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Nutritional Sciences

General information

Official Code: 9554
Acronym: CNUP


  • 1st cycle of university studies in Nutritional Sciences (240 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Human Anatomy I

CN11001 - ECTS In Human Anatomy I, we intend that the students learn the general anatomic terminology and terminology of the different parts of the human body (“nomina anatomica”) and also the detailed constitution of the locomotion and cardiovascular systems (except for the vessels from the abdominal-pelvic region and those from the central nervous system). I it is also desired that they develop their abilities of observation and autonomous study, acquire the bases of descriptive method and that they integrate the new morphological concepts with notions of functional anatomy.


CN11002 - ECTS In the end of the semester, the students should be aware of the importance of the statistics in the scientific investigation. This chair has the objective of motivating the students to make an analysis of the statistical aspects of the studies they find or make.
To achieve that objective, the students should be able to distinguish different types of random variables.
In the analysis of data, the students should be able to compute the mean, median, mode, percentile, quartile, variance, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis, both when the data is a statistical series or grouped in classes. The students should be able to present and understand data in tables and in graphs.
The students should be able to evaluate the relationship between pairs of variables, in particular, they should be able to interpret Cohen's k, odds ratio, Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients and understand the concept of linear regression.
The students will need to make simple computations on probability, to distinguish independent events from exclusive events and to understand the definition of conditional probability. It will be important to know the difference between probability and odds. The students should also be able to interpret some probability functions, probability density functions and cumulative probability functions and they should be able to compute the expected value and the variance.
The students should have a notion of what is population and sample, to understand the importance of a random sample and should have a notion of what is a statistic and its sampling distribution.

Cellular and Molecular Biology

CN11007 - ECTS Cell Biology is the science of structures and functions of cells that in an organized fashion contribute to maintain them alive.
Cell Biology is an evolution of classic Cytology that took place in the XXth century fifties. For this to happen, there was a substantial development of morphological techniques and a continuous crosstalk with developments occurring in sciences as Biochemistry, Microbiology and Genetics, among others.
As a result, from a mainly descriptive morphological stand, Cell Biology progressed towards a dynamic, creative and integrated level of knowledge. Today, having adapted techniques of separation, identification and modification of biomolecules, Cell Biology is also Molecular.
Beyond the evolution in knowledge, Cell and Molecular Biology also developed an applied branch, directed to whole society needs: the Biotechnology. Several Cell and Molecular Biology techniques were optimized and adapted to on demand or large scale production of biomolecules and to the creation of genetically modified organisms.
Within Life Sciences, Cell and Molecular Biology was surely the subject the developed most in the last quarter of century, which is a sufficiently good reason to be part of a Nutrition and Food Science graduation course.


As to matters, it is expected that students will learn in an integrated way:
1. The different types of cells and the most important techniques used in their study;
2. The properties of membranes, particularly cell membrane;
3. The structural and molecular organization of the nucleus;
4. The general mechanisms of replication and transcription;
5. The synthesis, processing and destination of proteins;
6. The cytoplasm organelles and their functions;
7. The pathways for reception and processing of signals from the milieu;
8. The cell cycle;
9. The basic mechanisms of cell differentiation, ageing and programmed death.

As to attitudes and aptitudes of the students, the aims are:
1. To raise or stimulate the joy to study beyond the class subjects, using textbooks, published articles, selected Internet sites and other media.
2. To educate in the search for the truth, employing and developing observation and description techniques.
3. To incite to science research and encourage objectivity.
4. To modulate the diffusion of acquired knowledge, rewarding the correct and concise use of language.

Food Habits - An Integrated Approach I

CN11005 - ECTS To provide the skills required for the understanding of the food phenomenon in all its complex range.
To provide knowledge on:
a) the evolution of food practices of Mankind from its origins to the present date;
b) the evolution of the study on Nutritional Sciences.

Methodologies for Food Consumption Assessment

CN11006 - ECTS The aim of this curricular unit is to enable students to acquire competencies to use with proficiency one of their future profession tools: the assessment of food and nutrient consumption.
At the end of the curricular unit the students should (1) know the various methods of individual's food consumption; (2) be able to collect, record and report data from indviduals food consumption.

