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Master in Nanomaterials Science and Technology

InformationCourse/CS accredited by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES).

The main goal of this master’s degree is to provide a high quality advanced training in Nanomaterials Science and Technology, placing itself at the interface of Chemistry, Physics and Data Science in order to prepare the students to provide scientific and technological responses to current societal challenges in the areas of energy, environment, health, climate change, new advanced materials and sustainability. The master focuses on the interdisciplinarity and complementarity of scientific visions, on the development of relevant skills at the interface of Science, Technology, Innovation and Economic Valorization, and on the personal and professional development of students. The master's degree is interdisciplinary, organized in four semesters and taught in English, with a strong focus on attracting national and international students with a diversified 1st cycle education.

This master’s degree will provide solid theoretical training in the fields of chemistry, physics and related sciences applied to nanomaterials, and specialized competences of data science for nanomaterials, in an open and multidisciplinary perspective, accompanied by intensive experimental and laboratory training using state-of-the-art methods and techniques. This type of training will provide the students with a set of scientific and transversal skills that will enable them to enter the job market in qualified positions, whether in the academic field or in the business and industrial sector.

Programme Structure

The 2 cycle of studies in Nanomaterials Science and Technology encompasses two alternative paths:
  • Nanomaterials Science and Technology (without specialization) 
  • Nanomaterials Science and Technology - Specialization in Functional Materials and Interfaces for Sustainability 

Path: Nanomaterials Science and Technology (without specialization) 

This path consists of:
  • a master's course, consisting of an organized set of curricular units corresponding to 60 ECTS credits, which awards a master's course diploma in Nanomaterials Science and Technology, but not the master’s degree; 
  • a Dissertation, of scientific nature, or an Internship in Industrial/Business Context, of professional nature, objects of a final report, original and specially made for this purpose, corresponding to 30 out of 120 ECTS, subject to public examinations and which will lead to a master's degree in Nanomaterials Science and Technology.

Path: Nanomaterials Science and Technology - Specialization in Functional Materials and Interfaces for Sustainability 

This path was created to frame the participation of FCUP in the international Erasmus Mundus master's degree SERP+ aiming at the integration of the respective students in the 2nd cycle of studies in Nanomaterials Science and Technology. The enrollment in this path sis subject to the approval by the Scientific Committee of the Master. 

Schedule and teaching language

The Master in Science and Technology of Nanomaterials is open to internationalization and, as such, to the reception of international students seeking a degree and students from mobility programs. The working language will be English.
The course operates on a weekly daytime schedule, with student-workers being safeguarded by the rights and duties set out in the regulations of the University of Porto for the 2nd cycles.

Employment Prospects

The skills and knowledge acquired in the Master’s Degree in Nanomaterials Science and Technology will enable graduates to enter the labor market in companies and technological centers related to Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, as well as to enter a broad spectrum of 3rd cycle (PhD) programs. Holders of this degree will be able to develop professional activities in the areas of energy, health/nanomedicine, environment, nanotechnology, and advanced nanomaterials (technical, functional and smart) applied to the textile industry, protection and welfare, construction and architecture, automotive and aeronautics, sensors and biosensors, catalysis and agrifood industry, among others; they may also act as Managers or Entrepreneurs in a business context. The possibility, during the 2nd year, of a dissertation in research laboratories, or an internship in companies and technological centers, will facilitate the integration of graduates in the scientific or industrial/business world.

Admissions Requirements

  • Holders of a BSc degree in Chemistry, Physics, Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering, Physical Engineering, Materials Science, Materials Engineering, Pharmaceutical Sciences or related degrees, with a solid background in chemistry and/or physics, and/or materials.
  • Holders of other BSc degrees, provided that the candidates’s curriculum vitae demonstrates a suitable basic scientific preparation.
  • Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that the Scientific Committee of the Course recognizes as sufficient to certify the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies.

For candidates not holding a degree at the date of application, but in conditions of completion by the date of enrollment in the cycle of studies, evidence of the curriculum average at the date of application must be made through proof of approval in course units (note, ECTS, Scientific area).

Note: All candidates who do not prove that they have completed their degree (or equivalent) by the end of the enrollment deadline will be excluded.

Criteria for Selection and Ranking

The ranking will be done according to the following criteria and sub-criteria:

Academic curriculum

  • Subcriterion 1: basic training area (25%)
  • Subcriterion 2: adjusted* final BSc grade; in the case of non-graduates, it is considered the average grade weighted by the credits of the courses, multiplied by the fraction of obtained credits relative to the total credits of the BSc degree (55%)

Scientific curriculum and professional experience (20%)

  • Subcriterion 1: scientific publications (except theses or final reports related to the conclusion of the BSc degree) (5%)
  • Subcriterion 2: participation in research projects or professional experience in the area of the cycle of studies (15%)

* The adjusted grade is obtained by normalising the grade to the 0-20 scale, adding the value of ln(R/r), and rounding to the nearest integer in the 0-20 scale, with ln expressing the natural logarithm and R and r being, respectively for the University of Porto and the university issuing the degree, the positions in the world ranking published in http://www.webometrics.info

In case of equal grading of candidates, the following ranking criterion will be applied: - an interview by the scientific committee of the 2nd cycle of studies in Nanomaterials Science and Technology.

Candidates may also be subject, at any stage of the selection and ranking process, to an individual interview, by the scientific committee of the 2nd cycle of studies in Nanomaterials Science and Technology, in order to evaluate relevant aspects of their application.

Teaching Language

  • Fully in English



Course Director: m.ctn.diretor@fc.up.pt
Postgraduate Section: pos.graduacao@fc.up.pt
Students: m.ctn@fc.up.pt

This information is provided strictly for informational purposes
and does not preclude consultation of the Official Gazette.

General information

Official Code: MB56
Director: Eduardo Marques
Acronym: M:CTN
Academic Degree: Master
Type of course/cycle of study: Masters Degree
Start: 2020/2021
Duration: 4 Semesters

Study Plan


  • Master's degree in Nanomaterials Science and Technology (120 ECTS credits)
  • Master's degree in Nanomaterials Science and Technology - Specialization in Functional Materials and Interfaces for Sustainability (120 ECTS credits)
  • Specialization in Nanomaterials Science and Technology (60 ECTS credits)
  • Specialization in Nanomaterials Science and Technology - Functional Materials and Interfaces for Sustainability (60 ECTS credits)

Predominant Scientific Areas

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