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1st Portuguese Congress of Food Education: Teaching Nutrition in the 21st century

October 16th, 2024, from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Almeida Garrett Library, in Porto

Applications open until September 30th, 2024

Poor diet is already one of the main factors responsible for the years of healthy life lost by the Portuguese. Contrary to what one might think today, ignorance or misinformation is a crucial determinant of this consumption model. At the same time, the nutritional sciences are undergoing profound changes, and the world is changing rapidly.

Faced with these changes, what challenges are there in terms of content, strategies and teaching practices in food education? How can food education be adapted to different audiences? How is technology affecting the teaching and learning of nutrition? How can the school innovate and promote healthy eating habits so children and young people join? Will artificial intelligence be a game changer? These and other questions will be debated at the 1st Portuguese Congress on Food Education, a space for debate open to all professionals interested in teaching and pedagogy in food and nutrition.

This Congress is organised by the Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Porto (FCNAUP) and held in partnership with the other organic units of the University of Porto involved in the Master's Degree in Food Education, namely the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science of the University of Porto (FPCEUP), the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto (FLUP) and the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (FBAUP). The event also has the institutional support of the Directorate-General for Education (DGE), the Directorate-General for Health (DGS), the Directorate-General for Consumer Affairs (DGC) and Porto City Council.

October 16th, 2024

09:00 | Opening and Welcome
09:30 | Food education and its new context
11:00 | Break
11:30 | Technology - risk or opportunity in food education?
01:00 | Lunch Break
02:00 | The new audiences of food education
03:30 | Break
04:00 | Nutrition and the educator at the centre of change
05:30 | Final note and Closing

Speakers - Food education Congress

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