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8th edition 2023.2024

Clara Pimenta do Vale — FAUP
Joaquim Moreno — FAUP
Joaquim Teixeira — FAUP
José Amorim Faria — FEUP
Nuno Valentim — FAUP
Pedro Alarcão — FAUP
Rodrigo Coelho — FAUP
Rui Fernandes Póvoas — FAUP
Teresa Ferreira — FAUP

Guest lecturers
Aníbal Costa — RISCO/UA
Dario Álvarez — UV
Delgado Rodrigues
Eduarda Moreira da Silva — UCP
Helena Cruz — LNEC
Hugo Pires
João Mascarenhas Mateus — CIAUD/FAUL
João Viegas — LNEC
Joaquim Caetano — MH
José Aguiar — FAUL
Lino Tavares
Luís Bravo Pereira
Luís Fontes
Maria Fernandes — MC/DGPC
Miguel Angel de la Iglesia Santamaria — UV
Rosário Veiga — LNEC
Vasco Freitas — FEUP

CIAUD Centro de investigação em Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Design
DGPC Direcção Geral do Património Cultural
FAUP Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto
FEUP Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
LNEC Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil
MC Ministério da Cultura
MH  Mural da História
RISCO/UA Unidade de Investigação/Departamento de Engenharia Civil/Universidade de Aveiro
UCP Universidade Católica Portuguesa
UV Universidad de Valladolid

Unidades curriculares

Architectural Design Methodologies

Pedro Alarcão — FAUP
Nuno Valentim — FAUP

Objectives and skills to be acquired:
The purpose of this course is to identify the complexity and specific issues related with restoration and conservation projects, especially as far as it concerns the role of History of Architecture and of the City in the elaboration of intervention proposals. Importance is to be given to the capacity to interpret and be aware of pre-existent historical facts (in order to be able to act upon them), instead of defending the conce of professional specialisation in the field of building technology applied to architectural heritage.
Architectonic meaning and historical depth establish the difference between interventions in architectural heritage and ex-novo interventions in a bland area of the contemporary city. This difference requires a specific training to develop restoration and recuperation projects. The higher level of complexity and greater amount of information concerning the pre-existing context require an increase in the rigour and quality of the project methodology.
The main aim of this course is to develop a project methodology based on a permanent evaluation of the relation between the theoretical reasoning and design, whether it is analytical or propositional. Experimentation of project methods is to be oriented by an attempt to justify the theoretical claims chosen as an answer for a specific work, program and place. Therefore, theoretical and historical investigation cannot be seen as a project phase that takes place prior to the process of design – it is a parallel and complementary process, a working part of the project exercise itself.

Research Seminar

Joaquim Teixeira — FAUP

Objectives and skills to be acquired:
The Research Seminar works as an alternative to the Project Methodologies course, and aims at promoting research skills in students who wish to enroll in the Ph.D. program in Architecture.

Theory and History of Architectural Rehabilitation*

Teresa Ferreira — FAUP

* also available as an isolated curricular unit

Objectives and skills to be acquired:
To deal with specific issues raised by the architect throughout the project of intervention in architectural heritage from a critical point of view.
To become acquainted with the procedures and methods of the past, regarding intervention in architectural heritage.
To establish the difference between the values related to the current concept of monument and the broader notion of architectural heritage, associated with the collective memory.
To develop a set of notions and principles which may contribute to a specific theory of intervention in architectural heritage, by defining the areas of social responsibility assigned to the architect, within the complex system of institutional relations implied in this kind of intervention, and by avoiding the loss of architecture’s own creative role in the reality of its time.

Theories of Rehabilitation of the City*

Rodrigo Coelho — FAUP
Joaquim Moreno — FAUP

* also available as an isolated curricular unit

Objectives and skills to be acquired:
The student should develop knowledge and acquire tools and skills that are relevant to the issues developed in the course, namely:
To establish the type-morphological characterization of the city and its historical construction;
To identify urban artifacts that ascertain our heritage in order to define and detail intervention strategies;
To maintain the identity of the European city as a way to support the very idea of renewal of urban heritage;
To make a critical reflection on the concepts of global city, European city, American city, Asian city, etc.
Furthermore, the student should acquire critical and verbal skills to be capable to relate the practice of architecture and heritage preservation to the wider cultural and social transformations that frame it. The analysis of complex texts and designs, and its explanation in class, will require the formulation of a disciplinary synthesis and the development of scholarly habits that are necessary for the development of the intellectual autonomy that the practice of architecture requires.

Architectural Heritage Legislation and Management*

Rui Fernandes Póvoas — FAUP

Guest lecturer:
Lino Tavares

* also available as an isolated curricular unit

Objectives and skills to be acquired:
To improve the architect’s competence to understand and evaluate architectural heritage in a multidimensional historical context.
To improve the architect’s capacity to identify appropriate intervention methodologies in architectural heritage.
To develop a specialised ability to raise awareness and work towards a strict architectural heritage management, within the scope of public, semi-public and private services.
To enable the architect to design work projects in the field of architectural heritage management.


Materials and Techniques of Ancient Coating*

Docente responsável:
Clara Pimenta do Vale — FAUP

Guest lecturers:
Eduarda Moreira da Silva — UCP
Hugo Pires
Joaquim Caetano — MH
José Aguiar — FAUL
Luís Bravo Pereira
Luís Fontes
Rosário Veiga — LNEC

* also available as an isolated curricular unit

Objectives and skills to be acquired:
The main objective of this course is to approach the multiple and diverse themes involved to carry out an appropriate intervention in coats of old buildings, thus equipping the student with a set of skills that enable a fruitful dialogue with technicians and conservators involved in conservation or restoration of buildings with heritage value.

Traditional Construction Materials and Techniques*

Clara Pimenta do Vale — FAUP

Guest lecturers:
Delgado Rodrigues
Helena Cruz — LNEC
João Mascarenhas Mateus — CIAUD/FAUL
João Viegas — LNEC
José Aguiar — FAUL
Vasco Freitas — FEUP

* also available as an isolated curricular unit

Objectives and skills to be acquired:
The main aim of this course is to approach diverse and complex matters regarding construction and techniques, which are essential to an adequate architectural intervention in old buildings.

Structural Interventions in Old Buildings*

Rui Fernandes Póvoas — FAUP

Guest lecturers:
Aníbal Costa — RISCO/UA
José Amorim Faria

* also available as an isolated curricular unit

Objectives and skills to be acquired:
The main aim of this course is to provide students with a tangible knowledge of the principles and methods that must guide the intervention process in masonry and wooden structures of old buildings.

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