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CANDIDATURAS | Merging Voices 2017

Concurso aberto até 15 de Janeiro de 2018

The Merging Voices (MV) is composed by four Portuguese Institutions: Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Universidade do Porto (UP), Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) and Universidade do Algarve (UAlg).

The 2nd edition of the Merging Voices project (2017-2019) aims to continue the guidelines of the first edition, cementing the cooperation with the Partner Institutions and building new cooperation with the newcomers, which will be achieved through mobility.

Through a total of 143 scholarships, it will support mobility of students, academic and administrative staff in Europe and in 26 Partner Countries: Australia, China, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, East Timor, Cameroon, Japan, Macao, Angola, Cape Verde, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Guyana, Cambodia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mozambique, New Zealand, Seychelles, Tanzania and Uganda.

The 2nd edition of the Merging Voices project can be divided in two main sections: Merging Voices 2017 (MV 2017) and Merging Voices Africa Caribbean and Pacific (MV ACP).

The MV 2017 aims to proceed the success achieved on the first edition of the Merging Voices Project, continuing to foster the mutual enrichment, the transfer of know-how and best practices, contributing to the development of our global society, economy and culture.

This objectives will be met through mobility of students, professor and administrative staff. Mobility will continue to play a decisive role in the internationalization strategy of the institutions, and the new Merging Voices aims to reinforce it. The MV 2017 has added three Partner Countries to the project, Cambodia, Malaysia and New Zealand, which bring 4 new Higher Education Institutions (HEI). In addition, we also added 3 new HEI from countries that were already MV Partners in the 1st edition of the project.

On the other hand, the MV ACP is a two week event that will occur in 2018 in the four Universities of the Portuguese Consortium. The Consortium will organize a Staff Training Programme, in Portugal, with members of 12 ACP countries: East Timor, Cameroon, Angola, Cape Verde, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Guyana, Madagascar, Mozambique, Seychelles, Tanzania and Uganda. Therefore, only incoming administrative staff is eligible for the MV ACP.

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