Organic Chemistry

CN11004 - ECTS The contributions that each will receive for their scientific, professional and human formation are not in any way confined to school walls. The main agent of that training is always each of us asking questions and finding answers that will form part of personal knowledge collected from multiple sources. The variety of these sources is increasingly wide in a world that, with recent advances in information technology, increasingly resembles a large village. In old times the school could play the role of privileged and unquestioned source of knowledge, at present this role no longer makes sense.
The role of schools and teachers, in our view, is to encourage and assist students in pursuit of their own training and to facilitate this process by proposing topics for study which act as stages of its formation. The choice of these themes and the depth with which they are developed is not an abstract exercise, impartial and thorough, but rather the result of a series of questionable choices and continually reshaped by new challenges that the science is proposing and also by personal experience of teachers, either as teachers or as researchers.
Being part of a series of topics proposed for the reflection of the students during their degree in Nutritional Sciences, this discipline of organic chemistry is closer to the disciplines of Biochemistry I (also taught in the first year of the course) and Biochemistry II and Biochemistry III (bought taught in second year). The same teaching staff are responsible for the four disciplines the discipline of organic chemistry is understood by this team as a sub-step (in fact the first) of the process of the language acquisition needed for Biochemistry, knowledge of their methods of study and its fundamental laws.
In this sub-step we put particular emphasis on (1) to study the chemical structures of living organisms and (2) to study of general aspects of chemistry and organic chemistry with particular interest for understanding the chemical transformation of living organisms.

Human Anatomy II

CN12001 - ECTS Na disciplina de Anatomia II pretende-se que os alunos aprendam a terminologia anatómica e a nomenclatura das regiões em que se subdivide o corpo humano (Nomina Anatomica) bem como a constituição detalhada, relações, funções, desenvolvimento das estruturas que integram os aparelhos respiratório, digestivo, urinário e reprodutor, os sistemas cardiovascular e nervoso central e as glândulas endócrinas.
Pretende-se igualmente que desenvolvam as suas capacidades de observação e estudo autónomo, adquiram as bases do método descritivo e que integrem os conhecimentos morfológicos com noções de anatomia funcional.

Biochemistry I

CN12002 - ECTS 1. To contribute for the understanding of human Biology and Biochemistry;
2. To contribute for the acquisition of biology and biochemistry language skills, and to the knowledge of the appropriate methods of study in these scientific areas (by recurring not only to text books but also to recent original scientific research papers);
3. To identify the composition and organization of living organisms, their chemical and enzyme reactions, and factors affecting/regulating/modulating these transformations;
4. To contribute for the introduction to scientific research (by presenting some research done at the Biochemistry Department, FMUP, in the theoretical lectures, and by developing a small scientific research project with the students, in the theoretical-practical lectures).


CN12004 - ECTS 1. Provide knowledge about the producers of information, scientific methods and the most common formats for its dissemination, especially in the area of nutritional sciences.
2. Provide skills to gather quality information in the field of nutritional sciences.
3. Provide capabilities to a critical analysis of various sources of information and its content quality, particularly in the area of nutritional sciences.
4. Provide minimum knowledge and personal skills to communicate scientific information, to colleagues and for different target audiences, using appropriate language and methodologies.
5. Provide capabilities to a critical analysis of different forms of interaction between nutritional science and the public in the light of pedagogical, ethical and professional principles.

Food Habits - An Integrated Approach II

CN12005 - ECTS To render students aware of the relevance of psychosocial factors as determinants of eating habits and eating behaviour.
To provide knowledge on research methods and techniques used by social scientists in the study of behaviours related to nutrition and health and disease.


CN12003 - ECTS The aim of this course unit is the description, functional when possible,of the tissues, organs and systems of the human body. n order to enhance the knowledge of the body in the perspective necessary to health professionals. In the specific case of the course of Nutrition Science the objectives are the following:
- Understand the relationship between form and function of histological structures and how an adequate or bad nutrition affect them.
- Detailed knowledge of the histology of the Digestive system and Associated Glands in association with others, like the Cardiovascular and Endocrine. Understanding how dysfunctions of these systems generate homeostatic inbalances.
- Global knowledge of how the microscopic structure of these organs and systems form a base for other disciplines later taught in the course of Nutrition Science.

