DIY praxis, refute the place occupied by women in the music industry and within rural and urban societies.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
Nº de páginas: 18
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