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No laboratório à conversa com... Ana P. Pinheiro

4 de março | 14h30 | Laboratório de Fala

Dia 4 de março decorre mais uma sessão do ciclo "No laboratório à conversa com...". Nesta sessão, a convidada é Ana P. Pinheiro, do Laboratório de Neuropsicofisiologia / Escola de Psicologia / Universidade do Minho e a temática a abordar será "The social brain in the act of communication: ERP insights". Decorre no Laboratório da Fala, às 14h30. A entrada é livre, mas requer inscrição para paulobranco@fpce.up.pt Resumo Human social communication is a complex process that relies on the dynamic interaction between verbal and non-verbal cues, and that responds to human beings' fundamental social nature. The process of communicating in a social context involves, among other abilities, the detection of emotional salience from a voice signal. For example, the way the sentence "John will visit on Monday" is uttered lets the listener know if the speaker is happy, sad, or angry about John's visit. Even though, in the last decades, the study of social communication was revolutionized by neuroscience methods, the brain mechanisms underlying social communication are not yet well understood. The high temporal resolution of the event-related potentials (ERP) methodology is ideal for the study of processes that occur at an extremely fast rate, such as speech and vocal perception. In this talk, ERP evidence shedding light on the time course of vocal emotional comprehension will be discussed. These findings support a hierarchical and multi-stage model of vocal emotional processing, based on a dynamic interplay between sensory-based and higher-order cognitive processes. Mais informações Laboratório de Fala Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto Rua Alfredo Allen, 4200-135 Porto T.| 220 400 610 E. | labfala@fpce.up.pt U. | www.fpce.up.pt/ncl cartaz
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