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Studio: Introduction to Landscape Planning

Code: AP332     Acronym: AP332

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Landscape Architecture

Instance: 2015/2016 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Geosciences, Environment and Spatial Plannings
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Landscape Architecture

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
L:AP 24 Planos de estudos a partir 2009 3 - 5 56 135

Teaching language



IOT focuses on knowledge of: 1) the field of Landscape Ecology as a support of the spatial planning exercise according to the landscape architectural perspective, 2) the sustainable development concept and 3) also includes a brief introduction to the legal body of spatial planning exercise in Portugal.

Learning outcomes and competences

To initiate students in the basic theoretical concepts and in the spatial planning practice

Working method



• What is spatial planning. Guiding principles. Methods and practices

• Brief characterization of the Portuguese landscape

• The Landscape Ecology. Origin and concepts.

• The application of Landscape Ecology concepts in spatial planning

• Case Studies: Green Infrastructure in the landscape, Cultural landscapes


• The legal framework of spatial planning - the main instruments in Portugal

(The Environment Law and the Spatial Planning and Urbanism Law. The particular case of REN (National Ecological Reserve) and RAN (National Agricultural Reserve). The legal regime of nature conservation and biodiversity.)

Mandatory literature

000072252. ISBN: 972-33-1686-2
000096481. ISBN: 972-31-0831-5
000073203. ISBN: 972-775-123-7
Bell, Simon; Landscape: Pattern, Perception and Process, E &FN Spon, London, , 1999
Fadigas, Leonel; Urbanismo e Natureza – os Desafios, Edições Sílabo, LDA, Lisboa, , 2010
Marsh, William; Landscape Planning – Environmental Applications, John Wiley & Sons, 5ª edição,, 2010
Steiner, Frederick ; The Living Landscape – An ecological approach to landscape planning, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2ª edição, , 2008.
Ribeiro, Orlando ; Portugal. O Mediterrâneo e o Atlântico. Colecção “Nova Universidade”,, Edições João Sá da Costa, Lda., 1987
Fadigas, Leonel; , Ordenamento do Território e da Paisagem, Edições Sílabo, LDA, Lisboa, 2007
Pereira dos Santos, Henrique; Do tempo e da paisagem., Principia, 2010
000099471. ISBN: 0-471-87037-4
Thompson, G. e Steiner, F. (eds); Ecological Design and Planning, John Wiley & Sons, 1997
Ahern. Jack; Greenways as Strategic Landscape Planning: theory and application, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 2002
Barrett ,Terry L.; Farina, Almo e Barrett, Gary W.; Aesthetic landscapes: an emergent component in sustaining societies, Landscape Ecol, Springer,, 2009
Bastian, Olaf e Steinhardt, Uta (Eds) ; Development and Perspectives of Landscape Ecology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 2002
Musacchio, Laura R.; The ecology and culture of landscape sustainability: emerging knowledge and innovation in landscape research and practice., Landscape Ecol, Springer, 2009
Musacchio, Laura R.; The scientific basis for the design of landscape sustainability: A conceptual framework for translational landscape research and practice of designed landscapes and the six Es of landscape sustainability., Landscape Ecol, Springer, 2009
Termorshuizen, Jolande W. e Opdam, P.; Landscape services as a bridge between landscape ecology and sustainable development, Landscape Ecol, Springer, 2009
Turner, Monica G; Gardner, Robert H. e O’Neill, Robert V.; Landscape ecology in theory and practice., Springer-Verlag, New York, , 2001
Wiens, John A.; Landscape ecology as a foundation for sustainable conservation., Landscape Ecol, Springer, 2008
Dramstad, W., Olson, J. e Forman, R.; Ecology Principles in Landscape Architecture and Land-use Planning, Island Press, 1996
Fabos, Julius e Ahern, Jack (Edts); Greenways: The beginning of an international movement., Elseviers, The Netherlands,, 1995

Teaching methods and learning activities

Practical classes aim the consolidation of knowledge acquired in theoretical classes, by performing three practical exercises of introduction to Spatial Planning. Students will work on the municipality of Trofa.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Teste 40,00
Trabalho laboratorial 60,00
Total: 100,00

Eligibility for exams

• Minimum grade: 10 points in the test and in each practical exercise. The non-achievement of the minimum grade in any of the evaluation moments leads to a classification of ‘Excluded’.

• In order to get curriculum unit frequency, students may not exceed the maximum number of absences allowed by FCUP regulation. If that happens, they will obtain a classification of ‘Excluded’.

• The study visit is mandatory. The visit report will be included in the same dossier of the practical exercises, which will be indicated by the professors.

Calculation formula of final grade

individual and group practical exercises - 60% and test - 40%.

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