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Sports Marketing

Code: GD56     Acronym: GD56

Classification Keyword
CNAEF Social and Behavioral Sciences

Instance: 2019/2020 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Course/CS Responsible: 2nd Cycle in Sports Management

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
2CGD 28 Official Plan 1 - 6 40 162

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


The course program assumes that students already possess some basic marketing concepts, and that way theoretical concepts won’t be taught very deeply and just revised briefly.

Therefore, the course aims at deepening the practical component of using marketing in the context of sports management, and the program structure is aligned with the sequential stages of decision making and planning in marketing.

The course has thus three main objectives:

- to help the students to understand in which way companies/institutions from the sports area can create and deliver value to their customers and define their marketing strategies

- support the development of analytical competences and in applying the theoretical frameworks that will structure the analysis of the markets, industries, etc.

- support the students in the launching of own businesses in the sports area, in particular with digital marketing strategies

Learning outcomes and competences

- Learning and deepening of the essential theoretical concepts in marketing

- Acquisition of competencies in decision making and on sustaining/defending marketing strategies in real situations with incomplete information through case studies analysis

- Acquisition and improvement of competencies in group problem solving and in oral and written communication, through group assignment

- Comprehension of marketing’s multidisciplinary and its relationship with other management areas

Working method



  1. Analysis and diagnosis of the sports marketing environment: external and internal analysis, of customers, competitors, etc

  2. Segmentation, targeting and positioning in sports, and how the company can optimize its strategy through focusing on some customer segments and on specific competitors.

  3. Branding and product/service strategy, how to develop a good brand/product/service strategy in the sports area.

  4. Marketing communications, and how to develop a communication strategy and make decisions regarding the communication mix.

  5. Distribution channels and how can we understand the role of distributors, retailers and other intermediaries, on delivering products, services and information to customers.

  6. Pricing, definition of pricing strategies that will enhance the value for the customer and capture value to the company

  7. Digital and E-commerce Business Models: digital strategy; platforms and websites

  8. Online Marketing Optimization: SEO e UX; metrics and analytics

  9. Digital marketing tools: social media, email marketing, online advertising

Mandatory literature

Kotler, P. and K.L. Keller; A Framework for marketing management, Pearson, 2015
Kotler, P., G. Armstrong, J. Saunders and V. Wong; Principles of Marketing - 5th European edition, Prentice Hall, 2008
Wood, M. B.; The Marketing Plan Handbook, Pearson, 2012
Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F.; Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, Pearson, 2015
Simon Chadwick, Nicolas Chavanat e Michel Desbordes; Routledge Handbook of Sports Marketing, Routledge International Handbooks, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-138-82351
Daniel Sá; Marketing para desporto. ISBN: 978-972-95293-8-2

Teaching methods and learning activities

- Theoretical and practical classes

- Use of cases analysis pertaining real life situations

- Presentation and discussion of group assignment

- Use of other complementary pedagogical materials (readings, videos, etc) which will frame and systematize the different parts of the program

- Invited speakers whenever appropriate

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 20,00
Teste 30,00
Trabalho laboratorial 20,00
Trabalho prático ou de projeto 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de projeto 50,00
Estudo autónomo 15,00
Frequência das aulas 40,00
Trabalho de campo 20,00
Trabalho escrito 37,00
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Students will be able to finish the course in 2 ways:

Distributed evaluation without final exam.

Final Exam.

Calculation formula of final grade

Distributed evaluation without final exam.

  1. Participation and attendance (20%): Students should have a regular attendance to class and actively participate in them throughout the semester, in particular in the days where there will be case study discussion and invited speakers.
  2. Individual written tests (30%): Throughout the semester there will be several written tests covering the contents lectured. Students should have a minimum grade of 7 on the written tests to obtain approval of the course.
  3. Individual assignment (20%): each student will have to provide answers for the case that will be discussed in class.
  4. Group assignment of an Integrated Marketing Plan (30% = report + presentation). At the end of the semester each student will evaluate their work as well as their colleagues (peer evaluation). The final grade will be individual and will result from the report, presentation, peer evaluation and the teacher’s inputs.


Final Exam:

  1. Development of a marketing plan (with digital component), which will be placed in Moodle one week before the exam date and that will have to be submitted in the exam data.
  2. Written exam which will consist of questions about the theoretical concepts and also practical questions from any of the case studies analysed in class.

NOTA: In case the student will do the exam for improvement of the grade, the exam will be worth 100%.

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