Curricular Unit of University of Porto

CN12006 - ECTS

Biochemistry II

CN21001 - ECTS This course follows a sequence of disciplines that, as a whole, aim to be coherent.
Thus, based on knowledge and training in terms of biochemical thinking acquired in the previous units of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry I, the intention is to start learning the most important chapters of human metabolism, for the integrated understanding of health status and some diseases, selected by criteria of prevalence and / or exemplary teaching.
It is not intended that students learn to describe by heart the metabolic pathways, but learn to know how to read them as you read a map, seeing as the intermediate metabolites are related to each other, where are the key regulatory points and how the different pathways integrate, where are active enzymes affected by known diseases, or enzymes that are drugs or poisons targets, and also to understand how changes in one system can lead to changes in other systems.
The knowledge that allow us to understand why one diet is better than another, what are the nutritional needs of people in the various stages of development, several instances of health or disease, and also the basis on which to interpret and evaluate data that they acquire about the risks and health benefits of certain dietary changes are mostly in biochemistry.
It is understandable, that contents in this unit are essential knowledge for someone wishing to have a successful and autonomous future with a degree in Nutrition and Food Sciences.

Food Composition

CN22006 - ECTS The overall aim of this Course is known foods as nutrient suppliers.

Students should be able to:

- Organize the nutritional value of foods, to identify its determinants, recognize its nutritional importance, group them according to nutritional characteristics and build subgroups.

- Recognize the nutritional value of foods and drinks to be integrated into food groups, and attend to learn characteristics of flavor, odor, visual appearance and consistency in cuisine and cultural environment.

- Know and recognize nutritional and organoleptic changes resulting from preservation, preparation, processing, and other manipulations.

- Understand the organization, meaning and usefulness of the Tables of Food Composition and nutritional databases.

- Know how to define and understand the concept of functional foods.

Human Physiology I


1. To learn the cellular and sub-cellular mechanisms underlying the functional aspects oh the human body
2. To acquiring the knowledge of the different human organs and systems normal behaviour.
3. To acquire a basal level of knowledge to be used in various physiological fields and which could be applied to other disciplines and elsewhere in the course .

Skills and Learning Outcomes

1. Solving problems strategies
2. Promoting the critical thinking
3. Practice of evaluation of various organs and systems.


CN21003 - ECTS The main objective of this first discipline of microbiology is to understand the importance of the different areas of microbiology and their applications within the context of Nutrition Sciences.
This discipline intended to present the basic principles of Microbiology in view of the relationship between the main groups of micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses) and man. The theoretical program addresses the general characteristics of various microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses) and its relationship with the human host as etiological agents of infection. The laboratory program aims to make known to students the basic methodology of the study of microbiology and encouraging their interconnection with the theoretical concepts of microbiology.

Human Nutrition

CN21004 - ECTS In the field of knowledge, students must:
- Identify the components of food, particularly nutrients, their functions, utilization and metabolic interrelationships;
- To know the nutritional recommendations and methodological grounds;
- Characterize the ideal nutritional standards;
- Identify factors that affect the supply and quality of food and nutritional quality;
- Recognize the proper nutrition as an integral part of health promotion and disease prevention, and that mortality and morbidity can be significantly reduced through the manipulation of nutritional factors during the life cycle and in particular physiological situations;
- The role of the nutritionist as an expert that should be used to plan nutritional intake

Communication Project

CN21006 - ECTS O Projecto de Comunicação na licenciatura em Ciências da Nutrição tem como objectivos:

1. Proporcionar conhecimentos sobre o enquadramento conceptual e as diferentes especificações de natureza técnica que um projecto de educação na área das ciências de nutrição tem que cumprir.

2. Proporcionar capacidades de planeamento, nomeadamente para elaborar uma ficha de projecto em educação alimentar, onde conste a análise da situação, objectivos, metodologias de intervenção e avaliação.

