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University of Porto Famous Alumni

Zulmiro de Carvalho

Fotografia de Zulmiro de Carvalho Zulmiro de Carvalho
Sculptor and university lecturer

Monumento à comunidade maiata, de Pais de Figueiredo e Zulmiro de CarvalhoZulmiro Neves de Carvalho was born in Aldeia Alegre, in Valbom, Gondomar, on 12 March 1940.

He attended primary school in Rossamonde School, Valbom, the first cycle at Ramalho Ortigão School (1950-1952) and high school at the Soares dos Reis School of Decorative Arts, in Porto, first in day classes (1952-1954) and later in night classes (1955-1958).

In 1963, he attended the Preparatory Studies to enter the Sculpture course at the Porto School of Fine Arts (1963-1968).

During his academic training, supported by a bursary from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, he contacted with important artists, for example, Lagoa Henriques, Gustavo Bastos, José Rodrigues, Eduardo Tavares, Alberto Carneiro, Barata Feyo, Ângelo de Sousa and Jorge Pinheiro, and participated in the Magna Exhibitions organized by ESBAP, and in the Extra-School Exhibitions.

He concluded his degree in 1968 presenting a thesis which was awarded 19 marks out of 20.

The following year, he was invited to occupy the post of Sculpture Assistant at ESBAP, where he taught until 1995, when he retired as Assistant Professor.

Escultor Anthony CaroBetween 1971 and 1973, he obtained a new bursary from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, which enabled him to follow post-graduation studies at St. Martin's School of Fine Arts. During his stay in London, he worked with avant-garde artists such as Philip King (1934-), Anthony Caro (1924-), William Tucker (1933-) and David Annesley (1936-)

In 1973, he returned to Porto and resumed his teaching activity.
During the 90s, together with Carlos Barreira and Carlos Marques, he set up an experimental workshop (1993-1994), which served as basis for the reformulation of Sculpture education at the Porto School of Fine Arts, and which made him return to ESBAP.

The sculpture works by Zulmiro de Carvalho are characterized by having a meticulous drawing, and are built by qualified technicians; other features include simplicity, sobriety and grandeur in terms of structure, in iron, bronze and steel. These materials were then combined with marble, slate and wood.

His work is well represented in the three productions he called "Escultura" (Sculpture) (1896-1987), in the works he exhibited in 1987 at the Nasoni Gallery, in Porto, in the very large sculpture in polished granite designed for the commemorations of the 150th anniversary of the Prado do Repouso Cemetery, also in Porto (1839-1989), in the sculpture for Prelada, in Porto, in 1993, in the "Pórtico do Monte Castro" (Monte Castro Portico) in Gondomar (1994), the Antuã Sculpture (1995), and also the "O Arco do Oriente" (Orient Arch), in Macau, inaugurated on 1 June 1996.

Escultura de Zulmiro de Carvalho em MatosinhosHis sculptures can be found in Porto (S. Lázaro Garden, Faculty of Fine Arts Garden, BCP Bank, Prado do Repouso Cemetery and the Market), in Figueira da Foz (Abadias Park), in Lisbon (Subway, the Caixa Geral de Depósitos building and Companhia Portuguesa Rádio Marconi), in the Azores (Legislative and Regional Parliament, Santíssimo Sacramento Chapel, Fátima Sanctuary), in Matosinhos (Exponor roundabout and City Hall), in Maia (Visconde de Barreiros Avenue), in Caldas da Rainha; several collections (belonging to Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Secretariat of State for Culture, in Lisbon; to Serralves Foundation, in Porto; to the International Modern Sculpture Museum, in Santo Tirso; to the Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Municipal Museum, in Amarante), a sculpture in Carlos Assumpção Lane, in Macau; in the British Museum, in London, etc.

In additional to the many national awards he has received, Zulmiro de Carvalho has exhibited his work in several individual and collective exhibitions, in both Portugal (Barcelos, Amarante, Braga, Porto, Coimbra, Lisboa, Santo Tirso, Guimarães, etc.) and abroad (symposiums and international exhibitions), namely in Madrid, Amsterdam, Bonn, Copenhagen, Goa, Brazil (Belém and Rio de Janeiro) and Cape Verde.
(Universidade Digital / Gestão de Informação, 2009)

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