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Building Construction 2

Code: 300304     Acronym: 300304

Classification Keyword
CNAEF Architecture and construction

Instance: 2017/2018 - A Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Tecnologia da Construção (TC)
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master Degree in Architecture

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIARQ 161 MIARQ 3 - 9 142,5 243

Teaching language



This course aims to introduce buildings´ construction theme, especially the understanding of the physics of buildings that supports the transformation of the project into construction..
It is intended that the student learns about the following topics: design and innovation; systems and construction elements, elements that compose the building, functions and requirements, types of materials, their application and performance; construction players, function and responsibility; the working site and the construction of a building, phasing and work management, legal framework in buildings´ construction.

Learning outcomes and competences

The aim of the course is to enable the student to identify the components of a construction project as well as some constructive solutions for each element understanding the physical principles underneath it. It is required that students create a theoretical framework that allows some knowledge of transversal themes in buildings construction, such as energy, sustainability, environmental quality, among others, allowing a personal reflection and discussion of these issues. Finally, it is proposed two group works as a way to encourage collaborative team work, research innovation and technological development in architecture

Working method



Construction 2, named C2faup, is an annual course divided into two semesters, with 9 credits. It is part of the 3rd year of Master in Architecture (MIARQ) of the Faculty of Architecture of Oporto University (FAUP).
C2faup has an autonomous theoretical and practical program and seeks to articulate the methodology and educational objectives in close coordination with Project course, giving shape to the idea that architecture is a discipline that is closer to production and construction than design, representation or communication processes.
Initially this course will approach the methods, systems and construction´s process of architecture and then will follow up and support each students´ project. It will allow to identify the disciplinary aspects of the theoretical and scientific universe of physics of buildings, deepened during the practical lessons of the construction, supporting the final work of Project course which will focus on Collective Housing in Oporto.

The Program of the course: Content, Methodology, Goals, Results and Methods of Evaluation. | Project
| Innovation and Technology | Construction and regulations
 | Sustainability | Energy
| Materials
| Build| Construction | Construction systems | Foundations | Structure
| Coverage
| The Wall

Mandatory literature

Deplazes Andrea 340; Constructing architecture. ISBN: 3-7643-7189-7
Allen Edward; Como funciona un edificio. ISBN: 84-252-1089-5
Schmitt Heinrich; Tratado de construcción. ISBN: 84-252-0092-X
Paricio Ignacio; La construcción de la arquitectura
Abalos Inaki; Tecnica y arquitectura en la ciudad contemporânea, 1950-1990. ISBN: 84-86763-74-6
Derry T.K.; Historia de la tecnologia. ISBN: 84-323-0281-3
Millaruelo Aparicio José 205; Ordenación del territorio y desarrollo sostenible. ISBN: 987-507-294-x
Abrantes Vítor; O Isolamento térmico da envolvente dos edifícios face ao regulamento (RCCTE). ISBN: 972-95969-0-5
Freitas Vasco Peixoto de 340; Humidade em paredes de edificios. ISBN: 972-752-021-9
Freitas Vasco Peixoto de; Humidade ascensional. ISBN: 978-972-752-101-2
Silva José António Raimundo Mendes da 340; Reabilitação
Lacerda Lopes, Carlos Nuno; Construção 2.0, CIAMH _ FAUP, 2016. ISBN: 978-989-98808-1-8
Lacerda Lopes, Carlos Nuno; Rumo à Profissão, Lello Editores, 2010. ISBN: 972-48-1881-8
Lacerda Lopes, Carlos Nuno; revista Frente e Verso , CIAMH | FAUP, 2012. ISBN: 2182-8237

Complementary Bibliography

Lopes Carlos Nuno Lacerda; Projecto e modos de habitar
Lacerda Lopes, Carlos Nuno; Eduardo Souto Moura, CIAMH- Centro de Inovação Arquitectura e Modos de Habitar, 2012. ISBN: 978-989-98073-0-3
Lacerda Lopes, Carlos Nuno; João Álvaro Rocha, CIAMH |FAUP, 2012. ISBN: 978-989-98073-1-0
Lacerda Lopes, Carlos Nuno; Manuel Correia Fernandes, CIAMH |FAUP, 2012. ISBN: 978-989-98073-2-7
Lacerda Lopes, Carlos Nuno; Alcino Soutinho, CIAMH |FAUP, 2012. ISBN: 978-989-98073-3-4