3. Proporcionar capacidades de base para saber implementar um projecto de educação alimentar.

4. Proporcionar capacidades de base para saber avaliar os resultados de um projecto de educação alimentar.

Human and Nutrition

CN31001 - ECTS The objectives of training to get with the discipline of Food are:
- Acquire knowledge in the field of regulation of intake and body weight through nutritional factors, dietary, behavioral, socio-economic, cultural and demographic factors;
- Acquire knowledge in the field of food standards in Portugal and different parts of the world, from the standpoint of socio-cultural, food, nutrition and health;
- Acquire knowledge in the field of nutritional status in adults and in special physiological situations, including pregnant and breastfeeding, and the elderly;
- Acquire knowledge in the field of nutrition of athletes;
- Acquire knowledge in the field of information technology as a database and as a tool to formulate dietary plans;
- Develop skills that enable to calculate nutrient and energy needs according to the various periods of the life cycle (after pediatric), pregnancy and lactation, the professional and leisure activities, age, gender, lifestyle, and climate;
- Develop skills to enable the registration of plans using food formats, language and terms that are clear and easily perceived by individuals as intended, and other individuals, health professionals or not, they may need to access this information.
The goals of discipline related to the development of a spirit of critical intervention, are:
- Develop skills that enable to recognize the nutritional and socio-cultural food and beverages to integrate food into sets, depending on the characteristics of the individual or population group;
- Formulate menus nutritionally adequate for the various periods of the life cycle (after pediatric), pregnancy and lactation, and sports, according to professional and leisure activities, preferences, religious and cultural practices, climate and lifestyle.
- Interpret information on food and nutritional intake in relation to the objectives and preferences of individuals, and make modifications according to their occupation and leisure, age, gender, lifestyle, and climate;
- Working group to plan, implement and review their menus for individuals or groups;
- Communicate effectively with individuals and groups, using different strategies, including information technology and communication, so that they can have an informed choice about feeding them.
With reference to the principles and objectives set out above, the course is structured around themes and content to allow the student;
- Understand the importance of nutrition as an integral part of health promotion and disease prevention, and reduction in mortality and morbidity through the manipulation of food during the life cycle and in particular physiological situations;
- To analyze the power of an individual or groups of individuals throughout the life cycle and in particular physiological situations;
- Locate yourself against different patterns of healthy eating;
- Understand the importance of multiple factors, including cultural, psychosocial, economic, nutritional, food, knowledge, health and lifestyle, food;
- Focusing roles as a specialist dietitian to plan the food intake of individuals throughout the life cycle and in particular physiological situations.

Biochemistry III

CN22001 - ECTS 1. To contribute for the understanding of biology in humans;
2. To contribute for the acquisition of biochemistry language skillls, and to the knowledge of appropriate methods of study in this scientific area;
3. To identify the composition of living organisms, their chemical reactions, and factors affecting these transformations;
4. To study metabolism, particularly of amino acidic metabolism, synthesis and catabolic pathways of amino acid derivatives

Human Physiology II

CN22003 - ECTS Human Physiology II is an integrating course unit, where it is sought to allow students to learn the normal functioning of the human body, as well as, the understanding of the implications of pathophysiological adaptations. Human Physiology II course unit also aims to show the relevance of the physiology concepts in nutrition sciences.


CN22005 - ECTS The main aim of this course unit is to enable acquisition of basic knowledge on Human Genetics, on its main aspects: Molecular Genetics, Cytogenetics, Mendelian and Non-Mendelian Genetics and Population Genetics.


CN22004 - ECTS Acquire the knowledge of basic mechanisms of the immune response, including the biological response to the exogenous or endogenous agents, in human pathology and it dependence on Human Nutrition.

Nutritional Status Assessment I

CN22007 - ECTS The ability to perform a valid and reliable nutritional status assessment is of growing relevance, as it is directly related to an increase in the knowledge of the relation between nutrition and health.
The last few decades has seen a notable development in the role and tasks of nutritionists in individual nutritional assessment. Nutritionists have moved on from an era in where they collaborated with other health professionals and they are now more autonomous in the development of all procedures related to obtaining and managing information on nutritional status and passing professional judgments. Similarly, the exponential advances in the science of nutrition, has led to the need for advanced training in this area.
These new challenges involve the acquisition of skills in the assessment of nutritional status, which include not only concepts and techniques, but also the accuracy of measurements and ethical conduct. The link between scientific and technological advances, with the acquisition of skills and a professional attitude, gives us a remarkable opportunity to improve quality and efficiency in the assessment of nutritional status.
Students will gain knowledge and skills during practical workshops on nutritional status assessment The most frequently used methods and practices will be addressed, so that future professionals will be prepared to work in different ways.

