WELCOME committees full papers authors sponsors technical


The Portuguese Society of Occupational Safety and Hygiene (SPOSHO) organises on 9 and 10 February 2012, the 8th edition of the International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene - SHO 2012. Similarly to the past five years, the event will be held in the main Auditorium of the School of Engineering at University of Minho in Guimarães, which is the European Capital of Culture during this year.

The 2012 edition covers the issues of Ergonomics and Physical Environment, Chemical and Biological Risk, Fire Safety and Prevention Management, which will occur both in plenary sessions and parallel sessions.

For the first time, the selection of the studies to be considered in the final program was made through the submission of extended abstracts with 2 to 3 pages length and using an electronic platform, both for the submission and review.

Throughout this submission process more than 200 papers were submitted, corresponding to an equal number of extended abstracts, which were reviewed by the international Scientific Committee (SC) of the Symposium, consisting of more than 90 specialists in the various scientific fields covered by the event.

Papers submitted correspond to a total of 400 authors from 10 countries.

Also for the first time, the submission and review process previewed that the submission of accepted abstracts could subsequently be submitted in full-paper format, with a length between 5 and 8 pages and written entirely in English. The reviewed and accepted full-papers by the SC are published in the Conference Proceedings book, which is published electronically, hoping that this can be a motivation for the increasing international diffusion of the presented works.

At the end of the event, there will be a selection of articles with the aim of publishing a special issue in the International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics.

This edition of the symposium will also include the completion of two pre and post-symposium courses, one on "Heat Stress and Comfort", by Prof. Jacques Malchaire, from Belgium, and another entitled "Is it possible to influence safety in construction?", by Prof. Paul Swuste, from the Netherlands.

We appreciate the participation of all the national and foreign experts, who kindly acceded to our invitation.

We appreciate the institutional support of the School of Engineering of the University of Minho, School of Engineering of the University of Porto, Faculty of Human Kinetics of the Technical University of Lisbon and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, as well as the scientific sponsorship of the Portuguese Engineers Professional Association (OE), the European Network of Safety and Health Professionals’ Organisations (ENSHPO), the International Social Security Association (ISSA / ISSA), the Latin American Association of Work Safety Engineering (ALAEST), the Brazilian Society of Safety Engineering (SOBES) and its subsidiary of the State of Rio de Janeiro (SOBES-RIO), the Portuguese Society of Occupational Medicine (SPMT), the Portuguese Society of Occupational Health (SPSO), the Portuguese Association of Ergonomics (APERGO), the Portuguese Society of Acoustics (SPA), the Brazilian Association of Civil Engineers (ABENC), the Asociación de Especialistas de Prevención y Salud Laboral (AEPSAL), the Galician Society of Occupational Risk Prevention, the Research Network on Working Conditions (RICOT), and the Portuguese Society of Environmental Health (SPSA).

We also thank the official support of the Authority for Working Conditions (ACT), European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Municipality of Guimarães and Guimarães ECC 2012, as well as the valuable support of several Companies and Institutions.

Again, we believe that we will count with the participation of a big and active audience and wish that this event would continue to have an increasing importance in the field of Occupational Hygiene and Safety, not only nationally but also internationally.

We want to highlight again the fact that this edition occurs during the celebration of Guimarães European Capital of Culture, which supports our initiative, and will surely provide to SHO2012 attendants a vast and rich cultural program.

Guimarães, February 9th, 2012

The Organizing Committee

A. Sérgio Miguel

Gonçalo Perestrelo

J. Santos Baptista

Mónica Barroso

Nélson Costa

Patricio Cordeiro

Paula Carneiro

Pedro Arezes

Rui Melo

Organization Co-Organisers