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Interaction Design, Web and Games

General information

Acronym: EspDIWJ
The Specialization Course in Interaction Design, Web and Games aims to develop skills and a solid design training for interactive media (including the Web) and for video games, and human-centered design methodologies.

This FBAUP course, in partnership with FEUP and UPTEC - Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto, is organized in sequential modules, and has a specialized faculty in the area of ​​Human-Computer Interaction and respective subareas of study and an intervention that, with the collaboration of invited experts, will identify and analyze the technological and communication specificities of the various interactive media contexts, its methodological and procedural repercussions for the development of projects in multidisciplinary teams.

In its course plan, in addition to the structural concepts of interaction and game design, design methodologies for the various design phases will be studied and implemented, documentation developed for their communication in the work team, and different prototyping processes implemented evaluation.


  • Interaction Design, Web and Games (48 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Architecture and Interaction Scenarios

ACI01 - ECTS . Be able to develop the information architecture of interactive systems using design methodologies that allow to understand which hierarchies and terminologies are most appropriate to the
users of a system;

. Be able to develop context scenarios and key pathways that support the functional objectives of users;

. Be able to perceive the mental models of the users for the various tasks and processes;

. Be able to do contextual research and develop user models that inform the design process and serve as project evaluation tools.

Interaction Design Context

CDI01 - ECTS . Understand the complexity of the field of interaction design;
. Understand the relevance of interaction design in the broad field of contemporary design, culture and society;
. Identified Methodologies and philosophies of design, documentation, and research.

Game Design Context

  • Introduce students to game design, developing basic competencies for the conception of games
  • Understand the relationship between game mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics
  • Understand the relationship between the designer and the player

Interface Design

DI01 - ECTS . Develop visual design projects for interactive systems;

. Create assets for production of interactive systems;

. Develop functional prototypes of interactive systems, considering the specific contexts of use, ergonomics of the devices, guides of style of the operating systems and typologies of users.

Management and Projectual Methodology

GMP01 - ECTS Convey knowledge and practice on:

  • Work team structural management
  • Project management: agile, iterative and waterfall models
  • Documentation and internal communication
  • Management of project development stages

Prototyping and Implementation

  • To introduce students to prototyping practices
  • To provide students with skills to shift, with in an adequate fashion, from low fidelity prototypes to high fidelity prototypes
  • To introduce students to programming languages to build functional prototypes

Tests and Evaluation

AvT01 - ECTS
  • Avaliação heurística
  • Avaliação de usabilidade
  • Avaliação da UX
  • Métodos implícitos e explícitos
  • Desafios de jogo e usabilidade
  • Funcionalidade e balanceamento


  1. To involve students in the whole project’s cycle of development and production, from which their course’s final project will be developed.
  2. To develop projects in the contexto and in collaboration with the industry and research in the scope of interaction, web and game design.
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