Food Microbiology

CN22008 - ECTS The main objective of this discipline of applied microbiology is to understand the importance of food microbiology and their applications within the context of Nutrition Sciences.
This discipline intended to study the interaction between microorganisms and food in the food safety perspective. The theoretical program addresses the importance of the presence of microorganisms in food as etiological agents of disease, agents of spoilage and agents of production and / or preservation of food. The laboratory program aims to make known to students the methodologies used in microbiological analysis of water and food products.


CN31003 - ECTS The primary objective of this discipline is to give students the essential skills, both theoretical and experimental, for the practice of the chemical analysis of foods.
Initially, it will address the analytical techniques most used in food analysis, with greater emphasis on the volumetric, spectrophotometric and chromatography techniques. In a second phase, will be presented the methodologies used in the analysis of the various food constituents, particularly the major components (proteins, including peptides and amino acids, fat and carbohydrates), micronutrients (vitamins, organic acids, dyes from natural sources, etc.) and some additives and contaminants of greatest importance. Finally, it will address the analytical methodologies used in the overall assessment of some foodstuffs more representative.


CN31005 - ECTS This discipline has as priority the teaching of pharmacology, particularly with regard to the principles of Special and General Pharmacology, and especially what matters the pharmacological intervention in the body and may result in a change in use by the body from the many constituents present in the diet. It is assumed as being indispensable for proper training in Nutritional Sciences knowledge of the principles governing the actions of drugs in the body and what modifications to the body by existing pharmacologically active constituents in the diet. Aim of this course is not providing any information that might be useful regarding the use of drugs in therapy.


CN21005 - ECTS To study the main characteristics of food and changes incurred by culinary processes.

. Specific objectives of the lectures and practices GASTROTECHNICS

To understand the interconnection between GASTROTECHNICS and other food science;

To understand the concept of food equivalent of the same group;

-organize and apply the concept of equivalent raw and cooked foods;

-identify the different cooking methods;

-know the physical means involving cooking methods;

know-chemical characteristics of nutrients more involved in the process of cooking foods - dairy products, meat fish and eggs, legumes, cereals, legumes / vegetables;

-understand changes undergone by food during the cooking process and application in healthy cooking;

-adapting the method of cooking food in order to preserve their nutritional value;

-relate the cooking method with the characteristics of food in order to appreciate as much as possible the organoleptic characteristics;

-Apply the techniques of healthy cooking for the manufacture of food;

Confeccionar-soft and liquid diets with different caloric values;

Confeccionar-protein diets

Nutritional Status Assessment II

CN31004 - ECTS 1. Providing knowledge on methodologies for indirect assessment of populations' nutritional status.
2. Developing skills in analysis and interpretation of data obtained by indirect methods.

General and Nutritional Pathology

CN31006 - ECTS Students are intended to learn the anatomo-pathological language (words/concepts) and acquire observation/description skills, as well as the ability to think in biopathological terms when interpreting and solving problems.

Food Toxicology

CN31002 - ECTS Toxicology has been defined as the study of the adverse effects of xenobiotics and thus is a science that has evolved from ancient poisoners. However, modern toxicology goes beyond the study of the adverse effects of xenobiotics to the study of molecular biology, using toxicants as tools. Historically, toxicology formed the basis of therapeutics and experimental medicine. Nowadays, toxicology continues to develop and expand by assimilating knowledge and methodologies from biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics. Recently, the application of this subject to safety evaluation and risk assessment was added to the field of toxicology. The contributions and activities of toxicologists are diverse. For example, toxicologists are involved in the recognition, identification, and quantification of hazards resulting from occupational exposure to chemicals and the public health impact of human exposure to toxics unfortunately present in the food chain. This last aspect will be crucial in Food Toxicology with consequent important impact on Human Nutrition.
In all branches of toxicology, scientists explore the mechanisms by which chemicals produce an adverse effects in biological systems. Toxicology, like nutrition, is both a science and an art. However, it is important to distinguish facts from predictions. When we fail to distinguish the science from the art, we confuse facts from predictions and argue that they have equal validity.
Another important fact is that “ All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy.” (Paracelsus, 1493-1541). This is an important true with specially emphasis not only in the general toxicology, but also in the nutrition science.

