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Critical Studies on Álvaro Siza

Code: 50126C5     Acronym: 50126C5

Classification Keyword
CNAEF Architecture and Urbanism

Instance: 2017/2018 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Arquitectura (A)
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master Degree in Architecture

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIARQ 48 MIARQ 4 - 3 - 81

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


To study various topics of architecture and/or urban design regarding the work of Alvaro Siza, trying to match, with an R&D view, the Semestral course-option with a collection of scientific publications, owned by the FAUP, that will constitute a School's contribution for the advancement of knowledge, with consequences that outweigh (although encompassing) the group of students who will enroll in the course.

Learning outcomes and competences

An interview with Álvaro Siza, carefully prepared and discussed among the group, will lead the work of the Semester, becoming the strongest piece and probably the most original set of studies undertaken within the discipline.

Working method



All the built work by Alvaro Siza, both in Portugal and abroad, will serve as a basis for the reflection proposal to the enrolled group of students. 
We will try that the theme (always different) chosen in each Semester could be universal (in the field of architecture and/or urban design), et pour cause, easily detected in the Master's work. 
Light/shadow, shape, proportion, scale, context, insertion, suitability, program, are among the themes potentially affordable, always with the pretext of a critical reading of Álvaro Siza's work.










Mandatory literature

SIZA VIEIRA, Álvaro; Textos 01, Porto: Civilização, 2009

Complementary Bibliography

LARNER, Melissa. (ed.); Serpentine Gallery pavilion 2005, London: Serpentine Gallery, 2005
LEVENE, Richard C. & MARQUEZ CECÍLIA, Fernando (eds.); “Álvaro Siza:1958-1994”. El Croquis (#68/69), El Croquis Editorial, 1994
CIANCHETTA, Alessandra & MOLTENI, Enrico; Álvaro Siza: Casas 1954-2004, Gustavo Gili, 2004
LLANO, Pedro & CASTANHEIRA, Carlos (eds.). ; Álvaro Siza:Obras e projectos, Electa / CCB / CGAC, 1996
LOSADA RODRÍGUEZ, Ramón (ed.); Escuchando a Álvaro Siza: Anatomía del edifício Bizkaia Aretoa, Paraninfo de la UPV/EHU, Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco , 2011
MILHEIRO, Ana Vaz; AFONSO, João & NUNES, Jorge (eds.) ; Álvaro Siza: Candidatura ao Prémio UIA Gold Medal 2005, Lisboa: Ordem dos Arquitectos / Caleidoscópio, 2005
NAKAMURA, Toshio (ed.); “Álvaro Siza: 1954-1988”. A+U (Extra edition), Tokyo: a+u Publishing, 1989
Neves José Manuel das 340; Serralves. ISBN: 972-739-104-4
NICOLIN, Pierluigi (dir.); Álvaro Siza: Professione poética [Quaderni di Lotus (#6)] , Milano: Electa, 1986
PRÉMIO SECIL DE ARQUITECTURA 1996; Edifício Castro & Melo: Álvaro Siza Vieira, Lisboa: Secil / AAP, 1997
PRÉMIO SECIL DE ARQUITECTURA 2000; Álvaro Siza: Facultade das Ciências de la Información, Santiago de Compostela , Lisboa: Secil / AAP, 2001
RODRIGUES, Jacinto; Álvaro Siza: Obra e método, Porto: Civilização, 1992
SALGADO, José; Álvaro Siza em Matosinhos, Matosinhos: Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos, s.d.
Siza Vieira Álvaro; Imaginar a evidência. ISBN: 972-44-1033-1
Siza Vieira Álvaro 070; Igreja de Santa Maria. ISBN: 972-98026-0-2
SOUTO DE MOURA, Eduardo; PORTUGAL, António; REIS, Manuel Maria & SANTOS, José Paulo (dir.); Álvaro Siza: Esquissos de viagem / Travel sketches, Porto: Documentos de Arquitectura , 1988
TRIGUEIROS, Luís (Ed.); Álvaro Siza:1986-1995, Lisboa: Blau, 1995
TRIGUEIROS, Luís (Ed.); Álvaro Siza: 1954-1976, Lisboa: Blau, 1997

Teaching methods and learning activities

The teaching method will encompass weekly sessions of orientation of the research group that during the Semester will study a previously defined subject; this subject will be elected, in the first few sessions, from the suggestions that will come from the students. These suggestions, after widely discussed among all, in terms of feasibility (temporal and geographic), cultural and scientific relevance and breadth of interest within the group, will also be tested to demonstrate the ability to constitute itself as a subject of investigation sufficiently original and exciting for the success of a possible subsequent publication as a book. 

The various sessions will be then rigorously planned, with mandatory weekly production and presentation of "tasks" (visit reports, editing of photographic reports, book reviews, interview preparation, papers on the theme or general reflexions about the studied works , etc.). As indicated above, an interview with Álvaro Siza, carefully prepared and discussed among the group, will lead the work of the Semester, becoming the strongest piece and probably the most original set of studies undertaken within the discipline.

