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Code: DIPPDE     Acronym: PDE

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Engineering

Instance: 2018/2019 - A

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Design
Course/CS Responsible: Master in Product and Industrial Design

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MDIP 42 Official Plan 2013 2 - 48 60 1296

Teaching Staff - Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibility
Rui Jorge Leal Ferreira Mendonça da Fonseca

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


This CU is intended to supply students with  a set of physical and human resources to enable the realization of na original work of project, dissertation or internship. It is intended to develop an individual work towards
integration and application of knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired along the course, through problem-solving knowledge on industrial design and product design.
The work will take place in academic or business environment, promoting the capacity-building initiative, decision-making and working individually or in group.
Seeks to promote the analysis of new situations, collecting relevant information, selection of methods of approach and instruments proposed for resolution of the problem, its resolution, exercise of summary and conclusions, reporting, public presentation and discussion of results.

Learning outcomes and competences

Preparation of a thesis, dissertation or stage.
Approach methodologies and instruments for solving the problem proposed,
Ability to study and solve problems.
Capacity of synthesis and preparation of conclusions.
Public presentation and discussion of results.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

Topics of the other lectures


Validation of themes and selection of advisors. Establishment of timetable of presentations. Support for the development of the work.
Strategies for writing and illustration of the project report, thesis or internship. Communication strategies in public presentation.
Realization of the project, dissertation or internship of experimental or theoretical character about a variety of topics related to the industrial design and product design.
Generally speaking, the work involves the following tasks:
-Definition of the problem to be studied;
-Bibliographic search;
-Development and/or model application;
-Collection and quantification of the results obtained;

Mandatory literature

Felipa Lopes dos Reis; Como elaborar uma dissertação de mestrado, Pactor, 2010. ISBN: 978-989-693-002-8

Teaching methods and learning activities

During the 1st semester there will be meetings to supervise the work developed and presentation sessions to the students in at least 3 phases: a) theme and work plan: b) State of writing in an overflow, the difficulties
encountered and strategies proposed for completion; c) presentation to the students and advisor(s) of the work developed concerning literature review, and perhaps experimental work already carried out.
At the 2nd semester students are only dependent on the specific methodology used by the Advisor (s).

Evaluation Type

Evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Defesa pública de dissertação, de relatório de projeto ou estágio, ou de tese 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de relatório/dissertação/tese 1296,00
Total: 1296,00

Eligibility for exams

Not applicable

Calculation formula of final grade

Public presentation and discussion: 100%

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable

Internship work/project

Topic to be selected

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable

Classification improvement

Not applicable
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