Catering and Management

CN32005 - ECTS The Catering and Food Service Management course unit was structured in a way so as to acquaint the students with the management of food services as dynamic systems with objectives which are attained by means of four basic management functions: planning, organization, leadership and control, within the perspective of the nutritionist, i.e. as a tool to act upon the field of collective nourishment or catering.

Statistical Analysis

CN32003 - ECTS In the end of the semester, the students should be aware of the importance of statistics in the scientific investigation and should be able to build hypothesis and to apply the adequate statistical tests.
The chair has the objective of motivating the students to make a critical analysis of the statistical tools used in studies made by them or by others.
For such, the students should be able to use different point estimators and interval estimators.
The students should be able to formulate the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis, according to the analysis they intend to do. Furthermore, the students should be able to do the appropriate hypothesis testing.
The students should be able to compute and interpret simple and multiple linear regressions and do the same in the case of logistic regressions.

Public Health Nutrition

CN32002 - ECTS 1. Provide insight into the historical evolution and concepts of health and public health and its interaction with nutrition;
2. Provide expertise to understand the role of nutrition in public health services;
3. Providing skills and ability to intervene at the population level, identifying and pointing to solutions for solving public health nutrition problems.

Pathology and Dietotherapy I

CN32004 - ECTS The Pathology and diet therapy course unit talks about physio-pathologic aspects of diseases, its ethiology and nutritional therapy, in a systematic and integrated way.

Food Safety

CN32006 - ECTS Practices and procedures of hygiene in food services, catering units and food industry.
Preparation and training of professionals in sanitary and good practices.
Study of technical implementation, evaluation and monitoring the safety of food brought to public consumption, aiming to detect food fraud, forgery and alterations.
Knowledge of management systems of food safety.
Health and food legislation in force.

To publicize the principles governing measures for the promotion of hygiene and food safety.

Raising awareness of the importance of hygiene food safety.

To propose learning, knowledge-based in biochemical, nutritional qualities, microbiological, toxicological and technological previously acquired, applying and interrelating them.

To understand the conditions and circumstances that influence health and safety of food.

To identify and evaluate sanitary-hygienic practices and procedures used in catering units, food and nutrition units, and in establishments or factories that produces food.

Relevant legislation to study the production and marketing of food, employment monitoring systems control and management of food safety.

Prepare and train professionals for the quality control; evaluation and supervision of food, particularly in monitoring the hygienic-sanitary practices and procedures in catering and food industry.

Clarify the role of food handlers, health technicians and the consuming public as to the responsibilities in the preservation of food, individual health and the whole community.

Elect preventive measures and establish procedures for the provision of food and food safe, given the health requirements of public health, based on current legislation.

Acquaint with the food safety systems sustained in Risk Analysis.
Promote management and assurance of food hygiene and safety ..

Food Technology

CN32001 - ECTS To identify the main characteristics of animal or plant food with relevance for food processing.
To acquire knowledge on the composition of food.
To identify the main characteristics of animal or plant food with relevance for food processing.


CN41006 - ECTS The main objective of Epidemiology, within the context of Nutrition Sciences, is to investigate the contribution of diet and other factors in the disease and its treatment. This is an exciting area of study, because it shed light on potential causes and preventive strategies of the disease. It also allows the quantitative evaluation of clinical practice, which enables the implementation of nutritional treatment based on scientific evidence.

Although the Nutritional Epidemiology is a relatively new branch of Epidemiology, researchers used the basic epidemiological methods in the identification of essential nutrients more than two centuries ago. But only in the last three decades has there been a substantial development of this branch of epidemiology, which arose from the increasing need to respond quantitatively to the relationship between diet and health.

