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OPEN LECTURE | 'Spectatorship and physicality in the digital era: the role of photography in contemporary art' by Eva Frapiccini

Wednesday, 2nd October 2024, from 6:30pm to 8pm | Room 12, at South Pavilion, in FBAUP

In the digital age, the relationship between spectatorship and image has changed deeply, especially in the field of photography. This work explores how photography, once seen as a means of faithfully representing reality, is reinvented in the contemporary context, that digital interaction, social networks and the proliferation of mobile devices change the viewer's aesthetic and body experience. By analysing contemporary photographic works and the new digital exhibition platforms, the paper questions how the audience's physical immersion and sensory engagement develop in an increasingly virtual environment.

Organised by Master in Image Design (MDI)


Eva Frapiccini’s research investigates the perception of time and forms of sharing to understand the processes of creation of sociopolitical imbalances, in an interdisciplinary approach, the artist uses photography, video and audio installations, and often collaborates with designers, performing artists and musicians. She has received her doctorate at the School of Fine Art, History of Art & Cultural Studies at the University of Leeds. From 2011, she has been teaching at the Fine Art Academy of Bologna, Ravenna and Palermo; IED - European Institute of Design in Turin; NABA New Academy of Fine Art, Milan; she has been visiting professor at the UAL - University of Arts of London and tutor at the Master of Fine Arts Imaging at the Fondazione Fotografia in Modena. Since 2022, she is professor of Photography at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in Milan. Her projects have been the subject of personal exhibitions at MADRE, Naples; Palazzo Ducale, Genoa; University of Leeds; Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield; BOZAR Palais des Beaux Art, Brussels. Frapiccini took part in various festivals including the Italian Pavilion of the Venice Architecture Biennale, the Month of Photography, the Biennial of Young Artists in Monza, and group exhibitions at the Castello di Rivoli Museum of Contemporary Art, Nederlands Fotomuseum, Rotterdam, FACT, Liverpool, Triennale of Milan, HVB Kunst Palais, Munich, MAXXI Rome, MEP-Maison de la Photographie, Paris, Martin Gropius Bau Museum, Berlin, Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg, House of Photography, Moscow.
Her works entered prestigious permanent collections of art institutions such as the Castello di Rivoli Museum of Contemporary Art, the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation, the MAXXI Rome.

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