Teaching methods and learning activities

The teaching method is expositive during the theoretical course and investigative, either individually or in groups, during practical classes. It is intended that students interpret, analyze and discuss the themes of these lessons and do a comprehensive research on some of the issues he is interest in. The practical work proposes a work of collecting and processing information, to be then synthesized and presented. It is intended that this research will be developed during the time of practical classes and under teachers´ monitoring, to be after publicly presented to colleagues. Buildings´ construction site visits intend to bring an experimental dimension to the course by introducing the experience of onsite work and constructive issues that architects face while project designers and coordinators of the whole project.
It is not intended any approach to the methods, models and work processes of the profession of an architect. However it is expected that the student develops a working methodology, based on study and scientific research, taking the Architecture as a synthesis attitude based and grounded in the systematization of information, knowledge and understanding of physical phenomena and technology. To that extent this discipline should be an essential stimulus to deepen and the coherence necessity of Project idea.


BIM Software

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 20,00
Trabalho laboratorial 80,00
Total: 100,00

Eligibility for exams

Minimal record of attendance, class participation and a positive rating in both works and tests.

Calculation formula of final grade

The evaluation will be related to three parts with the following relative weights: 
• Individual work - 50%
• Group work - 30%
• Attendance and participation -20% 

Examinations or Special Assignments

The theory classes will be on Tuesdays Practical classes will be on tuesdays and Fridays as scheduled. Some visits will be held to construction sites taking place on an arranged time and place.

Work group
There will be a team work per semester.
It is proposed that the work is performed by groups of three/five elements and to the extension of one/two article(s) of 10 double pages A4 and respecting graphic standards defined in the attached document. The structure of the work will be the following:

00 | Abstract and keywords
01 | The historical context, origin and chronology
02 | Culture and Context
03 | Ways of application
04 | An author
05 | A work
06 | A constructive section(s)
07 | Technical aspects of the material
08 | 3D detail(s) of the building
09 | References of catalog
10 | Bibliography and other references

The groups, subjects and further work should be conducted during practical classes. The theme of the work will be chosen from the following subjects or focus on a different material or construction system proposed by the student:
01 | Solid Bricks
02 | Masonry
03 | Cement
04 | Concrete
05 | Zinc
06 | Copper
07 | Aluminium
08 | Iron
09 | Glass
10 | Ceramic
11 | Stone
12 | Plastic
13 | Composites and conglomerates
14 | Plaster and stucco
15 | Insulation materials
16 | Energy savings materials
17 | Eco-friendly and recycled materials
18 | Paper or Textiles
19 | Soil
20 | Paints, varnishes and colors
There may be up to two groups developing the same theme.

Group and Individual work, 
the individual work will be about collective housing. The student should individually study a collective residential building and present it by 8 important constructive details from 8 singular points, and build a 
a model(30x30x30cm format) to represent and show the building process and realistic materials.

The third exercise is an individual work and is in common with Project 3.

Each exercise will have a callout with the methodology, objectives and delivery dates.


Parallel activities:
A building laboratory will be created encouraging research on systems and construction materials. It is intended to organize a construction library, with books and materials catalogs thus creating a place to support Project with direct connection with the development of the course Project 3. It is intended that this laboratory will create external relationships with different entities in the world of construction and those developing this sector. It may be a way to visit and/or presented in national and international fairs and nurturing links with international institutions such as MIT, Cambridge, USGBC, BRE among others.

Trying to foster the interest and practice on research in this area of knowledge, students are invited to visit and to publish the works and/or the studies devoted to Building technologies on C2lab platform of CAMH | Centre for Innovation in Architecture and Ways of Living, CEAU, FAUP.

TECA – Tecnologias de Construção e Arquitetura | Architectural Building Tecnologies.


ARPA – Arquivo de Projetos de Arquitetura | Portuguese Architecture Projects Library


ARMA– Arquivo de Materiais de Arquitetura | Architecture Materials Library


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