This material can then come to be edited at the end of the year that meets the Semester, constituting a scientific publication illustrated with photographs and/or drawings received and/or registered by them, gathering the most relevant research produced during the Semester. 

The covered topics will vary over the years, becoming in practice (in addition to a more or less stable basis) in always different "summaries", which will feed the mentioned publications. 


Humanities > Philosophy > Aesthetics
Humanities > Arts > Fine arts
Humanities > Philosophy > Semiotics

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 10,00
Trabalho de campo 30,00
Trabalho escrito 30,00
Trabalho laboratorial 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de projeto 3,00
Elaboração de relatório/dissertação/tese 3,00
Estudo autónomo 3,00
Frequência das aulas 21,00
Trabalho de campo 9,00
Trabalho de investigação 3,00
Total: 42,00

Eligibility for exams

The frequency will be based on the attendance, on the interest and on the participation of the various elements of the group in achieving the proposed work.

Calculation formula of final grade

Since this is a discipline that is aimed mainly at increasing the 'critical' capacity of the students and to give brain elasticity to their suggestions of reading the space proposed by contemporary architecture, based on the work of Alvaro Siza, and given the small number of weekly meetings scheduled in each Semester (fifteen sessions, if they not happen holidays or unforeseen) a grade will be assigned to each enrolled student, taking into account the attendance, the ability to generate discussion and stimulate, both the whole class as the group where he/she belongs, as well as the quality of the produced written papers.

Elements whom will not be recognized relevant participation, or, equally, a satisfactory level of contribution to the final result, can not be considered fit. 

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not applicable.

Internship work/project

Not applicable

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable.

Classification improvement

Not applicable.



- CIANCHETTA, Alessandra & MOLTENI, Enrico. 2004. Álvaro Siza: Casas 1954-2004. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili 

- LARNER, Melissa. (ed.). 2005. Serpentine Gallery pavilion 2005. London: Serpentine Gallery 

- LEVENE, Richard C. & MARQUEZ CECÍLIA, Fernando (eds.).1994. “Álvaro Siza:1958-1994”. El Croquis (#68/69). Madrid: El Croquis Editorial 

- LLANO, Pedro & CASTANHEIRA, Carlos (eds.). 1996. Álvaro Siza:Obras e projectos. Lisboa: Electa / CCB / CGAC

- LOSADA RODRÌGUEZ, Ramón (ed.). 2011. Escuchando a Álvaro Siza: Anatomía de edifício Bizkaia Aretoa, Paraninfo de la UPV/EHU. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco

- MILHEIRO, Ana Vaz; AFONSO, João & NUNES, Jorge (eds.). 2005. Álvaro Siza: Candidatura ao Prémio UIA Gold Medal 2005. Lisboa: Ordem dos Arquitectos / Caleidoscópio 

- NAKAMURA, Toshio (ed.). 1989. “Álvaro Siza: 1954-1988”. A+U (Extra edition). Tokyo: a+u Publishing, Junho 

- NEVES José Manuel das (coord.). 2002. Serralves. Porto: Fundação de Serralves / Asa. 

- NICOLIN, Pierluigi (dir.). 1986. Álvaro Siza: Professione poética. [Quaderni di Lotus (#6)] Milano: Electa 

- PRÉMIO SECIL DE ARQUITECTURA 1996. S.d. [1997]. Edifício Castro & Melo: Álvaro Siza Vieira. Lisboa: Secil / AAP 

- PRÉMIO SECIL DE ARQUITECTURA 2000. S.d. [2001]. Álvaro Siza: Facultade das Ciências de la Información. Santiago de Compostela Lisboa: Secil / AAP 

- RODRIGUES, Jacinto. 1992. Álvaro Siza: Obra e método. Porto: Civilização 

- SALGADO, José. S.d. Álvaro Siza em Matosinhos. Matosinhos: Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos 

- SIZA VIEIRA, Álvaro. 1997. Igreja de Santa Maria, Marco de Canavezes. S.l.: Centro de Documentação Álvaro Siza 

- SIZA, Álvaro. 2000. Imaginar a evidência. Lisboa: Edições 70 

SIZA, Álvaro. 2009. Textos 01. [Ed. texto, Carlos Campos de Morais] Porto: Civilização* 

- SOUTO DE MOURA, Eduardo; PORTUGAL, António; REIS, Manuel Maria & SANTOS, José Paulo (dir.). 1988. Álvaro Siza: Esquissos de viagem / Travel sketches. Porto: Documentos de Arquitectura 

- TRIGUEIROS, Luís (Ed.).1995. Álvaro Siza:1986-1995. Lisboa: Blau 

- TRIGUEIROS, Luís (Ed.).1997. Álvaro Siza:1954-1976. Lisboa: Blau


*Mandatory reading

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