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Eurau14 Istanbul

7ª edição | Composite Cities

A sétima edição do EURAU que se realizará em 2014 na Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Técnica de Istambul, estrutura-se em continuidade com as edições anteriores o EURAU14 ISTANBUL concentrando a discussão no tema "Composite Cities". «The theme "composite cities" refers to this complexity of our cities; ever increasing through new urban emergences adding up to the existing urban environment and continuously redefining our urban experience. Thus the conference aims to enable a medium to discuss the complex relationship between urban form and urban experience through the composite character of our cities explained hereby in four topics-possible states of composite being: hybrid city, morphed city, fragmented city and mutated city. The conference is expected to evolve around the question of "how?"s of architectural practice for the composite city. Hence, the essentials of architectural realities- scale, order, space, place, program, content, identity ...- will define the backbone of the discussions». Mais informações em
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