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Theory and History of Drawing

Code: MPTD304     Acronym: THD

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2012/2013 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Desenho
Course/CS Responsible: Drawing and Printmaking

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MDTI 12 Plano Oficial 2011 1 - 6 45 162

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical classes: 3,00
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Theoretical classes Totals 1 3,00
Mário Augusto Bismarck Paupério de Almeida 3,00

Teaching language


Mandatory literature

Ames-Lewis Francis; Drawing in early renaissance Italy. ISBN: 0-300-07981-8
Bermingham Ann; Learning to draw. ISBN: 0-300-08039-5
Barasch Moshe; Teorías del arte. ISBN: 84-206-7108-8
Blunt Anthony; La théorie des arts en Italie
BRUSATIN, Manlio ; Histoire de la ligne. , Champs/Flammarion, 2000 , 2000
DAMISCH, Hubert; Traité du Trait, Reunion des Musées Nationaux, 1995
Didi-Huberman Georges; Atlas
DIDI-HUBERMAN, Georges; Devant l'image, Les editions du minuit, 1990
Foster Hal; Art since 1900. ISBN: 0-500-23818-9 69.76
Goldstein Carl; Teaching art. ISBN: 0-521-55988-X
Gombrich E. H.; Arte e ilusão
Gombrich E.H.; The uses of images. ISBN: 0-7148-3655-9
Grassi Luigi; Il^disegno italiano dal Trecento al Seicento. ISBN: 88-85760-40-6
Gómez Molina Juan José 340; Las^lecciones del dibujo. ISBN: 84-376-1376-0
MOLINA (et alt); Los Nombres Del Dibujo, Ed. Catedra, 2005
Panofsky Erwin; Idea. ISBN: 84-376-0101-0
ROSAND, David; Drawing acts. Studies in graphic and representation, Cambridge University Press, 2002
Schlosser Julius; La literatura artística. ISBN: 84-376-0082-0
Tofani Annamaria Petrioli 340; Drawing
Tolnay Charles de; History and technique of old master drawings. ISBN: 0-87817-107-X

Complementary Bibliography

Alberti Leon Battista; De la pintura y otros escritos sobre arte. ISBN: 84-309-3336-0
BELLORI, Gio Pietro ; Le vite de pittore, scultore et architetti moderni , Arnaldo Forni Editore, 2000, 2000
LE BRUN, Charles ; L'expression des paissons et autres conferences , ed. Dédale, 1994
Cennini Cennino; El libro del arte. ISBN: 84-7600-284-X
Cozens John Robert; A^New method of landscape. ISBN: 0-448-22120-9
DELACROIX, Eugène ; Diário (extractos)., Ed. Estampa, 1979
FELIBIEN ; Entretiens sur les vies et ouvrages des plus excellents peintres anciens et modernes (1 et 2). , Société d'édition Les belles lettres, 1987
Holanda Francisco de; Da pintura antiga
HOLANDA, Francisco ; Diálogos em Roma , Livros Horizonte, 1984
KRAYNAK, Janet (ed.); Please pay attention please: Bruce Nauman's words_writtings and interviews , The MIT Press, 2005
Matisse Henri; Escritos e reflexcea3es sobre arte
DE PILES, Roger ; L'Idée du Peintre parfait., Galimard, 1993
Plinio El Viejo; Textos de historia del arte. ISBN: 84-7774-007-0
DA VINCI, Leonardo ; Tratado de pintura, Akal, 1998

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Attendance (estimated) Participação presencial 57,00
Total: - 0,00
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