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MIEIC/PRODEI Seminars on Data Mining

November 26 | 16h00 | Room B022

inesc Date: November, 26 Time: 16:00 Venue: Room B022, FEUP Speaker: Vera Miguéis (FEUP) Title: Analytical Customer Relationship Management in Retailing Abstract: The competitive environment in which companies operate is forcing them to adopt customer centered strategies. This seminar aims at presenting some projects focused on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the retail sector. The methodology proposed aims to tackle customer identification by segmenting customers using clustering data mining techniques. Customer attraction and customer development are addressed by means of the design of differentiated marketing actions, based on association data mining techniques. Customer retention is approached by the development of models that determine the promptness of customers to leave the company for the competition. Furthermore, this seminar encompasses the presentation of a methodology used to assess the impact of cross market discounts in terms of sales volume. Short-Bio: V. L. Miguéis is an Assistant Professor in the department of Industrial Engineering and Management at the School of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal. She received her PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management from the School of Engineering of the University of Porto in 2012 and received the master degree from the same school in 2008. Her research interests include customer relationship management, data mining, customer intelligence and forecasting. Her research specifically focuses on the use of data mining techniques to support customer relationship management. She has published papers in several international journals indexed in the Web of Knowledge. She has taught courses in operations research, statistics and operations management. She is the external relations manager of the Industrial Engineering and Management Master of the School of Engineering of the University of Porto. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Disclose your events and projects by e-mail Find out more about our services in SICC site
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