Nutritional Epidemiology uses epidemiological methods to determine the associations between dietary factors and the occurrence of specific diseases. The complex nature of food intake and the variety of exposures, requires special expertise to choose the most appropriate way to assess it. The effects of dietary intake may also be modified or confounded by other exposures, which are related to living habits. The quantification of the independent effect of nutrition and the impact of these factors must be considered, ensuring the quality of information on which Clinic and Public Health decisions are made.

This module is presented as both an objective and scientific method of problem solving and also all the results obtained by applying this method. It is our aim that students acquire skills at different levels, allowing the use of Epidemiology and Epidemiological thought with proficiency in the workplace:

1. Skills related to general knowledge.

Knowing the frequency of diseases related to nutrition in human populations, identify and interpret the significance of risk factors and to recognize the importance of its prevention, its control and its treatment.
Identify priority prevention strategies for health promotion.
Learn to develop and apply methods for the clinical decision based on scientific evidence. Know and use the development of epidemiology in health care and public health policy.

2. Skills related to specific knowledge: identify problems, design studies and conduct research.

To identify health problems and formulate hypotheses about the association between diet, nutrition and states of disease and its treatments.
Learn to choose between the different possibilities in the design of studies. Understanding the basic rules in their implementation and acquire basic skills in analysis and interpretation of data. Evaluate the major sources of errors and how to implement strategies in quality control. To able to prepare a draft of a research protocol. Recognize the ethical issues inherent in epidemiological research.

3. Skills related to information, communication and consultancy.

To critically analyze the scientific press. To be able to prepare a draft of a scientific article. Learn to convey the results to the scientific community, the public and the media. Learn how to make a scientific jugdement in a particular context.

4. Competencies related to professional conduct.

Learn to use scientific evidence in making decisions in their professional life. To be able to maintain ethical and responsible professional conduct.

Community Nutrition

CN41003 - ECTS 1.To acquire knowledge in identification and intervention of nutritional problems in different community settings.

2. To develop skills of planning, implementation and assessment of community nutrition programs.

Paediatric Nutrition

CN41005 - ECTS Provide theoretical and practical knowledge about food and nutrition in healthy and pathology children and adolescents.

Pathology and Dietotherapy II

CN41001 - ECTS A disciplina de Patologia e Dietoterapia aborda de forma sistemática e integrada, os aspectos fisio-patológicos das doenças, a sua etiologia e terapia nutricional adequada.

Nutritional Policy

CN41002 - ECTS Besides nutritional issues, the supply and demand of food is based on different constraints which condition the market, such as production of food and agricultural policies, distribution, promotional and price strategies. The core aim of this course unit is to provide understanding on the impact of these factors and transform them into opportunities to enhance the nutritional status of populations.

Food Quality

CN41004 - ECTS Learn the techniques, practices, procedures and legislation relating to the evaluation of food, in order to meet the requirements for public health for the consumption of safe and quality food.
Preparation and training of professionals on practical implementation, evaluation and quality monitoring.
Study methods of assessing the quality of food brought to public consumption in order to detect changes, defects, fraud and forgery food.
Knowledge management systems of food quality.
Analysis the relevant standards in force.

To publicize the principles governing measures for the promotion of quality.

Raising awareness of the importance of food quality.

Propose teaching about food quality, knowledge-based, on biochemical, nutritional qualities, microbiological, toxicological, and technological and legislation previously acquired, applying and interrelating them.

To understand the conditions and circumstances that affect the quality of food.

Prepare and train professionals for the quality control - sanitation and food quality, particularly in monitoring catering/food production units and food industry.

Identify the problems caused by junk food both at the production, marketing and consumption.

Identify risks to health due to inadequate hygiene practices and the risks of non-quality.

Acquaint with quality systems. Promote the management and quality assurance of food.

Clarify the role of food handlers, health technicians and the consuming public as to the responsibilities in the preservation of food, individual health and the whole community.

Alert to the importance of integrated management, in particular in hygiene and safety, prevention of health and the respect and protection of the environment with the purpose of total quality.


CN42001 - ECTS
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